Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fun, Enjoyment, Life!

Overall thinking about all these blessing and also all the smaller blessings that I write down daily I know that I have been blessed with a life of fun and enjoyment. I have been amply blessed beyond what I can even believe. It has been nice to see all my blessings written down. I think my biggest blessing this year is know exactly what my blessings are. I pray that I may always have a grateful heart because it makes me more joyful, more loving, more giving, happier, and more aware of my ability to help others. I am thankful for this life I have been blessed with. The Lord does love me and it is evident in all the things he has blessed me with.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Christmas Spirit

Last year I experienced the hardest Christmas in my life so far. This year I have every intention to make things different. That is why I am going to start 24 days of Christmas gifts. I have done the 12 days of Christmas and really enjoyed that but often that costs money. This year I am going to do a gift everyday of December up until Christmas. I REALLY hope this helps me get the real spirit of Christmas. I have faith that it will.
SO here's what I am going to do. I am going to find one way everyday to give something of myself that I wouldn't normally give at Christmas. These ideas include volunteer to watch someone's children while they go Christmas shopping, making something (bread, cookies, dinner, etc.) and taking it to someone, getting out of the house and visiting others, any kind acts that the Lord is willing to put into my head as I pray everyday to do an act of kindness that is meaningful to someone. I hope that this will make my Holidays more merry and bright this year. I will try and keep you updated as to how it goes although I won't promise daily updates. Please accept the challenge to do this yourselves and let's see how much Christmas cheer we can spread this year! If you do please let me know how it impacts your life! Here's wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

Have a Seat.

Kent and I have been blessed with many things in our marriage. One thing in particular I feel we have been blessed with is furniture. Now it may not be the most beautiful, but we have spent very little money having to furnish our apartment. When I met Kent he had accumulated many couches, the desk our computer is sitting on, a bed, an entertainment center, end tables, a dryer and a washer. He had also bought a TV and DVD/VCR combo. After we were married we were blessed with even more. Money was contributed to a store in his hometown that was only short about $100 of the cost of a new mattress and box springs as well as frames. We were able to buy a nice table from our friends for $20. Kent's parents bought Braxton's crib. My sister gave us the bed frame Braxton sleeps on. I was able to buy me a piano the Christmas before Braxton was born that I would not be able to afford now. That doesn't account for each piece of furniture in our home, but we really have been blessed overwhelmingly with so much in order to furnish our home. I am very grateful for that!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Drive Baby Drive

Kent and I have rarely been without a vehicle and I think that is a blessing all in itself. I have had the opportunity to help those who have been without one and it usually brings quite a bit of frustration. I am thankful for both of our vehicles. I am thankful that my little car has lasted so long without a lot of repairs needed. I am also thankful that we have my car paid off. It is so great to have a car without a car payment. In these times it is also a blessing to have a vehicle that is so fuel efficient. I am also thankful Kent has a truck that he really enjoys. We have been blessed to find a truck that is able to pull all the things Kent has had to pull. I also find it to be a blessing when we have been able to help so many people pick things up because they wouldn't fit in a car. We have been blessed.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Other Skills

With all the blessings I have spoken of this month one group that is rarely thought of but always appreciated are my skills. I have been blessed with multiple skills that are more than handy and most of which are accredited to my mother. These are also skills from work, school, friends and life. Rather than go on and on about each I think I will just list these ones.

Cleaning (even deep cleaning)
Mothering (my child and others)
Computer Work
Canning Foods

I'm sure there are quite a few more skills but since I am not applying for a job those will do for now. I am thankful for all my skills listed and unlisted.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Teach a Man How to Fish...

Give a man a fish and he'll eat for the day. Teach a man to fish and he'll eat for life. I think we all know this old proverb, but how many of us can "fish"? I feel that I have been blessed with wonderful tools in my life. This year I have been able to buy and can some fruit and get some food storage built up. I am so thankful for this skill in my life. I can't even begin to explain what it has meant to me do be able to put in the work and build up that storage. I appreciate what others do for me but I appreciate even more all the things that I can do for myself!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Day in the Life of a Two-year-old

Sunday was a very interesting day that I shows some of Braxton's quirky personality. I'd like to share it with you. The day started off usual with getting ready for church and getting there. We finished up primary sharing time and nursery music time and Braxton needed to be changed. It was a little bit of a blow out so I went home to get him some new clean pants. When I came back and changed him he was so mad at me. Braxton knows which clothes are his church clothes and he will not wear any others. He was mad about the wrong pants all through sacrament meeting.

During sacrament meeting we had an intermediate hymn and when the song finished I thought I would look and see what the closing song was. As I was looking Braxton took the hymn book from me and put it away as if to say, "Mom, singing time is over now." Funny thing with that, a few weeks ago we were sitting in church and the speakers finished early. Everyone was expecting to sing the closing song and end but the bishop got up. I guess Braxton knows what comes next because he started singing with his hymnbook on his lap while the bishop said a few words. How could we stop him. He knew it was time for the song.

