Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Our Family Goals

A while back my neighbor's friend said something about my goals with my husband and if you don't write them down then they aren't goals. So back in July I made Kent decide of some family goals with me (he was stuck in the car driving to Meadow so he had no choice). I'd like to share my goals with you as I was reminded of them in responding to emails this morning.

Goals Important to the Robison Family

I. Respect, love, and enjoy one another, in and outside family
a. Serve one another
b. Everyone has their own space and respects each others space
c. Participate in activities together (camp, sports, boating, horses, skiing, snowmen building, etc.)
d. Take time individually for each person (pair’s time)
e. Look for the positives in others
II. Appreciate each others likenesses and differences
III. Enjoy Sports together
a. Play sports games together
b. Attend sporting events
c. Be involved in sporting events
d. Support each other in sporting events
IV. Enjoy Music together
a. Sing in Family Home Evening
b. Sing in church
c. Play an instrument
d. Enjoy musical events
V. Work hard together
VI. Play together
VII. Earn rank of Eagle Scout , Duty to God Award, and Young Womanhood Award
VIII. Learn to love education and reading
a. Enjoy educational activities together (zoo, museums, walks, etc.)
b. Read together and individually
IX. Build up one another and support one another’s dreams
X. Graduate from College
XI. Serve Honorable Missions
XII. Each PERSON works to gain a strong testimony
a. Pray as a family and individually
b. Read scriptures as a family and individually
c. Exercise faith in areas where you struggle (test it out)
d. Follow the spirit
XIII. Build a relationship with the Lord
a. All the above and serve your fellow man

Kent and Marlies long term goals

I. Buy a home with at least one acre of land
A. Features of this home
1. Rambler with basement
2. At least three bedrooms up and two down
3. two car garage
4. shop outback
5. laundry/mud room
6. greenhouse with faucet
7. faucet by horse trough
8. kitchenette downstairs
9. fireplace upstairs
10. wood burning stove downstairs
11. separate basement entrance
12. double shower head in master bedroom
13. ceiling fans in living rooms and master bedroom
14. office space
15. kitchen sink that faces away from wall

II. Short term goals to achieve the realization of this home
A. Make a budget
B. Save $(amount of money disclosed)
1. Save money by making house payment monthly and saving the difference
C. Keep improving credit scores by paying bills on time
D. Buy a starter home
E. Save more money after buying starter
F. Start paying new approximate payment price

Now that you have read that I want to explain. I set these goals for me as a parent and will encourage my children to make these goals a part of their lives as well. I will do my best not to make my children feel unloved or as though they were failures if they don't achieve all of this. These are just the things that are important to me and Kent. These are the things that we would like for our family. Most important to me is the first goal of respect and love for siblings. I want each child to feel valued not only by me, but by their siblings too.

Also I realize that Kent and I may not get each and every thing mentioned at to our house, but it is our dream and vision to have a home comparable to this home. I feel that if we really decide what we want now we'll be better guided in the future as we work toward our goals. I pray that one day we can have these goals realized. I hope that it inspires you to take inventory of your long term goals and desires for your family. It seems to me that these goals feel achievable when I have them on paper (computer anyhow). At sometime I want to make a nice looking paper and post these goals where I can see them often.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Lost and Found Friends

In our ward church starts at 9:00 am...ALWAYS. Even here in Utah. We share the building with only one other ward and this ward is a specialized ward, meaning not really too many like it. That ward (or branch as they are called, but no where near the size) is the 30-45 year-old singles ward, and they are massive in size. With that said, yesterday I was there after church for a bit and I saw a man from the singles ward who I knew was from one of my singles wards. An attractive man who I couldn't remember what ward I knew him from. Then after I was home it hit me...he was my good friend Chad Woods' roommate. That sparked questions about Chad. Is he still in New Mexico? Is he still in the Army? I wish I had some way to contact him. This spiraled me into my thoughts about lost friends.

