Sunday, September 30, 2007

Music and Women

What a privilege we have to attend General Relief Society Conference! I have a few thoughts about the conference. First I was overwhelmed spiritually with the feelings of belonging to this large women's organization. As we sang the opening song there were not many women in the chapel, but with my spiritual ears I could hear and feel the strength of all the women worldwide singing together in worship and praise. Thank you too all you who took the time to attend and share your spirit with the women worldwide. It was an amazing feeling and as Sister Beck spoke of how much we can accomplish together I realized the truth of her words. We really are a source of power for so much good in this world. I was also thankful for the reminder to get on my knees and ask the Lord who he needs me to serve.

Another thing that struck me was the choir as they sang. I immediately noticed their white blouses and black skirts (took me back to choir days in high school). They looked so well put together and so unified, but the part that amazed me was that even though each sister was dressed the same you still saw how different each sister was. It didn't take away from their identity, but rather made their identity stand out even more. You were not so much looking at their clothes as you were looking at each sister's beautiful face channeling her radiant spirit.

I was also thankful for the reminder from President Monson that each noble and amazing woman used to be a little girl. I will have to get that little saying out of the ensign when it comes out. I really appreciated that saying. I also appreciated the spirit that each speaker brought to the meeting. It amazed me that each and every talk you could tell that these speakers truly had sought out the Lord for what to say to us. It makes me wonder how much better the church would run if we sought the Lord's guidance in every calling. I'm sure that they feel the need to seek Him out for such great callings, but my thought was of how much better we would run His church if we sought His spirit to teach in primary, or to plan young women's activities, or even to know how the Lord would want you to run his church house library. I think sometimes when it's easy for us we forget to ask the Lord how he would have us do it.

Finally I would like to share my testimony of music with all of you. Last night each times a song was sung I found myself getting teared up whether singing or not. Then after that spirit was with me I longed to go to relief society today and share that, but first of all it was the fifth Sunday so no Relief Society. Secondly I was asked to substitute in primary. So I prayed that I might be able to feel that same spirit as I was in primary and the Lord answered my prayer with music.

The bishop taught in primary and he taught the children through song. First he shared with them the words and music of "Behold, a Royal Army," as well as "Called to Serve" and "I hope they call me on a mission." After that our sacrament was dedicated to talks on music and they were excellent. For some reason I needed to be reminded of the spirit of music. Maybe it was for planning our ward Christmas party. I don't know, but I know that music can touch the soul even when all other teachings fail. I have been amply uplifted and for that I am truly grateful to the Lord. I thank Him for the wonderful gift of music. Oddly enough I just remembered that today I was also offered the opportunity to sing in relief society on the 4th Sunday of October. What a musically blessed Sunday. Another opportunity to bear my testimony through music.

President Monson's quote from a poem:
You never know what a girl is worth,
You’ll have to wait and see;
But every woman in a noble place,
A girl once used to be.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Can't help just did it last week...

I just had to comment on this. None of you have done it to so I feel safe saying this, but who knows maybe you did it to someone else. Anyway I just got two or three email responses back saying that they wouldn't do the little email recipe exchange because either they didn't get anything out of it last time or else they just did it last week and they can't do it again. What makes me laugh is that I got three of these recipe swaps at once and I don't have 60 friends who would do this on my email contacts so I only sent it to the ones who I thought would actually do it. To some of them I sent it to them twice. More recipes... right? Anyway I just think it's funny because it's not difficult to do and it's not always about what we receive, but more what we give. So I passed along my recipes and I felt good about it. If I don't get any recipes I am not out a thing (other than the three to five minutes to do it). So if you don't want the recipes then don't do it, but nothing ventured nothings gained. OK way passed bedtime. Good night!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

How often should Marlies change her blog?

See question on side ----->
Please vote. Two of you already have but what about the rest of you? Tsk tsk tsk.


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What I LOVE about my husband.

I am too often very hard on Kent and I expect too much of him with out communicating what that is so I want him to know what it is I love and appreciate about him.

*One of the first things you will find out about Kent is he is a very hard worker

*Kent has what I like to call brute strength. He has always been blessed to be a strong man

*Kent has large hands. You know what they say about large hands? ....Large gloves! ha ha ha

*I love that Kent knows what he is talking about when he jabbers on about all this concrete,
footings, trench stuff. See Kent I do listen I just don't always understand what I am hearing.

