Saturday, October 31, 2020

Sometimes Life "Falling" Apart isn't so bad...October 2020

Conference Weekend
Top Left: Kent went elk hunting and was able to come back with this nice looking elk. Top Middle: Elder Gong in disguise. Top Right: Kent elk was tall. Bottom Left: Family Search sent me this thought to celebrate the women in my family tree.Bottom Left Middle: What a great reminder that I have been blessed by strong and wonderful women in my life! Bottom Right Middle: Marshal thought Kent needed a blanket and a stuffed animal for his nap. lol Bottom Right: What we learned from the prophets at conference. 
Fall Leaves
We really enjoyed the beautiful leaves up Butterfield canyon!

“Love the trees until their leaves fall off, then encourage 
them to try again next year.” — Chad Sugg

New Truck
Top Left: The Blue Dodge had a misfiring cylinder (I think) so we (Kent lol) decided it was tie for a new truck. Top Right: We were sad to say good-bye to the old truck. Right Middle: I loved his sign "All I need is a smile!" Bottom Left: Kent and I started a new diet. The WiO diet. I also started a new job this month working for our neighbor Jason, owner of WiO Smart Foods. Bottom Left Middle: We saw one GIANT pumpkin on the freeway. Bottom Right Middle & Bottom Right: We also saw some jeeps at the dealership that I had to take photos of since Marshal is into jeeps right now. lol 

Halloween Decor
We had fun decorating for Halloween this year! I might have to look into the same eyes that Bart Robbins had for our windows next year!

We created Billy and Martha Blaze and had a lot of fun with it!

We also had fun with our Facebook filters.

Crazy Corn Maze
We finally made it to the crazy corn maze. It was ok but not nearly as fun as I thought it would be. I did get a kick out of their signs though.

Marshal decided to be Black Panther, Cort was a Werewolf, and Braxton was a Secret Sleuth (Spy Detective). Braxton enjoyed showing off Kent's plague mask.   

Life in October
Top Left: I got ready to fill out my ballot for the election! Top Left Middle & Top Right: Marshal was very happy to have Brayden stop by to watch his soccer game. Top Right Middle: Beautiful fall leaves up Kanosh Canyon. Middle Right: Marshal enjoyed chasing the Turkey's up Kanosh Canyon. Bottom Left: Guess Marshal didn't want to join Kent and I in our diet. Bottom Left Middle & Bottom Right: Mariel came up with the cutest pictures of Florence for Halloween! Bottom Right Middle: Marshal did his hair spikey for crazy hair day.

Top & Bottom Left: Brindee and Bobbie got married and their friends had fun with the car decorating. Top Left Middle: There was a crazy fire on the mountain down near Provo. You could see the flames from the freeway. Top Right Middle: It was crazy to walk into Maceys and see their shelves blocking the way to the registers. They are working on a remodel and it is quite an experience shopping there right now. Top Right: Beautiful view of the moon at Brindee and Boddy's venue. Bottom Right Middle: More of the fire in Provo. Bottom Right: I wrote this on the wall for trax behind our house. The spirit kept telling me I needed to and I kept putting it off. I hope whoever needed it got the message!

Lots of things spoke to me this month. I'm thankful for the things that bring truth and peace to my mind!

Beautiful October!
“Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.” 
– Unknown

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” 
— L.M. MontgomeryAnne of Green Gables

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” 
– Albert Camus

“Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons.” 
— Jim Bishop