Many friends come in and out of our lives at different times. Some are there for the long haul and some are just there for a short time. It's the idea that some are there for a short time that I have difficulty with. I HATE loosing track of people who mean a lot to me. You can ask my friend/former roommate Laura. I had lost her and I was so sad every time I thought about her and wondered what she was doing with her life. Then I remembered her best friends families name and called them to get her parents number (wasn't able to find it online) and then I called her parents and got her number.

Such is the life of Marlies I really do have a VERY hard time letting go of people I love and care for. So far these are the people I have lost touch with and really want to get back in touch with. Chad Woods (college friend), Jeremy Ivie (college friend), Nathan Goats (college friend) Nicole Gwinn Stone (former roommate), Kimberly Alder Bond (former roommate) Rick and Michelle Bradshaw (married friends from LDS ward), Kristina Kramer (high school friend).

Every now and again I think of these friends and wish I knew just one person who could get me in touch with them. Maybe like Laura I can find a way to be brave and try to get in touch with a family member who can direct me their way. The funny thing is I just realized as I was writing this that I must pick up this trait from my mom. She was able to get in touch with some good friends from when I was young only a few years ago, and the whole family was really excited to get back in touch. Anyway I think I will look into finding some of those friends. Wish me luck!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

An apple a day!

Tuesday is our ward party, and because we are going to be bobbing for apples there is a box of apples on my table. It didn't even occur to me they weren't safe since Braxton doesn't really eat apples when I give them to him sliced. Well they weren't safe. Braxton climbed on the chair got an apple and chomped away at it half the morning yesterday.

Here's the box of apples.
He seemed to really like eating the apple this way.
Hey, mom, this is a pretty dang good apple!
This day I wanted to use the beautiful fall colors at the entrance of the apartments as a backdrop for pictures. Braxton didn't want to do that though.
It wouldn't be so bad for him to escape if there weren't a busy road so close. He's a little dumbfounded that he's back after his running away.
This is the Dopey costume basically all finished. As you can see it turned out ok, but Braxton HATES it!
Get this hat off me!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Braxton is an equal mix of Kent and I.

Can we just love ourselves?

Special Beauty Report: Erasing Ethnicity

I ran across this article on MSN and I was intrigued. Basically it talks about how Asians are trying to look more American because they do not like their look. I think this is the saddest thing I have ever heard. At what point is Hitler going to loose? There is not one superior race and no race is more beautiful than the other. There a many beautiful Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Indian, women etc. It makes me sad that we are so unhappy with our beautiful bodies that are the most important reason for us to come to this earth. If we only knew how badly we desired these bodies in whatever condition we would celebrate them with all their flaws.

The sad part is we are all guilty of the body shunning. I can't think of many days when I don't look in the mirror and wish body parts away. Mostly because things have changed since getting married and having a child. I have all kinds of things to be grateful for as far as my body goes. My body is generally healthy despite the fact that I don't take care of it as I should. I have beautiful shiny hair. Beautiful gray/blue eyes. I was told once that I have cute ears. I have a nice shaped nose. My lips have a nice shape as well, and I'm OK with having them smaller than Angelina Jolie's!!! My teeth are basically straight since braces and all, and they are capable of chewing my yummy (sometimes fattening) food. I can see, speak, hear, smell, and feel things. My arms are attached and work just fine without pain of any kind. My fingers are still attached to them and work just fine. I have legs that can run for a short distance, but if I trained my body they could run for a long time. My backside has extra cushion so my bones don't dig into a chair when I'm sitting :) (you have to try and find the good in all things). My middle may not be flat like I'd love, but it is capable of producing children. These are some of the reason's I am grateful for my body.