After church it was nap time. Braxton had been in there a while and since Kent had left to home teach the house was quiet. Suddenly I heard Braxton shout "NO, puppy, no!" I started to laugh. I laughed even harder when I heard him crying his overly 'fake' cry. Then it moved on to the sound of a matchbox car driving up and down the door. As you can see our nap time is VERY restful for him.

One work of progress we have going on these days is toilet training and Braxton is doing very well. I have been starting to let him take care of going on his own thinking that maybe I am keeping him from going when I am in there. Apparently having me gone is a bigger distraction because there is soap to play with in the tub, there is toilet paper to flush, and on Sunday there were swirly's to be had. Yes, I walked into the bathroom and Braxton had dipped his little head in the toilet. So potty time will no longer be alone time.

Finally dinner was a little slow going on Sunday and my smart little boy noticed that. He got the chair, slid it over to the counter and started getting out graham cracker after graham cracker to his hearts delight. He is becoming quite self sufficient. This morning he got out the leftover french toast in the fridge and started eating it. When he saw that I hadn't eaten yet he brought me the other ziploc bag of french toast. Should I be proud of Braxton or ashamed of me that my son is getting me breakfast. Anyway I just wanted to share those stories because my baby is really growing up these days. Here's some pictures to enjoy.

Braxton likes to take his toys with us when we go out walking...

This day he felt the need to take all of his toys...
he didn't take in account that there was no room for himself!

I don't take too many pictures of my biggest kid.

The other day I pointed out this police car across the street to Braxton...

A few minutes later I saw him driving this car in the window sill. What great object association!

We Thank Thee O God For A Prophet

This is a song I love to hear because I am very thankful for prophets who guide us in these latter-days. I still remember when President Kimball died and I was so sad that my prophet had died. Later as a teenager I gained strong testimony and was blessed with a testimony that Gordon B. Hinckley was truly a prophet of God. Again as President Thomas S. Monson was called I gained the same testimony of him. I feel very blessed to have known these things and to be able to hear and follow prophets that God has called to lead men in these trying times. What a wonderful blessing.

Monday, November 24, 2008

All the Many Talents!

Playing the Piano. Working with Kids. Ability to Sing Alto, Soprano, and 2nd Soprano. Making Friends. Hosting Game Nights. Writing. Consistantly Exercising. Being Kind to Others. Laughing and Making Others Laugh. The list could go on and on with much thought I am sure, but these are the talents I feel I have been blessed with.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Modern Technology

I am the product of my mother. She was always one who wondered, "what ever happened too..." Yup that's me. There are very few friends I have had that I could care less about. I am always wanting to know where they are, how their life turned out, and what they are doing. Most of the time my mom just wondered because it was too hard to track them all down. I feel blessed to live in these times when I can connect to so many of you through the internet and enjoy the comforts of modern technology. While I don't consider myself a techno guru, I do think I am pretty computer savvy. I'm sure I can chalk that up to my dad who had me learning my address and phone number on the computer before I went to school (little program that flashed or something if I got it right). I just reconnected with one of my first roommates and it is so nice to see that her life is wonderful! I just feel like I am very blessed in many way to live in these times. In addition I feel I am blessed to have a computer as well as the means to enjoy the many joys of the internet.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Color Red

Lately I have been thinking about the versitility of the color red. It is a Christmas color. It's the color of Valentines Day. It is one of the three colors we wear on the 4th of July. It's the color of many fruits and even some vegetables. It is a vibrant color that gets attention in paintings, pictures, and on people. Want to spice up your walls? Add some shade of red to them. Either way we can all agree that red is the color of life. It's a fabulous color.

Most times during the year I don't think too much on one color over an other, but on this day of the year I have to say that I bleed RED! GO UTES!

Got this picture on email entitled "why some kids don't have friends." Whether he was wearing a red shirt or a blue one you have to admit this picture is funny! Just so happens it fit my purposes.

Fabulous Foods

Last night I had the most delicious stir fry with yummy vegetables, rice, peanuts, and chicken that was covered in the most savory Wasabi Teriyaki sauce. It was to die for and it was all homemade! This morning I am enjoying a couple of homemade whole wheat waffles. Before dinner last night I was dreaming of melt in your mouth walnut candied shrimp. mmmmmmm. Today I am not only thankful to have food and nurishment in my life, but I am so blessed to be able to enjoy good food that is enjoyable to eat. How many of us appreciate that we have delicious food (and as much as we want) at our fingertips? I know I take it for granted far too often. We always have the same foods and I look in the fridge and nothing looks good, but am I thankful for the choice? I would hope I can understand how blessed I am so I can really appreciate that I can spoil my taste buds every now and again. I have been blessed not only with that but also with a desire to eat healthy. That in itself is a blessing in a nation that has a high obesity rate because we all are eating fast food. I am very thankful to be blessed to live in a nation at a time where fresh fruits and vegetables are brought in every day and while some is overly preserved it's still fairly healthy food to eat. Let's all be thankful for this blessing.

