Sunday, January 31, 2021

A Joyous January 2021

New Mexico Return Trip
On our way back from visiting Liesel we decided to stop and hike up to Wilson Arch on the side of the highway. We were able to get some great pictures and make some fun memories. I sure love living in such a beautiful state!  

Grandpa Phil's Funeral
We had to do some adjusting to our New Mexico trip in order to make it back to Grandpa's funeral but it was important to us so we made it work. The service was very nice. With Grandpa's love of horses and riding it was so very nice to see them pull the casket by carriage from the church to the cemetary. It was also nice to see his grandsons as the pallbearers. 
It was also nice to see his grandson Ryan and grandson-in-law Harrison dress in their military dress uniforms to represent Grandpa's time in the service. We are thankful for the sacrifice of our men and women in the military. 

I always love to watch the folding of the flag and the 21 gun solute. 
It was such a fitting service!

Jack & Michaela Sutton 
It's a little embarrassing when you are so smitten with your husband holding twins that you forget to take any picture of the wedding reception or the bride and groom. Thankfully Facebook had me covered so I was able to steal a few shots that Michaela posted. We really enjoy the fun the Jack brings to our family! He's a good match for Michaela.

Life in January
We enjoyed helping Michaela and Jack move into their first home and Marshal really enjoyed that Jack had turkey that roamed the neighborhood. He chased those birds all over the place.

Top Left: Apparently Marshal was NOT happy about the fact that we keep using the mixer when he wanted to. lol Left Middle: Aunt Jan passed away and because we were in New Mexico we missed the funeral. Amelia came out and we were able to see her for a bit. While she was here Uncle Marv got her and Tim signed up on the Family Search app and they were so excited to see how he and I were related. Top Right Middle: It's so fun to see Marshal using his new found knowledge of writing words. Top Right: After Amelia returned to Mobile she started a Facebook group to get her friends into family history. Bottom Left:  Center: President Nelson posted about getting the Coronavirus Vaccine and that has encouraged me that maybe it will be a good idea. It's such an interesting time we are living in. Bottom Right Middle: It's been amazing seeing how Amelia's friends have taken to family history. One even posted how quickly we end up with more grandparents than we can imagine. I tried to do the math but I likely got it wrong. lol

Top Left & Top Right: Becca came in to town for the weekend and we were able to spend some time together which was fun. Top Middle: Braxton got a new hat for Christmas and it fits him to a T! Bottom Left: Braxton tried to jump a 1' wall and the wall got the best of him. He also figured since he didn't get a concussion that time around that maybe he'd try for one jumping over Travon's couch and this time he succeeded. All the woes of these teenage boy years. Bottom Middle: I tried for a shot of the moon...they don't always work out. Oh well. Bottom Right: I've been learning how to use my natural curl to style my hair curly this last year and I have really enjoyed the way that my hair has turned out... most days. 

 Top Left: Nothing like seeing my boys eager to shovel walks after church! Top Middle: I decided to buy myself silk flowers for some winter color. Top Right: Marshal sure enjoyed the pudding and whipped topping we had for Kent's birthday. Bottom Left: Fauci said that more than one mask is best. I'm not so sure that I believe him. Bottom Left Middle: You have to document when you have a good hair and make up day. lol Bottom Right Middle: Kent and I had chocolate mousse for Kent's birthday since it fit into our diet better than cake. ha ha Bottom Right: This kid loves to be outside helping even in the winter.

Beautiful January

My old grandmother always used to say, Summer friends will melt away like summer snows, but winter friends are friends forever.  George R R Martin