I hope that if I in a size 16 body (yes I am confessing that I am much larger than I should be, but that's OK because I will love my body at this size too) can love it then you in a smaller body will look and see what is good about your beautiful body. Like I've said earlier you can't have a size 2 body and still eat ice cream almost every day of your pregnancy. I know that now. Now I just have to get back the determination to get back my size 12 body. I think I could handle that size even better. I would aspire for more, but I like to set goals that I can live with and I don't want to live in the gym. Congratulations to all who are able to loose that baby weight quickly. Now go and enjoy it!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I've got to get busy, busy, busy!!!

Pop quiz where is my title from? It's not my own words, but I know that you can figure it out. I thought it appropriate with all I have going these days. In fact this blog is going to be short because I still have a lot to do. I am the ward activities chairperson (don't know if I've mentioned that before). On Tuesday I have a ward party to get together and while I am not stressed over it I am in fact very busy. I have only two women on my committee right now and they are only able to help a little due to extenuating circumstances. That means that I have lots to get done, but I have a great ward with people willing to help and take my direction as well as a wonderful husband eager to help out too. After that I have got to get going on the ward Christmas party and hopefully get a few more people to accept callings to join our committee. In addition to that I have to make Braxton's Halloween costume because it is my desire that he go as Dopey off Snow White and the Seven Dwarf's (my favorite cartoon character, remember). I am sewing a costume since I wasn't able to find one (even online unless I wanted to spend a bundle on ebay because they are more like collectors items) and I couldn't even find a pattern. I was lucky enough to find my sister's neighbor Lacy who helped me cut out the fabric so I can sew it. I will definitely post pictures later. I am thinking about having Kent and I be modern day versions of Price Charming and Snow White. You'll see the end result if we do it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

This is my daemon.

In the book, The Golden Compass every human has a daemon that is in essence an animal form of your soul who is very connected to you. I took a test on the movie website and found my own daemon. Please take the quiz so I can be sure the daemon it picked is the right one for me. Then let me know if you go find out what your daemon is.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

The high price of venison!

My friend Kari a while back was blogging about being a halo (a video game) widow when the new halo game came out, and now it's my turn to discuss my life as a deer hunt widow. For the last three days I have been stressed out with trying to take care of getting things done and make sure that my babysitters would not fall through so that I could go to work and Kent could go shoot a dumb deer (they're actually quite smart so if he shoots one that means that one was dumb). I hate it. I think this is the worst price anyone pays for a bunch of meat that mostly sits in my in-laws freezer (they are kind enough to store it for us I guess).

Anyway so this is the price of meat. I want to say that the hunting license cost at least 60-80 dollars. Then there is probably $120 in gas down to Meadow and back. Not to mention the loss in wages due to making no overtime since using vacation time. Then there is the cost of ammunition, ugly orange clothes that you will not wear again any other time of year, and snacks to take with you while you wait on a rock for a bunch of deer to not show up (because like I said... they are smart).

That, however, is the minimal cost. The cost that hurts the most is the lost time. How often do these same hunters take one day off work to spend with their families let alone almost a week. There are so many things that I would love to do with Kent and Braxton, but it seems that there just isn't time. After work and dinner it's time for bed. I want Kent to see the joy in Braxton's face as he walks through a pile of leaves. I would love to watch as Kent takes Braxton to a pumpkin patch to pick out a pumpkin. I would love to take the day (a warm one) and go on a picnic with my two boys, or go with Kent to lunch at McDonald's and watch as Braxton gets all excited about the play area. Is there a week of work that can be taken off for that? Nope because we need the money.

The thing that is the hardest for me to deal with is the reason's I see behind Kent going hunting. I don't see Kent having a deep attachment to hunting. Kent loves horses, scouting, digging holes with a track hole, etc. Kent does not love hunting. Point in case. A few years ago Kent didn't go hunting and when I asked him if he was sad he responded, "not really." The year before that Kent was working down by his parents house during the hunt. One night he called me very upset because he had called his dad after work so he could go hunt with him. His dad said he was too far away with Kent's brother so Kent should just go hunt this one area close in. Bingo! Hunting isn't about hunting it's about quality time with his dad. See Kent's dad LOVES hunting. That is his thing and if anyone wants to really spend time with Kent's dad you either work with him or hunt. Don't invite him to come to your house and do something because your chances of getting him are slim to none, but if you hunt in his area you are sure to have some male bonding.