Friday, November 21, 2008


How can I be grateful for my job and not my husband's bread winning job. His company has been so good to us. Kent has been there for 7 1/2 years and has really enjoyed his work. He is in a smaller company that has grown quite a bit since he started. They have taken care of our family's financial needs and have given Kent work even when work was slow. One of the highlights to my holiday season is Kent's work party. They treat their employees very well and each year there has been a gift for the women as well. I have always felt the appreciation they have for the hard work their employees give them. At this time of year and with the economy so scary I find myself being more grateful for Kent's company than I have ever been.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Women's Apparel

While losing pounds is great one of the set backs is the lack of women's clothing that fits now. What is even more frustrating is not having enough money to go out and replace the clothing you have with clothing in the new size. Now, this is a gratitude blog so stay with me here. One of the blessings I have found in my life over the past year has been my employment at Eddie Bauer. I have been able to buy good quality clothing for a little less and I HAVE to wear their products to work which forces me to shop (something I don't really like going out and doing). It is a win win situation. In addition to the discount I have a little extra money in my pockets so I can actually afford to buy clothes. I never thought I would like having a job in addition to being a mom, but this really has turned out to be a good job. I know that this is something I need to have a lot of gratitude for because with the downturn in the economy no one's job is really safe. I am thankful for this job and feel blessed to have such wonderful people to work with. My managers are so great to be patient with me as I have had to learn about the products and learn to sell them (something I knew nothing about before now). I have really been blessed to have such a great job come into my life. I know that Kristi was inspired to ask me if I knew of anyone wanting a job.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mental Power

I did not pay a lot of attention to mental health growing up. I didn't understand the idea of "mind over body." As an adult I have come to understand just how real and true that statement is. I have been blessed with improved mental health and for that I am ever so grateful. While not clinically diagnosed I have struggled with depression many times. After I had Braxton I had post partum depression. I was grateful at that point to live in a time when we understand how to treat these illnesses. I still believe I struggle with seasonal depression, but I feel it's something I can control for the most part. Knowing the downside to depression I am thankful to be mentally strong the majority of the time. I feel blessed to have mental health, but to be able to recognize when I don't have it and to know how to take care of it. This is on blessing I really am grateful for.

Happy Birthday Devin!!!

I know this picture is horribly blurry, but I don't have any current pictures of Devin. I don't even know if I have any digital pictures of Devin that are old. Considering Devin checks his email today and his birthday is tomorrow I am writing his birthday post one day early.
Those who know Devin know that he has had a rocky path in this life. Many of you didn't know him when he was a toddler and I just want to say that he was the cutest toddler in our family. I feel pretty safe in saying that because he was an adorable little boy. Cute dimples with soft blond hair (almost white) and a smile to bring joy to anyone.

Before he went to school he made friends with Scott three houses down and those two loved each other. Devin was always a very curious child. My mom was always calling out the door looking for DEVIN! In fact one day she found that he and another neighbor boy had ridden their bikes to a busy road as they were headed to 7-11 or somewhere. Luckily a neighbor lady had called and told her. He wasn't a naughty boy he just went wherever his little mind wanted him to go.

As we moved to Oregon and got established there Devin began school. It seemed that school became a struggle for him. He also struggled to find friends. I know that the two were related but I don't know which one came first. Either way Devin struggled so much that throughout his life he lived for visits back to Utah when he would see his best friend Scott. He really loved Scott and hung onto that young friendship. He also clung to the love from his family.

As Devin got older he was able to gain a few friends in Oregon and even more after he graduated and moved to New Mexico. That change seemed to make the difference in Devin's life. Somehow the sunshine brought Devin to life. It was actually lively to speak with him on the phone. It makes me happy knowing that he is serving a mission in a similar climate.

Through all of Devin's struggles the gospel has always been a breeze for him. He loves his Savior and takes his priesthood responsibilities very serious. He has looked forward to his mission with enthusiasm and excitement. I know that he is a spiritual giant inside that body. When it comes to the gospel he definitely has his sights set straight!

Finally I wish to tell Devin how much I love him. As older siblings we are constantly trying to guide and direct him because we want so much for him to see himself as the wonderful person he is. He's had too many years of loneliness and rejection to believe his great worth. I see it though. I see a handsome man when he loves himself enough to care for himself. There is so much to love and I know that someday there will be a woman who will see that in him, but she will only see that if he believes in himself. I believe in Devin and more importantly I know that my Heavenly Father believes in him. I hope that is what Devin is learning as he serves our Heavenly Father. He truly does love all his children and not one goes unloved by him. I love you Devin. I hope you have a very happy birthday!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Blessings of Health

I have been a fairly healthy person all my life despite many poor habits I have allowed into my life. This year my health has taken a huge leap whereas I have been able to lose so much weight. I can't even believe how much my health has improved over my previously healthy life. I have noticed my body get stronger and feel better through my healthy journey. I have even noticed the little health improvements. Improvements like: shorter colds, being able to turn down unhealthy foods, stronger mental health, more ability in my body, and the list goes on and on. I am thankful for my health and I am thankful to be motivated by so many to become even more healthy. Thank you!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Friends Bring Me Joy and Gratitude