*Kent's family means a lot to him. They may not know that but when he gets angry it's not because he's hot-headed it's because he's tenderhearted toward them and they've hurt him.

*Kent loves the scouting program. His father instilled it in him well. I love to see him have strong feeling for something. Now if only it could cross over to more things.

*Kent loves to go. He is not one to be content to stay home. Having a child has slowed him down but the older Braxton gets the more Kent starts to pick back up.

*Kent won't believe I love this about him, but I do love that Kent is an early riser. I just wish being an early riser didn't make him fall asleep so early. I also wish that it didn't keep him from cuddling in bed with me on cold mornings.

*I love that Kent is such a good protective father.

*I love that Kent works so hard to provide for us.

*I love it when Kent takes me on dates and spends money like we were rich. (but not too rich)

*I love that he wants to give me anything I want.

*I love how happy he makes Braxton when they play together.

*I LOVE Kent's laugh. He has the most genuine laugh.

*Kent is very genuine with people. You will always know where you stand with him. Generally he tries to make people feel at home.

*Very seldom does Kent do things out of duty as much as he does things because he really wants to do it.

*Kent is very reliable. When he says he'll be there he will. He hates to forget appointments, and rarely does.

*Kent is very good at math. When others are pulling out paper Kent is doing it in his head.

*I love that Kent allows me to feel safe to tell him my problem even if they are with him. He never belittles me or turns the blame back at me and he doesn't get defensive.

*Kent is a good listener. When I do tell him he needs to work on something that's really bothering me it's usually no longer a problem after about a year.

I Love Being a Woman!

I was just reading my friends blogs and it hit me. There is nothing greater than being a woman. You get email after email talking about how great girlfriends are, but they don't seem to touch it really. Maybe I can successfully put my thought into words. Nope. OK let's try a list of ideas.

What I Love about Women...
*Did you know that while males have a flight or flight defense mechanism women have a grouping mechanism. This is even true in nature. Wherever there's a herd there are very few males and many females. The females group together to support each other and the young.

* As I read my friends blogs I can see that. We may not be getting together, but we are telling each other our joys, our sorrows, our victories, and our struggles online. And what do we do? We send back messages of support and celebrate with each other.

*If you want something done in the ward who do you ask? The High Priests? The Elders Quorum? Maybe, but generally you ask the Relief Society. If you ask them you know it will not only get done but have a tablecloth and centerpiece to go with it!

*I love that I can discuss my problems with my friends and not be worried that they are going to poke fun at me and turn me into the bunt of a joke. Kent often times tells me of things that he would never mention at work because he'd be made the bunt of a joke.

*Another thing about women is their compassion for others. Women see others needs and run to help. Men often need to be called as steward over something in order to get the same reaction. They at least need to be asked. It usually doesn't occur to them to help on their own.

*Women are strong. Today I took Braxton to the Dr. office (wellness checkup) and there was a woman there with her 9-month-old twins and she told me that she is expecting a baby when the twins will be 15-months-old. Wow, that woman has got to be strong to handle all those kids. Kudos to her!

*When a woman is a mom and works outside the home, she works all day long. Many (is most fair?) men go to work and come home needing a break from working.

*Women are beautiful. A woman will spend hours to look perfect and have no idea how beautiful she is. Men shower and wear deodorant and they are good to go and feel as though they are hot stuff. I think this is best depicted in the cartoon with the slender woman looking in the mirror and seeing a fat woman while the fat man looks into the mirror and see a very muscular slender man.

*Finally if not for women there wouldn't be any good men. First of all we give birth to them. Second we raise them with the values only a woman could instill. Third we intrigue them into being better men to attract us. Then finally they marry us and will do anything to try and please us... which usually makes them better men.

*How many apostles would say they got where they are without the help of their wives? I would be shocked if even one said that. Most often they say how wonderful their wives are and how they NEVER would be where they were without her.

*So I want to celebrate the "good woman" (for Kari) in me. I want to celebrate that I am a woman. I am happy to accept myself with my faults and all because without me the world would be a darker and more unhappy place. YEAH FOR WOMEN!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

100 Things about me

Becca did this on her blog and I thought it was fun and interesting so if you can handle the length then here you go!