Now don't get me wrong. I think it is important for Kent to have time with his father, but what about Braxton having time with his? Even still let's be honest about the issue. What about quality time with me? Remember me, your wife? What was my love language? Oh that's right it is quality time, and how am I supposed to deal with the fact that I haven't had any of my love lately. I know, how about a great conversation on the phone with the man that I love. That would solve my love language problem. Oh, wait, that's right Kent gets bored on the phone and besides that when in all of his hunting would he have time for a deep and intellectual conversation. Not that I can expect a deep and intellectual conversation on the phone when it seems a stretch to try and get one out of him in person.

OK I apologize to those of you who didn't come here planning to hear me ream my husband, but I really am having a very difficult time with this. I think mostly because my needs haven't been met, and I can't fix that because in order to fix that I have to tell Kent that he can't spend quality time with his dad. That's not fair to him. He obviously feels a need for that, but why do I have to feel empty and alone in this whole process, and why does it have to last six whole days? I feel like I can't communicate these feelings or else I'll guilt him into not going again, and that is not my purpose. I'm trying no to be selfish, but I find it really hard to be unselfish when my love tank (how loved I am feeling) is on empty. To compound all of these issues I wasn't able to be spiritually uplifted at church today because I was at work. Anyway I think I will end this with a few positives to keep my chin up.

I am very thankful that I have Braxton here with me. I really enjoy his love and laughter. I am very thankful to all my babysitters who pulled through for me. I am glad that Braxton did so well with each one. I am especially grateful that my brother Brian happened to invite me over for pie tonight without knowing Kent was gone. It made my day. I am very pleased with the delight Braxton and I had making cookies together today. It was his first time helping and he really got a kick out of pouring things in the bowl and doing big people work. I enjoyed a wonderful relaxing bath today just after Braxton when down for a nap. I am grateful I can always ask my Heavenly Father to fill my love tank when it's empty. I can always rely on Him when I need him. He's never off hunting deer. He only hunts for His children's souls, and the price never outweighs the blessings!
On Friday I told Braxton his knees were dirty and he blurted the word dirty back to me. That was his first real audible word. Then tonight when I said his dad was on the phone he very clearly said dad. Also Friday and tonight I think I heard him trying to say doggie and gruff gruff (his own barking noise). That is the reason for the picture of a dog who followed us home from a walk about this time last year. He hung out on our front porch as if he were our dog for quite a while. It was very funny!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Caution: customer service negativity

So I have been trying to be more positive lately, but I just have to blog about this. I have always been aware of the importance of great customer service. In fact there have been times when Kent and I have had great customer service and called a manager to let them know. Since working at Eddie Bauer I have learned a lot about how to give great customer service and that is why I am enjoying working there. It's all about the service someone provides you!

Having said all that I still question why I ever walk into Walmart. Today I went to walmart and picked up a prescription. On the way out I took Braxton and the other grocery bag I had and put them in the car. I hadn't realized that I left my prescriptions in the bag in the shopping cart. Kindly enough walmart called and left a message on Kent's cell since that is the only number they had. Kent called me and told me someone from walmart had called looking for me.

I called walmart and gave them the name of the person Kent said had called and they asked if it was a CSM (customer service manager?) and they said they would transfer me to them. Here is customer service bad number one. I sat on hold waiting for this person for seven minutes before I hung up! At Eddie Bauer we have been told to answer the phone in three rings and only leave someone on hold for 30 seconds.