I have been so blessed with a full and joyous life. I feel like my life has been enriched by so many wonderful friends. I am able to get along with many kinds of people which allows me to find friends quickly. I'm thankful to each and every one of you who have enriched my life in so many ways. I wish I could write a little bit about each one of you and how you have been a blessing in my life. Of course if I did that I would be blogging for many many hours. I just want you to know that it is very rare that a person comes into my life without impacting it in some way. That is evident by the fact that I can still remember names and faces from before grade school and well into my later years. Sufficient to say I am who I am because of the wonderful friends I have been blessed with in my life. I thank all of you for being blessings to me. I look forward to enriching your lives as well as you enriching mine. I know there are more blessings to come and I can't imagine how they too will bless my life.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

For the Beauty of the Earth

I have been blessed to live here in this marvelous world. Each and every thing around me has the beauty that allows God's presence to shine through. The mountains of my home come in many colors. In winter they are white and seem to shine. Spring brings a lush green landscape in summer. Fall the mountains turn red, yellow and orange. It doesn't even take long to drive south and find the beauty of the red rocks. The tall green timbers are a beautiful accent to all of those colors. One of the blessings I long for in the winter are the many colors the flowers bring into my life. I have long adored the beauty of many flowers large and small. I am blessed with the beauty of the sun arising and setting and lighting up the sky. At night the moon shines down in all it's diversity and it sits among the twinkling of the stars. Even the dirt has it's beauty as my son sees the magic of play in its opportunities. With all these natural wonders even the man made structures bring their own God-like beauty into my life. I feel so blessed to live in such a color rich beautiful world.

Home Sweet Home

Many times I have been back and forth with my wish to leave this place I have called home for the last five and a half years. There a quite a few drawbacks to apartment life. I could go into them, but I would prefer to discuss the blessings of this home I love. I am thankful we live in a home we can afford. I am thankful for great neighbors who make me feel safe here. I am thankful I live close enough to others that I don't feel alone even when I don't see them. I am thankful for the walls that keep me warm in the winter and cool in the summer. I am thankful for the organization I have been able to accomplish to get so much packed into this little place. I love that I have a place to wash my clothes and take a shower and sleep. I am grateful that our home is large enough to house my small family. Some day I will find a new home that will work for my family as it grows but for now this home is as perfect for us as it can be.

Friday's Gratitude

This has been a busy weekend so unfortunately I haven't been able to write my gratitude for Friday or Saturday. We will fix that now. I have been blessed with an amazing physical body. I didn't always understand that like I do now in my life. I have been working to lose weight, get in shape, and become healthier. I can't believe what those things have allowed my body to do. I feel like this is the strongest and most beautiful body. I am so proud to have a body that is capable of so much. I have been blessed with beautiful silky brown hair, lovely eyes, and great smile, and all kinds of nice facial features. I love my strong arms and legs and even my core that gets stronger everyday. It's capable of doing hard things and getting stronger and stronger. I love this wonderful body the Lord has blessed me with.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Enduring Persecution

Gays Bashing Mormons Over Prop 8 Nationwide. White Powder Sent to Mormon Temples In Utah And LA. Same-sex marriage protesters surround LDS temple in New York City. I am sure there are more headlines to come. Interestingly enough we seem to be the church of choice to blame for the fact that Homosexuals can no longer be married in the state of California. Despite the fact that the bishops of the diocese (catholic church) in Salt Lake as well as Sacramento have made public statements that they too have backed the proposition and are against gay marriage. On one website (I recommend looking at this one I found it interesting) I found results of the election and 52.2% voted yes (end gay marriage) and 47.8% voted no (don't end it). Interestingly enough according to this website 50.3% of Los Angeles county voted yes on this proposition. With all these factors I am amazed that blame is found with us. I am fairly certain that the 52.2% who voted yes are not all mormon.

There have been protests in front of many temples including The Salt Lake, Los Angeles, and Manhattan, to name a few I am sure. The Los Angeles had to be closed due to the security threat. There are all kinds of threats being written. Burn the mormons temples to the ground is one. Take away their tax exempt status. There are many many more. In fact yesterday the Salt Lake temple also had to be shut down do to a white powder that was sent there as well as the Los Angeles temple. It is said that Saturday there is supposed to be rallies in every state protesting this movement.

The most interesting article I found is one entitled Gay marriage ban backlash: Calls for Utah boycott. There were two reasons I found this article interesting. First there was a quote by a Washington DC based blogger who stated that the church took "marriage away from 20,000 couples and made their children bastards." I apologize for any offense to the word. To soften the blow I will point out the definition of illegitimate (the word the wikipedia give for this) is: born to a woman and a man who are not married to one another. So technically this is an untrue statement. The most interesting part about this article was this quote, "The irony in the attack on Utah's tourism industry is that it would likely do the most harm in Salt Lake City and Park City - two of the state's most liberal cities and those with some of the smallest percentages of Mormons in the state. "

I have found concern and stress over this issue as the conditions seem to worsen daily. As I have remembered to read my scriptures and pray I have found peace and comfort. I even found a stronger desire to make it to the temple. I went on my own tonight and enjoyed the blessings of the initiatory. If anyone is struggling with the things that are going on right now I suggest that is something you need to be reminded of. There are wonderful blessings to be given at the temple. He Lord is ever watchful of us and He is listening to our prayers. If we do what we have been told our homes can be our own temples that will keep us safe from these storms.

