Wednesday, August 31, 2022

A Quick and Beautiful End to Summer in August 2022

Youth Activities
Temple trips, Water Balloon fights, and fun with the youth. 
It's always a good time when you are with these kids!

Back to School
A Junior in high school, 6th Grader and 2nd Grader. 
These kids are growing so fast!  

Peacock Craziness
It's been interesting and fun seeing these birds in the neighborhood more.

Ward Splash Party
The ward had a swim party at the Kearns pool and it was a lot of fun.

Rain, Rain, Come and Stay
Summer rains are some of the best!

Summer Book of Mormon
Reading Complete
It was a lot of work trying to find time to read, but 
we listened to the entire Book of Mormon this summer.
It was a great accomplishment that I wanted to document. 

Take Me Out to the Ballgame
My co-worker Karina told me she could get me tickets to the Bees Game through her husband. 
They gave us great seats right behind the home plate looking down first baseline. When we were telling Laura Garcia about how great the seats were, Marshal told her they were terrible seats because he couldn't catch a ball. 

Stop and Smell the Roses
Laura came over to visit and we found ourselves literally smelling the flowers!
She cracks me up!

Life in August
Top Left: These silly boys were protecting the root beer from each other. Top Right: We had the privilege of helping Jack and Michaela move to their new place in Garland, Utah. We loved seeing her classroom and being introduced to Garland. It looks like the kind of place I'd love to live. We're so excited for them. Bottom Left: This kid cracks me up! Bottom Left Middle: I love that Marshal called the sleeping bags "cargo." Bottom Right Middle: Braxton and I took a selfie on the way to ward choir practice. Center Right: The great part about helping Michaela move was giving Braxton plenty of driving time. Bottom Right: I love watching Marshal work. He's a good kid. 

Top Left: Braxton and I went to see Melanie in the play Charlie's Aunt. It was fun. Top Left Middle and Bottom Left and Bottom Right Middle: Kent bought me these pretty mums as a apology for the pain he had caused me from the changing jobs and then changing back to Midgley. I left them at work because they made me happy but I forgot to water them over a hot weekend. I came back to sad mums. When I texted Kent about it he told me I killed his love fern. lol Top Right Middle: Marshal found a Katydid and was showing it off. Top Right: I love this flag on this barn. It looks so cool so I had to take a photo. Center Left: I love how this cartoon photo turned out! Photos with our favorite of Charlie's Aunt's, Melanie Turner. Bottom Left Middle: Bottom Right: Our neighbor Karen Lynn's dog had puppies and we had so much fun going to play with them! 

Top Left and Bottom Right: Uncle Dean came for a visit and I loved seeing these great pictures of the Kunz siblings. You never know how many years these siblings will have together so you have to take advantage of those moments when they come. Top Left Middle: Kathy Holyoak from the Midvale ward posted about going to see her ancestors homes in Switzerland. Little did I know when I commented that she and I are distant Kunz cousins. What a beautiful world! Top Right Middle: I had a laugh at this big foot cut out on the fence. Top Right: I had lost my glasses and was on the search for new ones, but nothing really worked for me. When the Relief Society held a garden party on a stormy night I was struggling to want to go. I found blessings in attending when I wore my rain jacket and felt the sunglasses in the chest pocket as I folded my arms to pray. I never would have thought to look there. What a tender mercy it was. Center Left: I love when we get such huge blackberries. Bottom Left: Who knew that Kent had his own Corner at Texas Roadhouse. Bottom Middle: 135 years ago Grandpa Erza Kunz was born. I love to celebrate my ancestors! 

Beautiful August
"If you want the cooperation of humans around you,
you must make them feel they are important-
and you do that by being genuine and humble."
-Nelson Mandela

"In the end we won't remember the most beautiful face or body.
We will remember the most beautiful heart and soul."

"Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like
and celebrating it for everything that it is."
-Mandy Hale

"Your smile could very well be the only reason someone doesn't give up today.
Your kindness has more weight than you know."
-Lonely Penguin

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times,
if one only remembers to turn on the light."
-J.K. Rowling 

"Salvation is an individual matter,
exaltation is a family matter."
-President Russell M. Nelson

"One of Satan's strongest tools is to isolate us from each other,
to turn our thoughts away from those around us and, in so doing,
prevent us from reaching out to others and finding strength through unity."
-Julene Butler