So I realized that it was probably my prescription they were calling about because I couldn't find it at home. I decided to go to walmart and check it out. When I got to walmart I went to the customer service desk. There was one person being helped and no other employee so I waited my turn. When the other person walked away I said "hi I have a quick question." Here's customer service bad number two. This woman looked at me, smile coldly and said wait a minute. She picked up the shoes in front of her and walked back to a box where she placed them. Then she walked back and addressed me. When I asked if she had my prescription and told her the story she asked "did you check the pharmacy?" My thought was 'well no, because I thought the person who contacted me was a customer service manager.' Then she told me, "yeah, I don't have it. Check over there."

Ask me how I felt. Ok I felt like I was no more important than a pair of shoes, and I felt very insignificant! No Kudos to that woman. So I went to the pharmacy and had a Latino woman look at me with fear that she was the only one who was available to help me. She approached me and tried to understand, but I could tell that she didn't understand all I was saying. Then thankfully another tech got involved to see what I needed and was clever enough to ask the crew what they knew about it and she was able to track it down. I have to give Kudos to her because while she may be quirky she always helps with a smile and gives you so much information that you never question what she is doing. She is always enthusiastic, and you always feel like helping you is the most important thing she can do. I'm not sure why walmart hired her because that seems to be out of character with most their employees in that store.

So to bring it back to a positive note I would like to say that I am very glad that walmart called to let me know about my prescriptions. I'm glad that I was able to track them down. I am glad that I work in a very customer service oriented store because if it wasn't I couldn't stand working there.

I find it interesting in the company creed it says:

Our Creed
To give you such outstanding quality, value, service
and guarantee that we may be worthy of your high esteem.

So the next time you decide to shop somewhere think am I shopping here because I am cheap or am I valued enough to receive true customer service. I too need to stop being so cheap and value myself as deserving of good customer service. I may even transfer my prescriptions to another pharmacy. I just have to find another one with superior service or else I have accomplished nothing.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I just had to post this little funny I saw today. Braxton and I were out running errands and in front of me was a car with two people in it. The driver was an older man with his hair all slicked back and next to him was a woman of about the same height I'd assume. The funny part is that while the man had several inches from his head to the ceiling the woman had none. Her hair was done up so big that her hair touched the ceiling. When I pulled into the lane next to them I saw that the woman was doing her make-up (couldn't tell through her hair from the back) and had on a leopard print jacket. It just makes me laugh when I see women like that who tease their hair twice as high as their heads!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Looking at the Glass