1. I like my name even though when I was little no one understood me when I would tell them it.

2. I am the shortest person in my parent’s family.

3. I don’t mind being the shortest until people remind me and ask questions like, “What happened to you?”

4.I love spending any quality time with friends and/or family

5. I feel I have been very blessed to grow up with good friends who helped me to keep my values and standards.

6. I love my husband. I love it when he and I play and I hope that we can get that playfulness back like we had as newlyweds. (or at least a little of it)

7. I love the smell of rain in the desert. There is something about all that dust being settled to the earth that is so revitalizing to the spirit.

8. One of my favorite sounds it the rain on the roof when it is really storming.

9. I love thunder and lightening storms. I think they are so majestic.

10. I also love sunsets even if some people see them as cheesy (as I heard someone describe them in photos the other day), and I even enjoy photographing them.

11. I want to learn to take better, more artistic photos.

12. I love that Kent is so strong. He can pound in a “T” post like it’s a nail. I use all my force and tap it as a spoon on a teacup. My muscles are much more suited for vacuuming.

13. I like it when Braxton gets hurt and wants to cuddle with his mom. I rarely get a cuddle with my little boy.

14. I love that Braxton think the world of his dad already and cries when Kent leaves…I’m glad Kent leaves for work before Braxton wakes up.

15. I love reading to Braxton when he sits still and let’s me read the whole sentence.

16. I enjoy scrap booking, but have a hard time getting motivated to do it.

17. I am not an easily motivated person. While others can’t stand to sit still I have to motivate myself sometimes to get things done. (This is inherited from my dad’s side of the family as I come to find out).

18. I am very laid back. I don’t mind a little clutter in my home as long as it’s not dirty and the bathroom and kitchen are clean.

19. I wish I could get myself to be more of a morning person. I love mornings when I get up and get going, but I can’t seem to find the motivation to go to bed early enough to bounce out of bed at dawn.

20. I love watching Kent interact with the Kesler’s (Pam’s family). He is a very happy person when he is around his extended family (mostly Travis, Kevin, grandpa, etc.) The first time I saw him with them is when I fell in love.

21. I remember reading with my mom as a little girl and I really enjoyed that.

22. My favorite books were “Cinderella,” and “There’s a Monster at the end of this Book.”

23. I am grateful to have lived a clean past with very few regrets.

24. In Pleasant Grove, UT there is a hamburger joint/ice cream shop called the purple turtle. On my way to dance class at Aunt Janet’s house my mom used to say, “There’s the purple turtle!” It used to make me so mad that I didn’t see the little gnome sized man riding on the back of the actually purple turtle, as that was what I pictured when she’d say that.

25. When I was little I used to sit in church and think really deep. I would think about the universe being never-ending and in my mind I would picture stars going and never stopping until I was almost dizzy.

26. More of my deep thoughts in church were that I was a real live person. I wasn’t a robot or some kind of experiment, but I was a real person. I would repeat to myself, “I am real.” Over and over again.

27. I love fall, in fact just this morning I decided that when I die I want it to be at the end of fall.

28. My favorite color is green because it reminds me of all the living vegetation on the earth.

29. My second favorite color is orange because it is vibrant and has a little more pizzazz than yellow. Although yellow is my next favorite color.

30. I love to play the piano.

31. I like to play card games and board games now although I never did growing up.

32. I would like to run a preschool out of my home for my employment some day.

33. I would love to go back to school and get a degree in horticulture.

34. I would love to study socialology or psychology some day. I want to understand how people think.

35. I would also love to study nutrition and physical health.

36. I love having good neighbors. They make life comfortable and enjoyable.

37. Some day I really want to own property with a house on it where I can look out my window and watch Kent and the kids while they work with the horses.

38. I own one horse. Used to be two until Kent sold mine for the money. I let him, but I do miss my horse.

39. I want to raise my children in a smaller town as opposed to a bigger city or suburbs like I live in now.

40. I don’t really care where I live in the entire United States as long as it’s a good hearted, fun, little town and I have my family and some good friends.

41. When I have a house I want to landscape my yard and have beautiful flowers all through the seasons. In the winter I want this one dogwood plant with orange branches and another with red to stick out of the snow.

42. Did I mention that I love flowers?

43. My favorite meal is breakfast hands down!

44. My favorite dinner is a toss up between chicken broccoli casserole and zucchini casserole. Kent does not like either.