We do, however, have an obligation to get out of our homes and share the gospel with those around us. Why are we keeping such a valuable lifeline to ourselves when our neighbor and those around us are drowning in the sins and evils of this world. We all (including myself) need to do more to share the gospel with others so that their lives can be abundantly blessed as ours have been. This misfortune could actually open up opportunities to share the gospel so lets be ready for the opportunities.

As I have read the scriptures I realize that there really is a responsibility for this gospel to be heard at all corners of the earth. People need to be tested as to where they will stand and whether or not they will accept the gospel. To those who feel we hate you and are against you it's not true. Yes there will be some members of our church who will be wrong and judge you. Most of us try to love everyone and accept all God's children, but we are not perfect. We love you and wish for the best in your life, but we cannot accept what you choose. You may have tendencies but it is still what you choose to do with those that matters. If you read the bible God has been very clear about how He feels about your choices. Come unto Christ and leave your sins behind. We do love you and above all I know God loves you.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sunday School Answers

As a member of the church there are times in church when you are asked a question and the answers are "the Sunday School" answers. These are answers like, read your scriptures, say your prayers, go to church, go to the temple, etc. While many people may dismiss these answers as boring and easy I find great joy and gratitude in doing them. Sometimes I am better at doing these things than others, but I can guarantee that when I am doing them my life is so much richer and I am more blessed. Today as I read the scriptures I soaked up every word. Our world is getting more and more wicked and it is scary to live here...unless you have the scriptures. The scriptures bring hope that as long as I follow God and repent of all my trespasses I can rise above the sins of this world. I can remain clean and pure and live with God again in His goodness and light. I pray that we can all remember this and remember to be grateful for the scriptures and prayer. We have lifelines to our heavenly home. We should be using them.

"I never said it would be easy I only said it would be worth it"

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Membership Included

I have a close friend who has made some mistakes in their life and has been working on repentance. There is a chance they may lose their membership in the church. For that reason I include not only my testimony of the gospel in my gratitude, but also my membership. My friend has a testimony, but having a testimony doesn't automatically mean you are a member. Just like being a member doesn't mean you have a testimony. I am thankful for the blessings attached to my membership. I am blessed with the constant companionship of the spirit. I am blessed to be able to hold callings that help me to grow in the gospel and in life. I am able to attend the temple and partake of the sacrament as long as I keep myself worthy. There are many other blessings that I could go on and on about, but these are the big ones for me. In closing I would like to leave lyrics to a Primary song.

I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I know who I am.
I know God’s plan.
I’ll follow him in faith.
I believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ.
I’ll honor his name.
I’ll do what is right;
I’ll follow his light.
His truth I will proclaim.

Words and music: Janice Kapp Perry, b. 1938. © 1989 IRI

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I Love Me

I remember in high school and college often times being confused as to why men weren't beating down my door. Honestly, I looked in the mirror and saw a beautiful woman who was just as beautiful on the inside. I don't say this to be cocky or conceided. I say it because I have been blessed in my life to really truly like the person I am. I don't know a lot of girls who felt so good about themselves both inside and out...especially during those years. I do feel blessed though to have been able to like the person the person I was then.
For a long time I lost touch with that woman. Don't get me wrong. I always loved the beautiful me inside. I just wasn't so sure there was much beauty on the outside. I could blame this on pregnancy. I could blame it on ice cream (which honestly both are a little to blame), but I blame it on allowing myself to not be the best me I can be.
Most of you know about my successful weightloss of which I am very proud. It is amazing to me that I lost sight of how beautiful I really am. I have worked really hard in searching out who I want to become (even as a little girl) and I feel I am that woman. In the last five years I have learned so much about finding joy in my life. It has little to do with Kent. It has little to do with Braxton. It has little to do with any outside influences. It has everything to do with me.
As I have continued to think about where I am going and what I want to do with my life I have enjoyed the purposeful direction my life has taken. I love being a mom. I love taking time to play with my son and enjoy the life as a wife to Kent. To some I may not have the ideal life. They may be right. I chose to disagree. I can either focus on what I don't have or what I do. I can focus on what Kent and Braxton aren't and what they don't do or I can focus on who they are and what they do. I am thankful that I have learned to focus on the positive. I am thankful that I have come so far in recognizing my blessings so that I can enjoy this beautiful life. With that I leave you so I can go play with my beautiful son who is desiring some of my time...but not without a question to you. Do you really love you? Have you always loved you? I am interested to know.