Braxton with a little color across the parking lot Braxton, Aaron, and Kylie
Braxton thinks his cousins are so funny
Braxton was enjoying crunching the leaves and having mom let him run in the road
Poor horse who always wants friends on the other side of the fence.
This horse is a great place to start off this blog today. He had a another horse in the corral with him a few years ago, but that horse died one day and this horse has been lonely ever since. The interesting thing is that the other horse was the friendliest of the two. This horse used to stay clear of people and have nothing to do with them. Once the other horse died this horse realized how lonely it was and has been seeking friendship with the children ever since.
We sometimes are like this horse. We get stuck in our lives and don't extend ourselves out to others because we don't think we need them. We don't realize how lucky we are to have what we have until it is gone and then we long for something to fill that void. Just as the horse longs for friendship from anyone he sees.
I have been fortunate to have a sense of gratitude for my life these days. Kent and I have lived in the same apartment complex for four and a half years now and have longed to have a house of our own. In talking to my neighbors and discussing the lives of others throughout the world I realize how good my life is. I have great neighbors close all around me. I no longer have pot-smoking party girls living close by and no longer have my drug dealer neighbor here either. I don't feel uncomfortable walking to the garbage can and I no longer look out the window to see if there are psycho people outside who I need to call the cops on.
As I contemplate my life here in this apartment I know that Lord has blessed me to live here in this home and in this ward at this time. Kent and I have made so many friends here. When we started here the place was filled with good LDS families and couples. The ward was OK sized and we were welcomed and needed as soon as we came. These days the apartment have only a few LDS families and couples, and the ward barely has over 100 people in attendance in sacrament meeting.
All of this makes me think of attitude. I could have come here and been arrogant about the fact that we moved into a ward with people who really struggle spiritually and financially. There are quite a few single mothers and inactives as well as semi active people. We have a subsidized housing unit next door and you know that those people struggle, but even still there are good people we know who have lived there.
Yesterday, my good friend called and we talked on the phone for four hours. Later I got wondering how many people have friends that they can sit and talk to for four hours...let alone find four hours of things to talk about over the phone. As we talked she shared her frustrations of how her mom is so tight with her money when it comes to food. Her mom for years had to be very tight, and has developed a habit of only buying things on sale. Generally this excludes healthy foods because it's usually the prepackaged, fattening and sugary foods you find on sale. This came up as she has been working really hard to lose weight and can't seem to do it without changing her diet. This is hard because her family is living with her parents right now.
The reason I bring up her mom is that while I love her mom to death I realized that she has always been one to complain about money. What I find interesting is that she has less children to feed on her husbands larger salary these days and she's still stretching her dollars. As I thought about the conversation I realized that life doesn't ever really get easier. You get more money and you find more places for it to go and you still stretch your dollars. What really makes the difference is your attitude about everything.
Kent and I have our own times when we struggle, but I hope that no one knows really when that is because I don't want my attitude to change because of my circumstances. Kent and I have always been blessed with enough. We have enough money to keep a roof over our heads. Enough food to keep our bellies from hurting. Enough to keep clothing on our backs even if we do have to wash it more often. Enough love to give to others, and enough faith to know that our Heavenly Father will help us through the hard times.
I love my home. I will love my home wherever it is because I will be able to make it a place of the Lord. I will love my ward whatever ward it is because there will always be good people trying to follow the Lord and live the gospel. I will love my husband no matter how much he slacks because I have no fears that one day he won't love me. I know he's a great man who really does wish to make me happy. I will love my children because they are a precious gift from the Lord. I will love my life in whatever place, shape, or form because I realize that my life is a gift and I could lose all of my blessings in the blink of an eye. I am so grateful for ALL I have whether great or small because all those things make me... me! I hope that by reading this you all will take inventory of all you have and you will truly be grateful for all the blessings with which the Lord has blessed you! Thank you all for being wonderful blessings in my life!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

We're back!!!

You wouldn't believe how much I was dying for my computer to be back up. It was as though my connection to the my all of you was severed. I am so glad to be back. While I was gone a few things happened. First off, last night Braxton got his first real hair cut. I was the barber and got his bangs a little short, but other than that I think I did all right. Also while I was gone I got a couple of fun pictures of Braxton.
Thursday Braxton and I went to babies R us for some new clothes and we were approached by the Kiddie Kandid photographer and she offered us a free 8x10 if I'd let her practice photographing on Braxton. She sent me a link to his pictures. Take a look if you'd like. They turned out really cute! We're getting grandparents a copy so take your pick mom and dad. Pam won't get to choose because she doesn't have a need for the internet (so she says) so she won't be able to check and pick.

Also, I am offering to my friends and family a 40% discount off my Mary Kay inventory. I have a debt to pay that I want to pay off by the end of the year and this is the route I have chosen to do that. After I feel all my friends have what they want I will offer my stuff on craigs list so let me know if you are in needor desire anything. I am going to have a list of products I still have online later. I will try and have pictures with my stuff. Thanks to all of you in advance for helping me out. I think that is about all tonight. Enjoy the pictures!
Yay for big boy haircuts!
See mom I am a big boy. Photo time with Braxton's pumpkin from Grandpa Robison's garden.