45. My favorite Thanksgiving dinner item is candied yams and I will probably have to make them every year because we usually go with Kent’s family and no one else will ever bring yams.

46. My food of indulgence is ice cream and I learned after being pregnant with Braxton that you can’t eat ice cream all the time and expect the weight to come off when the baby comes out.

47. I would love to one day see, Hawaii, Switzerland, Chicago, NewYork, South Africa, Russia, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Greenland, Iceland, Australia, New Zealand, France, Italy, Ireland, Scotland, and the list goes on I am sure.

48. I love listening to conference and wish that Kent enjoyed it as much as I do.

49. My favorite place to be is anywhere my family is.

50. I wish I had darker skin that would tan easily without having to lay out five hours a day while exposing myself to cancerous rays. That is why I am always so white!

51. I want people to remember me as a person who lived life to the fullest.

52. I talk too much and wish that I could shut my continuous mind up so I could be a better listener and not always have to share the thought in my head.

53. I have a testimony of my Savior Jesus Christ being my redeemer and want to continue to grow close to Him.

54. I know President Gordon B. Hinckley is a prophet of God and I pray that I will follow his counsel with exactness.

55. I wish that despite my older brother and my differences that we could be closer. I think he’s a wonderful father and husband to his children and wife.

56. I am thankful for my relationships with each and every member of my family.

57. I really enjoy my friendship with my mom and wish that she could live closer to her grandkids because she has to become reacquainted with the younger ones each time she comes.

58. It’s hard for me to grow up and realize that my dad really doesn’t know everything because I know he did when I was younger and I hung on every word he said!

59. I am grateful to live close enough to my sister to spend time with each other and far enough away to not drive each other crazy… too much. J

60. I admire my little brother Erik for pursuing his dream to play basketball. I think he is courageous to filter out the negativity and go for it. I wish I could be as positive in my pursuits!

61. I wish like my brother Devin that I cared more about what the Lord thinks of me and less what others think about me.

62. I love that my sister Liesel and I can still be such good friends even though there are 10 years in between us.

63. I am so glad that I got to know my Grandma Holdaway. She had always been and will always be an inspiration to me.

64. I like the texture of my hair. It seems to do many hairstyle’s well because it’s so soft and thick.

65. I enjoy reading books that make me want to change my way of thinking whether it be a good story, a self help book, or otherwise.

66. I love that my husband and son both have big hands. I think that is very manly.

67. When I go out to eat my favorite places to go are good Chinese or Italian.

68. I really like eating healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables and whole grains. I notice a difference when I stop eating healthy.

69. I love visiting family, and wish I didn’t have so many family member far away so I could visit more friends too.

70. I feel like I am a fairly good writer.

71. I like to paint watercolor but haven’t in a very long time.

72. I really am not very good at math, but as I grow older I think in ways I am improving.

73. I think I could really enjoy teaching Jr. High or High School in a special needs classroom like the YES program I worked in before Braxton was born.

74. I really like all kinds of seafood.

75. My favorite soup/chowder is clam chowder and it is also Kent’s favorite! YEAH!

76. My husband and I have been married four and a half years and have lived in the same apartment complex the entire time and will probably live here for quite a while longer.

77. I love to be social. I wish that we had a bigger home to invite friends to.

78. I enjoy bearing my testimony to the point that I usually think of what I might say while others are bearing their testimonies. Sometime I have to tell myself that I need to give others a turn. I know it’s weird

79. I also like teaching lessons and giving talks. I enjoy the challenge of seeking out the spirit and finding what others need to hear. I wish I was better at it. Sometimes my own agenda of what I think everyone needs to hear gets in the way.

80. I love reading the relief society and Sunday school lessons beforehand. I wish that I was better at making that happen.

81. I love to sing and feel very honored when I am asked to sing for different events. I would like the opportunity more often if the truth be told.

82. I love to country (swing) dance with Kent. I wish that we were able to dance more often. Maybe we’d be in better shape!

83. My favorite thing about winter is seeing the snow light up the sky when it is snowing at night. I also love how the sun makes the snow glisten. It always seems so magical.

84. My favorite church hymns are, “Families Can Be Together Forever,” “Should You Feel Inclined to Censure,” “Come, come Ye Saints,” “I Stand All Amazed,” “I believe in Christ,” and “I know that my Redeemer Lives.” I can go on and on I’m sure.