Thankful to be Free

Today is a wonderful day to have gratitude for my freedoms. I find myself to be very patriotic and passionate about supporting and honoring our troops. I need to do more for them in light of that. I recognize the sacrifices not only the men and women in the services make, but also the sacrifices their families make. I have a deep and profound gratitude for those sacrifices. Because of them I have the freedom to worship how I want to. I have the freedom to complain about the government and anything else I want to. I have the freedom to express myself and my beliefs however I see fit without fear of reproach. I have the freedom to raise my family how I feel is best and I am thankful for that freedom. I took great pride in exercising my right to participate in democracy last week. I owe that right to many and I am grateful to all of them. I thank my Heavenly Father for all of my rights.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Gratitude in a Testimony

One this I value over almost all that I have is my testimony of the restored gospel. There are many components to this testimony. I have felt the loving embrace of my Heavenly Father in my times of need and know that He is there and He does love me. That feeling has extended to others and I have felt His love for them. I know that our Heavenly Father loves all of us even those who His children find difficult to love. I have felt the confirmation of the Holy Ghost in witnessing to me that our prophet is His prophet and he is the one called to lead and guide His church. I have a knowledge of the Book of Mormon being a book of Christ written by his Holy Prophets of old. In addition I know that Joseph Smith is the prophet God called to restore his church here on the earth in these latter days. Because of these simple testimonies I have been blessed with I know that if I have any questions about the doctrines I am taught I am able to pray to the Lord and ask Him if they are true. This testimony I value almost more than anything in my life. You may be able to take away my church, my family, my temple, and all my worldly possessions, but you can never ever take my testimony away from me without me allowing it. For that I am truly grateful!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Gratitude for the Temple

I have a great gratitude for the temples of the Lord. I feel abundantly blessed to have been married in the temple and to know that I have been sealed to my husband and family. I have always loved knowing that families can be together forever and that has always been the desire of my heart. I can't imagine the uncertainty of wondering if I will see my family again after I die. I am thankful we have temples of God and that I am worthy through the goodness of God to go inside. I am thankful to have been able to make covenants with God and know that if I keep those covenants I will be blessed to be called one of His at the last day. May we all be thankful for the holy sacred temples of these days.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Thankful for Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, etc.

Growing up in my family included many times with my parents families. I have many memories with both sides that I wouldn't change for the world. I was blessed to have the influence of many people in my life. I have four wonderful grandparents that I miss. I was blessed with 12 aunts and 13 uncles from both families. Two uncles I never knew, but I was still able to learn from stories of their time here on earth. With so many aunts and uncles I have 53 cousins who I know and love. With 82 people entending the family I grew up with I have had a lot of experience with family to learn from. That's a lot of years of living to learn from and I feel blessed to have learned many lessons big and small from each and every one of them. I pray that each and every one of them is blessed and knows how loved they are. I know I am blessed to know them.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Grateful for In-Laws

I have found so much joy in being a part of all of Kent's family this past year especially. I feel very much a part of them and look forward to the times I get to spend with them. A few things I appreciate are that they are all very hard workers. Not only do they work hard, but they don't even complain about it. If there are dishes to be done they just do them. They even do them pleasantly. They have a great sense of the importance of family and being there to help each other out. I used to get so frustrated with Kent that he wanted to drive two and a half hours to help with this and that. I now realize that he not only feels it's his duty to help, but he enjoys working with his family members. Just like my family and others they have their trials and challenges. No family comes without it's shortcomings, but despite the struggles I can honestly say that I love Kent's family and I feel very blessed to be a part of their love and kindness. I pray that I can add as much to their family as they have added to me and mine.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I will never forget the day Erik was born. There was not a more proud sister in the world. I was in kindergarten and I couldn't wait to go to school and share that I had a brand new brother. He was the most adorable little boy. He had the cutest dimples. He's still a cute kid.

Growing up with Erik offered many memories. One of the earliers memories was when Erik allowed me to dress him up like a doll and make him a girl. He was always willing to let his big sister do what she wanted. When he was a little older and I was in high school I took him with my friends and me to a basketball game at the high school. I told him if he was going to go with us that he had to open up all the girls doors. He was more than willing to accomodate.

Erik has always been looked up to and admired by others. As he was growing up it seemed that all the kids around regardless of age were drawn to him. Many times even kids Devin's and Liesel's age came around looking to play with Erik. Erik is one to look out for the friendless. He would never have any intentions to hurt or be unkind to anyone. He is a great brother and treats Devin and Liesel with great respect and care as an older brother to them.

One thing that is very honorable about Erik is his dedication to holding the priesthood. He has always taken that responsibility very seriously and he has high values. He is an outgoing and optimistic man and almost always wears a smile. For 23 years (I can't believe he's that old) I have been able to enjoy Erik as my "little" big brother. He is of large stature, but his heart is even bigger than that. Happy Birthday Erik. I am very glad you are my brother!