Cute naked boys! Braxton was helping dad make pizza and discovered the pineapple!
yum, yum
Look mom, these are good.
Shove it all in there.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Computer problems

Since when did computers start breaking. I thought that they just lasted forever. Well they don't, and this post is going to be very short because I am waiting for my fan to be replaced on my computer. Until then it won't allow me to be on there any length of time. It freezes up when the computer gets hot. Anyway I hope that you are all writing great blogs because I am going to have a lot of reading to do in order to stay updated with you all. In the mean time have a good one! (said like Greg off of "Yes! dear" when posing as a security guard).

Friday, October 5, 2007

Oprah the Devil?...or...Life's Lesson's Learned!

I don't really watch Oprah much anymore. I've seen enough controversial shows that I don't even follow what will be on. Today I decided to watch. Oprah interviewed the writer of the book "Eat, Pray, Love." I have to state for the record that I haven't read this book so I don't know it's contents. Let me know if you have read it and what you thought.

In the opener of the show Elizabeth Gilbert (the author) said the start of her journey came from her unhappiness in a life where she had a beautiful home that didn't reflect her, she was unhappily married and pregnant. Apparently she was sobbing on the bathroom floor at 3:00 am every morning for six months because she didn't want to be married or pregnant (so to speak). Long story short she made a change. She divorced her husband and went on this life changing trip to Italy, India, and Indonesia for a year. I never heard what became of her child.

Now the reason for my question, Oprah the devil, is that so many times Oprah has these wonderful thought provoking shows. Today, I thought about how supportive and excited Oprah seemed for this woman who left her husband. A woman who didn't make a full hearted choice when she decided to get married. The woman said she was never really sure about getting married, but she did it anyway. I do feel that everyone is entitled to live out a life of peace and happiness, but here is my question. Why is it that so often when I watch Oprah she's praising God and then in the same sentence casting aside his commandments.

It seems to me that Oprah celebrates and promotes immorality in the name of love. In fact she herself has been with Steadman for many years with no intention of getting married. My first point is this. The devil will tell two truths and a lie to get us to believe his ideas. So when Oprah or any other celebrity praises God for allowing them to live a wonderful life of sin are we questioning what they say or are we buying the propaganda?

Another part of this story that made me raise an eyebrow is that a woman made a committment to a man and because she wasn't fully committed to that man in the beginning that made it ok for her to leave according to the world. Now I don't presume to judge what she was going through, but I have seen the damage done to the men and children involved in similar situations. Why does an entire family have to pay the price of one person not taking the time to make the right decision in the first place.

My second point is this. Divorce is far too prevelent in this world. When things get hard in a marriage you get a divorce. When you get bored in your marriage you get a divorce. When you realize that you never loved this person in the first place you get a divorce.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

New Poetry by Marlies Robison

This may need more revising, but I wanted to share. I wrote this today.

The Working Clock

Tick tock the clock spins on.
I can sit and wonder where the time is gone
Or jump to my feet and make the time count.
I can run to the needy and help someone out.

I can give to the children my time and my love
Reminding them of Father above.
The clock still ticks for time won’t stand
And what have I done to reach out my hand?

I’ll waste not these minute whether many or few
The Lord always has enough work to do.
So what am I doing to extend His hand?
Am I working and planting and plowing His land?

We are ready to harvest this lush white field
And only the Lord knows what it will yield.
Away with the lounging and watching TV
For there’s souls to save if only you’ll see.

I’m off to work and I won’t slow down.
This work is needed all over this town.
In this country, this nation, this world too
There is plenty enough work for all to do.

When others are singing where’s the time gone
You and I will be singing a differing song.
The time has gone as I’ve hurried through
Only because I had plenty to do.

