Thursday, March 31, 2022

Winning in March of 2022

Red Rocks Date Night with Cort
We love our Red Rocks and because we also love Braxton, Kent ditched date night and drove him to hang out with his FSY friends while Cort and I enjoyed an evening with the Red Rocks. Go Utes!!!

American Fork State Champions
High School Basketball 2022
You know those random early spring snow storms? Well we had one of those and almost turned around, but decided to brave the weather so we could go to Provo and watch Aaron and the American Fork Cavemen defeat Corner Canyon to win the state title. There was nothing better than to enjoy that moment with him. He was beaming!!!

It was cool to watch Aaron take the time to celebrate with the younger fans as well!

Final Score: 
American Fork 43 and Corner Canyon 39
I was fun to hear Aaron Dunne's name on the news that night!

Moab with Gordon and Kids
While I was watching Aaron take the state title Kent decided to plan a trip to Moab with Gordon and the kids. Thankfully Cort decided to stay with me. I was really bummed that Kent planned it on the same weekend. Even though I was so sad to miss out on time with them, I was also very happy I got to watch my nephew, Aaron, take state in basketball.

Love this great family!

Thanks for Kyli Robison for sharing her excellent photos with me! 

The Next Milestone
He's getting closer and closer to his dad's height...
but he doesn't have him just yet!

West Jordan High School 
Spring Choir Concert
We love to enjoy Braxton and the High School Choir!
This year Braxton has been in the group called Take Ten. 
It's an all male ensemble.
Here's a few of our favorite numbers.
Belles Voix performing
Bora Maisha by Robert Hugh

Take Ten and Concert Choir performing
Only in Sleep by Eriks Esenvalds

Madrigals performing
Seal Lullaby by Eric Whitacre

Take Ten and Concert Choir performing
Sogno di Volare by Christopher Tin

Encore performing
Someone to You by Banners

Take Ten and Concert Choir performing
Thou Gracious God by Wilberg

Tanner Westenskow Wedding
We crashed a wedding after the choir concert. I mean we were sort of invited by the grooms sister, Ashley was fun to see their joy and unique sense of style.

Youth Temple Appointments
Baptisms for the Dead
Cort was able to have his first temple trip finally. Braxton was able to do that baptizing and it seemed like things went pretty well. I was happy to be able to share that experience with them both. What's even better is we were able to go to the temple twice in the same month. 
We love to serve in the temple!

Family Fun and Games
Sometimes on Sunday's we play family games...
and sometimes these boys just make us laugh!

Life in March
Top Left & Top Middle: We had an activity with some other wards that involved a Face to Face broadcast and popcorn. I was impressed with Cort's eagerness to help out! He did a good job. Top Right & Bottom Right: Dylan Oppe had a birthday party that Cort was invited to. Cort loved holding the snake and had fun playing a little virtual reality. Bottom Left: 3.14 is pie day so we had to celebrate, but what do you do when Kent makes too much pie? You invite the teenage boys over to eat it for you! Bottom Left Middle: My plants are starting to poke up from the dirt. I guess spring is on it's way! Bottom Right Middle: For Come Follow Me we were learning about Moses and Pharoah so we decided to do some role playing and made Marshal Pharoah.

Top Left: You know you are doing something right when this beautiful photo pops up on the computer screen and your boys say "Oh, Mom! You've got to come look at this picture." Top Middle: Marshal is taking care of security here at home. Don't worry he can take care of your security at your house too. Good luck bad guys! Top Right & Bottom Right & Bottom Right Middle: Kent was able to get the stitches out from his surgery and stop wearing his sling. I told him the scars from the incisions looked like dragonflies. Bottom Left: It happened! I finally broke down and purchased some reading glasses. I guess I'm at that age where this body just isn't going to be what it used to be. Bottom Left Middle: As we drove through the canyon I noticed the ridge of rocks the literally looked like the layers of rock were smashed together. It was pretty cool.
About 6 weeks into our 8 week challenge and I have lost 5 lbs and I've 6.7 lbs of fat. I can still work on my water consumption, and build more muscle, but overall I am happy with the results. 

Top Left: This meme my cousin posted made me laugh! Top Middle: I decided to do some painting for Saint Patrick's Day. I really like how this turned out but I wish I had thought to center the "with love" square. I suppose I'll have to fix that part later...but otherwise I like it. Top Right: Sometime I am so clever! Bottom Left: Braxton is so creative when it comes to Lego building and Spacial awareness. Bottom Middle: We had the most amazing RS activity where we learned some great tools for centering ourselves and managing our thoughts. I loved it! Bottom Right: I had Cort and Marshal take the love language test and while interesting I'm not so certain that I believe the results.

Beautiful March
“Is the spring coming?" he said. "What is it like?"...
"It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine...”

― Frances Hodgson Burnett

“She turned to the sunlight
    And shook her yellow head,
And whispered to her neighbor:
    "Winter is dead.”
― A.A. Milne

“Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world.”
― Virgil A. Kraft

"Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's Party!"
-Robin Williams

"Life is not what it's supposed to be. It's what it is. 
The way you cope with it is what makes the difference."
-Virginia Satir