First of all he told us that they always say a prayer before they preform. He also shared that their goal as they share this music is to uplift the audience and allow them to feel the love of our Heavenly Father through music. During that music I did feel the love of my Heavenly Father. Because of this I realized that our Father sent us here to help others feel of His love. No matter what your journey in life. Whether you are a doctor, a teacher, an office assistant, a minister or construction worker, a daughter, a son, a mother, a father, brother, aunt or grandparent your greatest work on this earth is to share the love of God with our fellow brothers and sisters. If we allow our "other" work to get in the way of this then we are not living up to our potential. I heard a woman years ago in church say words that ring true to me today. She said that "this life is about love and it always has been!"
As this beautiful moving symphony played I read the biography of Sergei Rachmaninoff and as I read tears came to my eyes. "Rachmaninoff wrote two of his three symphonies before leaving Russia. The first, a youthful work from 1895, was dynamic and energetic but failed dismally with the audience and critics at its premiere. This was a demoralizing blow for Rachmaninoff, whose confidence as a composer remained fragile throughout his career. Although his Piano Concerto no.2 from 1901 was a stunning success, he still felt anxious about attempting another major orchestral piece."
Just as the symphony has it's moments of darkness and discord as well as light and harmony so does my life. If music was always "happy" and "joyful" it would be boring. It is through those difficult times and times of growth the musical resolution creates beauty. How beautiful to know that I don't have to feel bad about a glum day. I don't have to turn my souls song into the blues, but it's okay to have problems to solve and solutions to find. Every day I write my symphony. Some days the sound is bright and has much fanfare and other days the music is forlorn and dissonant. Even in these days of dissonance there is hope that my song will end on a beautiful note of resolution. As Plato said, "“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” I will soar through all the notes of life that make up my song. A beautiful song that we all wright each and every day. Thank you for living your song with me. It is beautiful!
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