You’ll sit back and think of memories made
Never wondering what of the price you were paid.
Blessings will flow from Heaven above
Your life being filled with your Father’s great love.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Last Friday my friend Carrie invited us to a high school football game. It was the Emery Spartan's (Taylor, her husbands, high school) against Juan Diago Catholic High School (School Kent's bosses son plays for). It was so much fun to get out of the house and enjoy an evening event. I took my hot cocoa and some munchies and I felt like I was back in high school myself. Like in high school with a husband, and a kid to chase around, and not really interested in flirting with boys back in high school. Actually what made me feel like high school was the part where I only kind of cared about the game and I really enjoyed talking to my friend. That part of high school. As usual the boys were totally into the game, but that was fine because Kent still took his turn watching Braxton. Interestingly enough this is the same stadium where Braxton got the gash in his eye last time. He obviously didn't remember because Braxton loved the game. He would clap and cheer and he LOVED running back and forth in the walkways. He was just really cute because he was having so much fun. I would say Yay Football and Braxton would wave his hands with the pom poms in them. That reminds me, today he said the word yeah with meaning. I asked him some question and he said yeah. Funny thing is that I didn't realize how often I say yeah until I heard him repeating me tonight. Nice for me he's not learned to say no yet, he only knows how to scowl at you.
Wavin' his pom poms
Free from mom's embrace at last
Laughin' at who knows what...I think I was trying to get him clapping and then I took the picture and he stopped of course.
Ah, watching the football game.
In addition to the football game last weekend I also got a job. I get to work a seasonal position at Eddie Bauer 8 hours a week, nights and weekends. I think it will be a good opportunity to get out of the house and let Kent be the dad for a while. It's not too much work so it won't be too much stress. Plus it's only going to last through the holidays unless I LOVE it and try to stay on, but it's retail so I'd be surprised.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Personal History Sunday (or Monday since I forgot)

The question: What kind of things do you collect?

I haven't really been a collector of one thing or another, but I do find myself collecting a few things without realizing it. The first is calla lilies art work. They are my favorite flowers. When I waited for a missionary he sent me a beautiful painting with calla lilies on it. I love it. I'm so glad that Kent didn't expect me to throw it out because it was from an old boyfriend. I also had some friends that I worked with (Becca and Gelasia pronounced Halacia) who knew I liked calla lilies and so they got me a smaller painting of some calla lilies and I like that as well. The next thing I would really like to have is a colorful painting of calla lilies to brighten my front room. Although I must say that it really is the white calla lilies that are my favorite.

The second thing I have found people giving me as gifts because of my love for it is lighthouses. I have one blanket and a very nice cross stitch Kent's mom made me. I love those. I have a lighthouse painting I bought in the supermarket in Duchane, UT. My mom bought me a lighthouse made of wood that I enjoy, and I have a lighthouse clock in my bathroom. As you can see in my pictures it's not just lighthouses that I like, but rather anything that reminds me of Oregon and the ocean. These things also remind me of my honeymoon as Kent and I went to Astoria, Oregon. I got the other painting and the ship at the supermarket in Duchane as well.

The last thing I don't really collect, but I have one and would love a few more. It is a salt shaker of the dwarf Dopey. It's goes with a pepper shaker of sneezy. My mom gave them to me for Christmas one year because she saw them and thought I would love them. I did love them! When I was a little girl Dopey was my imaginary friend. He, Snow White and the other six dwarfs lived under the front lawn. I would go knock on their imaginary door and ask if Dopey could play. I don't want to be a Dopey fanatic, but it does bring back fond memories as I do remember playing this way. When Braxton was about eight months or so he had a picture that made look a lot like DopeyI'd really like to figure out a way to make a costume for Braxton to be Dopey for Halloween.

This is my favorite painting so far

Calla lilies from friends

Blanket from Kent's mom. It's fleece and she crocheted the edges.

Cross stitch from Pam

You can see this is a detailed cross stitch.
I am amazed that she has that kind of patience.

Amazing what you can find at a grocery store in a small town

The ship was also found in Duchane,
but my mom gave me the lighthouse for Christmas in 2005

This is our clock/lighthouse in the bathroom

This is another picture found in Duchane. It reminded us of Oregon homes on the coast

Here is my real Dopey.