85. My favorite songs sung by the mo-tab are “O Divine Redeemer,” and “Oh Thou Fount of Every Blessing.”

86. I have never broken a bone and had stitches twice.

87. I have only been stung by a bee twice that I can remember. Once I stepped on a bee when I was about five and the other time was this summer I swatted at a fly and caught it in between my fingers.

88. I have a hard time falling asleep if I haven’t cuddled with Kent before he falls asleep.

89. I went hunting with Kent once to try it out and I hated it. Kent can go with whoever he wants, but it won’t be me!

90. I really like walking around the Gateway Mall (outdoor mall w/ Olympic fountain) with Kent and Braxton. It one of my favorite dates.

91. I would love to live closer to the ocean again. I miss it.

92. I enjoy hiking in the mountains. Kent only hikes with horses.

93. I love fall for football season because you can go to games in person. I hope to make it to one for once this fall.

94. I hate the thought of working out, but really enjoy it when I overcome the thought and just do it.

95. I mud wrestled a couple of other girls in choir at a choir party. It was our version of female bonding. No men/boys were present.

96. I’ve had my heart broken twice and broke at least one heart myself.

97. I am generally willing to try anything at least once.

98. I love camping. I even love girl’s camp. Even as the leader.

99. I have water-skied twice and I am very proud of that fact.

100. I enjoy all kinds of music from country to rock. I even enjoy new age, pop, folk, and a little punk. I pretty much like it all with the exception of hard rock and most rap.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Marvelous Monday!

It's Monday and horray is not usually a word you hear about Monday's, but I will say it. Horray!
When I was younger my favorite days of the week were Saturday and Friday. I hated Sunday because you couldn't do anything and Monday you had to go back to school. The rest of the week was all right, but Saturday you had all day (not including chores) to play with friends, and Friday's usually meant no homework.

These days my mind is changed 100%. I LOVE Monday's! For some reason Monday's seem to be my most energetic and productive days. I feel like I accomplish so much. It's the start of my time to get things back into order after the weekend. I also generally enjoy Sunday's now too because it is my day to reconnect with family and the Lord. When Sunday is over I always feel that it just wasn't quite long enough. I have to admit Sunday's when Kent isn't around to turn on the TV are NEVER long enough. I love Kent, but he and I really differ on Sunday attitudes. On Sunday's I feel like I have a one-year-old and a ten-year-old. Kent really struggles with Sunday's if he doesn't take a five or six hour nap he gets VERY bored. So I have finally come up with a comprimise. Kent can watch football on Sunday's if it is not all day long (excluding church) and the volume is turned down so I don't have to listen to it. I think until February we may be able to live in the same house on Sunday's peacefully!

So back to my change in feelings about the days of the week. The funny change is that now a days I hate Saturday's. For me Saturday is only an extention of my week where everyone else gets to have fun with their husbands at home. Saturday is the one day when my life is the same but no one else's is. This is all due to the fact that we need Kent to work Saturday's to help store up the money that will help us through Christmas and the winter months when he can't make overtime. Aside from that often times at this time of year Kent's work needs him on Saturday's because they have jobs that need to be done on Saturday's.

Friday's are still all right if we have money to go out on a much needed date, but I have to say that sometimes Friday's I am just hanging on by my fingernails! So today I am going to go and make some Banana bread and use the Strawberries I have to make more Strawberry freezer jam. Yeah for Monday's!

P.S. Braxton is taking a nap today too and that rocks!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Personal History Sunday

A while ago I got a jar full of questions to get you started on your personal history. I would like to share the questions and answers for my life with you every Sunday so I will be answering one question from that jar every Sunday. I have organized those questions on the computer and put them into my own categories so for the first little while you will be reading about My preferences. The question is...

Which sports do you enjoy as a spectator? Which sports have you participated in?

I mostly enjoy sports as a spectator due to my lack of skill in sports participation. The sport I most enjoy watching is football. The other sports that I enjoy watching are volleyball (men's in particular), basketball, gymnastics, and any of the Olympics for a while. I really enjoy watching these sports in person 100 times over watching on TV. In fact I really can hardly stand sports on TV with the one exception of the Olympics because you can't always see them in person.