Noble priesthood holder


I am so thankful for the family I grew up in. I have wonderful parents who raised me well. I have three brothers and two sisters who have taught me more than even I realize. I have many memories that I cherish and I love continuing to make more and more memories with each and every one of them. I feel blessed to have been born into a family who loves one another and cherishes the virtues of the gospel. I am grateful to have the knowledge that I will be able to live with them in the presence of my Heavenly Father when this life is over. I could not ask for a better family to come to.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Family Pumpkin Time

The Sunday before Halloween we had a family get together and I brought pumpkins for each family to carve. It was fun to create together as a family. Thanks to Erik and Cheryl to letting us hold it at their house and play with pumpkins without stress about the mess. Thanks!

The Final Results

My silly boy posing for the camera. You'd think it was bedtime, but when I told him to go night night (for nap) he wanted to put pj's on.

Beautiful Life Here in the Fall!

I took a few pictures of the beauty all around us in the fall. Our neighbor invited us over to play in the leaves and Braxton and I had a blast. Enjoy the photo documentation.

Braxton and I LOVED playing in the leaves

This year's pumpkin creations. On the left we were going for Igor and the right was supposed to be Burt from Seasame Street.

Halloween Night Fun

Braxton went as a cowboy because it was the only thing I could convince him to wear. I know it was weak as far a costumes go, but it was a fight that I knew would only end in tears. We took a few friends along and really enjoyed trick or treating. We made out with lots of candy!

Gratitude for a Son

I never knew the joy that parenting would bring into my life. I truly have been blessed to have Braxton. I often feel he was the perfect child to introduce me to parenthood. He was not colicky. For the most part he slept well. He ate well, and has a laid back disposition. He doesn't come without his own difficulties, but those difficulties are ones I have been able to deal with so far. On the days that life becomes too hard to handle he is what keeps me going. I live to be able to enjoy him and his life for as long as possible. I truly have been blessed to have the little family I have and I cannot imagine being more blessed. My family bring me the greatest joy I have ever known. I am grateful for everyday I am blessed to have them in my life.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Month of Gratitude

Tonight I would like to express my gratitude for a wonderful husband. There are many things to admire about Kent. I am grateful for his ability to keep his cool. I cannot say that I have ever been yelled at in my marriage. In fact there are rarely times when he even raises his voice at me. To some that may be a given, but for me I really appreciate that there is love and respect for one another in our marriage. Another thing I love about Kent and my relationship is that I can talk with Kent about things that bother me and he is willing to listen and do his best to change. It usually takes him a while but on issues that really bother me it's never been longer than a year and that problem is no longer an issue. Kent is a very supportive husband. He lets me be me and he allows me to pursue my interests and dreams. I have been very blessed to marry a man who really is my best friend. I love him and I am grateful for his influence in my life.

Monday, November 3, 2008

A Year of Thanksgiving

It's already three days into the month, but when I came up with this idea today I knew I had to do it. For those of you who haven't noticed the daily gratitude and blessings list in my sidebar I have been writing down daily blessings for a year now. I started doing this last November in honor of Thanksgiving and noticed an immense change in my attitude. It was so immense that I have enjoyed carrying my gratitude journal on throughout the year. In honor of Thanksgiving this year I am going to elaborate each day on one of the 30 greatest blessings in my life. Today I will post three in order to catch up. I will still try and post other events, but I want to do this for two reasons. First I want to elaborate on each blessing so I remember not only what my blessings are, but why they mean so much to me. Secondly, I wish to instill in anyone willing the desire to keep their own daily blessings journal because I know how much happier it makes us when we focus on what we do have rather than what we do not have. None of us have it all, but we have all been blessed with more than we can imagine.

Nov. 1
The first blessing I would like to talk about is my relationship with a wonderful Heavenly Father. I am so thankful to know that I am a daughter of God and as such I have a Father in Heaven who I know loves me. I know that he desires love and happiness for me and all the richest blessing that are available. I am thankful for this knowledge and I am thankful to be able to pass that knowledge along to others who don't know this. I feel like the love of my Father in Heaven is one of the greatest blessings I have.

Nov. 2
I am very grateful for the knowledge of my savior Jesus Christ and for his overwhelming gift of the atonement. I know that I cannot comprehend this gift in its entirety, but I am so thankful for the beautiful feeling of peace that comes into my mind as I recall times when I have felt forgiven of my sins, when I have called upon Him for comfort, and many other times when I have felt the love of my Savior Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for the blessings in my life that are mine because of Him and His redeeming sacrifice.