As far as playing sports I do enjoy just about anything basketball, volleyball, badminton, tennis, running/walking, as long as the rest of the people on the team are as poorly skilled as I am so that the team doesn't want to kill me. This often ends up in total chaos and disarray since we all end up swinging body parts and gear this way and that with no real chance of making contact with any ball or other object in fact. I don't know that I am that horrible, but I do know if I was picking teams and I had to choose me I would save picking me until near the very end. I would have to say that some of my real favorites as far as almost sports goes is Frisbee golf, miniature golf, and anything else that is more laid back as I am a more laid back kind of person. I only really get into the competition when it comes to cards or boardgames. Right now my favorite board game is called ticket to ride by Marklin.
How's that for talking sports? Daphne? I don't know that we'll have to many sports conversations, but we can still be friends. ha ha I do enjoy others enthusiasm for sports... I just won't usually join you unless it is to egg you on.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Oh what a day...

Today was a very frusterating day. Braxton didn't take a nap until 5:00 pm when Kent put him back in bed. Then he only napped a short while. I don't understand it. It wouldn't be so bad, but he's been fighting nap time for at least a week now. I keep trying things to get him to go to nap, but they aren't working. Today my frusteration was more than I could handle and I broke down in tears. Mostly because I didn't like how angry my frustration made me and also I just really need my own time. I'm hoping to attend the temple tomorrow to help me emotionally and spiritually. I did, however, have a really good laugh today after the nap problem. I was trying to have my own time and let Braxton play. He was quiet for a long while when I decided to go look and see what he was doing. These are the pictures from when I found him.

Yes the cupboard is now secured with those child locks. He's played in this cupboard for quite a while and never before discovered the flour lid came off.
Just making sure no flour got into the toaster mom.
Got a little flour on the ear?

What flour on my face? There is no flour on my face!
Notice the nice mess Braxton helped me clean up. Hey, he's one, he can use a hand broom with help!
These are some pictures that I had in addition to the flour pictures

He looks so little, but he's getting so big. He put himself here.
Don't bother me I'm drinking.
Hee hee I found daddy's truck keys!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Vegan/Vegetarian school cafeteria?

Ok so here I am asking for more opinions on something I find controversial. So the free Midvale Journal came. I was looking through the paper and saw the headline, "School lunch programs flunk out in Jordan District." At first I chuckled and thought yeah, it's school lunch what do you expect, but I read on for kicks. The article said that the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine gave the district an "F" for it's school lunch program. Apparently they are concerned about the types of food that are being served. For Example: chicken nuggets, sloppy Joe's, pork riblets, pigs in a blanket, country-fried steak, and mini corn dogs. Yup that sounds like the menu I remember and that was on the days I wanted school lunch.

According to the cafeteria manager all their meats are actually turkey (no wonder school lunch was so tasty). So here is the kicker to this story... the report from the PCRM strongly encouraged schools to serve vegan and vegetarian entrees. Mm mm, Please mom can I have school lunch today? It's tofu! OK so I don't mean to mock tofu I think if I could get Kent to try it we might actually like it, but would the kids? I am a mom who firmly believes in teaching the kids to eat what you eat and boy has that been working out poorly for me. Braxton doesn't love ANYTHING we love. He will eat chicken nuggets, pigs in a blanket, corn dogs etc. I don't know who these people are or what children they actually know, but I doubt that they will ever volunteer to serve school lunch! The cafeteria manager said it is sad to see all the produce they offer go to waste in the garbage. I can only imagine the waste baskets after serving a vegan meal to kids. I don't know why this line sounds so unlikely, "mom, guess what we had at school today? Salad, nuts, and beans. It was SO yummy!" Don't these people realize that there are mothers all over looking for healthier meals... that their kids will ACTUALLY eat. Maybe they should try reading mom's blogs once in a while. If you really want to sell a recipe put the words "healthy and my kids actually ate it" after. Great idea now give me a plan to implement it so it will be eaten Mr. I have a doctorate degree.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Mormon's exposed?