Nov. 3
One of the greatest blessings in my life came when I was 8-years-old. Those of you who are LDS have also received this gift. Many others of you may have felt his presence without even realizing it. The gift of which I speak is the gift of the Holy Ghost. I cannot even begin to tell you how this has blessed my life. Those times I have felt Christ's forgiveness, My Heavenly Father's love, comfort, peace, etc. is because of the Holy Ghost. He is the reason I have a testimony of these things. With his witness I know that my Heavenly Father loves me. I know that my Savior has forgiven me and will continue to forgive me. I know that the principle and doctrines taught in the LDS are direct revelations from Jesus Christ and I can ask my Father in Heaven for these confirmations and the Holy Ghost will let me spirit know if these things are true. He let me know these things years ago when I asked and he continues to reaffirm that testimony everyday. I feel it is such a blessing in my life to be continually guided by the Holy Ghost every day.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Gratitude and Blessings in October

Fri 31 *I am thankful for new clothes that finally fit. I am thankful for fun trick-or-treating with Kent and Braxton as well as our friends Jill, Kacey, and Baylee.
Thur 30 *I am thankful for wonderful conference talk and the access of the internet on a day that I needed the spirit in my life.
Wed 29 *I am thankful for a fun day of enjoyment with Braxton.
Tue 28 *I am thankful for a fun Halloween activity at the church. I am also thankful Tomoko called and asked if Braxton and I wanted to come play in the leaves.
Mon 27 *I am thankful I was able to get in my exercise despite my lack of energy to do so.
Sun 26 *I am thankful the primary program came together so well. I am also thankful for a fun family night with my brother and sister's families.
Sat 25 *I am thankful for the opportunity Kent and I had to help my friend Carrie's mom move. It's good to see friend who are like family and it also nice to serve.
Fri 24 *I am so thankful for a wonderful day enjoying playing and laughing with Braxton. I am thankful to have such a wonderful little boy in my life.
Thur 23 *I am very thankful for my 20 pound weight loss. What a success!
Wed 22 *I am thankful I was able to run 5 miles in 55 min. 14 sec. I am also thankful I was able to get dinner ready in time for the missionaries tonight.
Tue 21 *I am thankful that Braxton and I were able to go to lunch with Kent today. It was nice to have a fun reason to get out of the house.
Mon 20 *I am thankful that I was able to slow down and be more patient and calm when dealing with Braxton. Instead of getting mad at him for fighting getting dressed I used the experience to teach him how to better communicate with me.
Sun 19 *I am thankful for our fun drive together in the "canyon"...and Henefer...and Morgan...and Legacy Parkway...etc.
Sat 18 *I am thankful Sis. Cheney showed up in time to help deal with our crisis during the primary activity. I am also thankful the fire station is right next door and the firemen are so willing to help out.
Fri 17 *I am thankful Jill offered to take Braxton this morning. It was nice to have some time to myself and to get back a happy boy because he had a good time playing with a friend.
Thur 16 *I am thankful Braxton was able to get a good nap today. I am also thankful for a phone call about Primary Presidency meeting because I had forgotten and we were able to change the location to my house so that Braxton could continue sleeping.
Wed 15 *I am thankful we were able to get a babysitter so Kent and I could both work tonight. I am also thankful she was able to make it here in time for me to get to work.
Tue 14 *I am thankful for the small miracle in my life of being able to overcome the weight I have gained. I am thankful for the persistance I have been able to keep up and the strength and ability my body has taken on.
Mon 13 *I am thankful we were able to enjoy being together at Gardner Village for family night. I am also thankful I was able to be creative and get a good workout in today.
Sun 12 *I am thankful we were able to get to church early today so I could be ready to conduct in Primary today.
Sat 11 *I am thankful for the opportunity to collect money for Pennies by the Inch (for Primary Children's hospital). It gave me the opportunity to introduce myself to my Spanish speaking neighbor downstairs.
Fri 10 *I am thankful I was able to start putting my house back together, and for the cub scout fundraiser so I didn't have to worry about making dinner.
Thur 9 *I am thankful for another wonderful day with my husband here in town. It was nice to spend the day with him because of his cousin's wedding.
Wed 8 *I am thankful for a safe trip that was well travelled by all (including Braxton). It was nice also to take a stop off in Moab and have lunch at a Mexican restaurant.
Tue 7 *I am thankful the winds were in favor to bring the balloons our direction. I didn't realize until Wed how fortunate we were today. I am also thankful to have found Kent's size in the Eddie Bauer sweatshirt I loved while looking in Alburquerque (since our store ran out).
Mon 6 *I am thankful for the internets help in getting us a fabulous lunch today before our fun trip to the fire and ice caves.
Sun 5 *I am thankful for a fun trip up to see Julie and Scott and their kids. I was also thankful to go to Bandelier and afterward have a pretty drive through the mountains.
Sat 4 *I am thankful for an early morning at the balloon fiesta. It's nice to have a fun morning and come back to grandma's and grandpa's and enjoy conference.
Fri 3 *I am thankful Braxton traveled so very well. I am also thankful I was able to wake up early to get exercise in and last minute things done before our drive to New Mexico.
Thur 2 *I am thankful for my ability to get much done today so that we can be ready to go to New Mexico tomorrow.
Wed 1 *I am thankful for an excellent run today. I was able to do five miles in 63 minutes and 38 seconds. I am also thankful Braxton and I were able to go to Cheryl's today. It was nice to have a good laugh as Braxton was screaming at Aaron (in his van) while we were driving by them in the car and Braxton wanted Aaron to wait for him.