So I just saw this on the news tonight. It is a calendar with return missionaries posing shirtless in order to raise awareness for the church and also to raise money for charities around the world. The men are shown shirtless and in missionary attire as well. At first I thought it was an interesting way to bring awareness, but in the end I feel that the same thing could have been accomplished while still wearing their shirts. I also think that they are trying to do good for the church using tactics from the adversary. In relief society on Sunday it was stated that ANYTHING that arouses us is a form of pornography (can't say who but it was an apostle who said it). I am sure that there will be women who are definitely aroused by this calendar. Let me know if you agree or disagree I am really curious to get others opinions on this. Maybe I am too closed-minded. I don't know... just curious. Also if you are interested in seeing how this calendar is advertised click here. I definitely think we are using sex to advertise and I don't believe that is how we have been taught to live!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The life of a rose

Hello and welcome to the life of a rose... Now we have hailed from near and far and have found a rose that... well, actually it was just near and this lives on my porch... but not for long. This is the first picture of the rose. I appologize that I missed it's birth, but you can imagine it was a bud and it was yellow. Enough said. Take note of the slight coloration on the rose tips on the outside. Also note that this picture was taken on Friday at 12:14 pm.
This rose is off the very same rose bush... in fact it is the very same rose... and the picture was taken the very same day at 7:06 pm. It amazes me to see how the sun affects this flower. In a matter of hours the rose gets a little sunburn. Maybe I should apply sunscreen. Now the rose has lived out it's beautiful life. As an older rose it will say to the buds, "Now in my day I was a real looker. I was the kind of rose that would have been exchanged between lovers." Saddly this rose will soon be cut off to save nourishment for the young and growing buds.
Now you are saying there is no way that the rose came back to life... your right it didn't. I just really liked this rose too. So I took a picture. Children often say, "Take a picture it will last longer." Maybe they are right!

Just Being Braxton

I just thought I would give you a little progressive picture show of Braxton these days... This is one of his favorite things to do is climb on the couch and look out the window. Don't worry I'm right there to keep him from tumbling on his head.
This picture was taken as I said, "Braxton, close the drawer." Do you see how well he listens and the naughty smile on his face.
This one is just SO cute of him.
See the blanket? It just drives Kent crazy that his boy needs a pacifier and a blanky.
These days Braxton wants to read and I am so glad for that. For a while there we'd sit down to read and all he would do was squirm to get down. Now when he wants to read, we read!

$42 dollar reservations for two

As many of you know Kent is not what you call a movie buff. That makes last night even more wonderful for me. Yes a few weeks ago we went to Bourne Ultimatum, and then last night we went to the movies again. First of all I can't believe the expense of going to the movies these days. Last time we went we had free tickets, but this time we had to pay. It was $16 for both of us to go to a movie. I thought we were just paying $7.50 a ticket not too long ago. Movie inflation goes up about as often as stamps do. Since we were silly enough to want to buy ice cream and drinks at the movies that cost about $11. Then add a babysitter for $15 after that and you are paying $42 for a date. It's A LOT and it was REALLY worth it last night.

I was having a hard time with Kent and I wasn't feeling valued and then we went out and spent all this money and on top of that it was a REALLY good romantic movie. We went and saw No Reservations. It was exactly what I needed. There was romance, comedy, and some thoughtful moments as well. I am so thankful there are people making good movies. Not perfectly good, but good.
So here's a little synopsis for you...
Master chef Kate Armstrong lives her life like she runs her kitchen at an upscale, trendy Manhattan eatery, with a no-nonsense intensity that both captivates and intimidates everyone around her. Kate's perfectionist nature is put to the test when she "inherits" her nine-year-old niece Zoe, while contending with a brash new sous-chef who joins her staff. High-spirited and freewheeling, Nick Palmer couldn't be more different from Kate, yet the chemistry between them is undeniable. As the weeks progress, Kate is not sure what steams her more--that Nick’s talent scores big points with 22 Bleecker’s owner, Paula, and its discriminating clientele, or that his easygoing charm quickly wins over the shy Zoe, who finds it easier to open up to him than to her aunt. But when he challenges the boundary between rivalry and romance, Kate finds herself questioning, for the first time in years, some of the choices and beliefs that have made her so self-sufficient and so safe. If she wants to forge a real bond with Zoe, find happiness with Nick and rediscover her appetite for life, Kate will have to try something bold and new, and learn to express herself outside the realm of her kitchen.
I really did enjoy this movie. I think the thing I really liked was to seeing Zoe deal with the loss of her mother. It makes me wonder what kind of memories I am making for Braxton to look back on when I am gone. It also made me realize that maybe I need to be better at taking pictures with him (even if I hate seeing my weight in pictures) so he has that to remember. Don't worry I don't plan on leaving anytime soon, but those things really can't be replaced when someone is gone. There are never enough memories, enough pictures, enough video tapes when a loved one is lost.
Also seeing Kate adjust to Zoe is also a good reminder of how children respond to love and listening. I realized that as adults we really do need to take time out and spend with these little angels in our lives and spend it doing what they want not what we want. In a nutshell I would highly suggest this movie to anyone. It is a romantic comedy, but I don't think the romance is so bad that the men folk can't stand it. If you have seen it tell me what you thought.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

In ALL Things Give Thanks

This week is a wonderful week. It started out with a great Sunday as you saw on my last blog. In addition to the activity, Sacrament meeting had an amazing spirit. Then Monday night was family night and Kent, Braxton and I spent it at the fair. (See Fair Blog Below) Last night I had my Lia Sophia jewelry party and it was a lot of fun. Then today I was able to render service to a woman I visit teach. She was having surgery today and I was able to watch her kids for a while. It always makes you feel SO good to serve. Then after that I read all of my friends uplifting blogs and it made me feel even better. Two friends blogs are celebrating their 6th year of marriage (congrats Kari and Kristen), and one of them also had a reminder about the importance of enjoying raising your children because it goes so fast (Thanks again Kristen). My other friend's (Becca) blog had an excellent reminder about the importance of eternal marriage. Just in case you were wondering if anyone reads your blog... I do, so thanks! Now here is my blog about the Utah State Fair!

The Farm People Come to the City at

The Utah State Fair

and the city slickers pick up

a little dirt on their shoes

I HAD to get this picture! Where else are you going to see a playpen next to a bunch of cows... OK you're right. But many people don't live on the farm. This reminds me of Kent's family (The Kesler's). They all hate coming to the dreadful city with all those crazy people living so close together. In fact according to Kent's brother we live right in the heart of the city with all the crime. I poke fun only because while I can handle city life I would LOVE to live in the country just like most my in-laws.

Braxton liked the pigs. He thought they were fun.

Nice goat. I like your haircut. More goats~!

These lucky cows are on a strict beauty regimen. They have to use a blow dryer every day.

After that they get a brushing from the curry (sp?) comb. See you didn't know that I knew what that was called did you. ha ha
This picture may look random, but from that ceiling dropped a fake tarantula that gave me a heart attack. I bet those cowboys (on the right) laughed all day long with that trick.

Hello Mr. Goat. how are you?

Look mom! I'm petting the goat.

Braxton looked so cute and tired on the way home after the fair. Unfortunately we forgot to go see the horse stalls so we have no picture of Braxton with the horses. Oh well.

You know that family night has to end with a treat. We stopped by KFC and got some Root Beer and a cinnamon pull-apart. Braxton liked both treats. It was a very fun evening. Kent and I sure have a great kid! LUCKY!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Yeah for cousins

This one is for Grandma and Grandpa Kunz. On Thursday I went down and bottled some applesauce with my sister Cheryl and on Sunday Brian, Cheryl, and I with our families made cookies for Devin on his mission in San Bernadino, California. All the grandchildren were there so I had to take pictures for them. Believe me with all these pictures it's much easier on blog then sending it on email.
Braxton didn't want to sit next to Austin (Aaron's friend) and Aaron Braxton pushed the booster seat from the kitchen to the front room to watch TV with Kylie Levi is intently making cookies
Kylie was so excited to take pictures she didn't care that the spatula cut off her nose.Braxton was a good dough roller outer
He even enjoyed it!
The family who bakes together, stays together.

Michaela is a VERY serious baker.Both Braxton and Ashlyn enjoyed the finished product. I think everyone had a good time making and eating the cookies. This picture was taken while Levi was on the computer and it made him look so grown-up.
This was what I got when I finally got Aaron to look at the camera and not the TV. It's just that Newsies is so much more appealing.

Apparently Brian doesn't like his hair pulled, but how can you get mad at Austin? He's SO cute.

You could just eat those cute cubby checks. Austin also makes a growl like Simba on the lion king that is ADORABLE!

If you look at Brian's feet you will realize that this picture is not upside down.

These pictures are of Kylie's airplane that she and Erik made for a ward parade. It is the funniest thing ever to see Kylie gliding down the street in a box with her head sticking out.

side view

All seven grandkids

Levi's bike was decorated as Lightening McQueen.