Monday, August 31, 2020

Other Shananigans in August 2020

 Kayaking with the Dunne Family

We decided to invite the Dunne's to go Kayaking with us up at Silver Lake Flat and we had a blast!

Top Left: Aaron Kayaked out and got caught on a low water spot. It was pretty funny. Top Middle: Cort using his paddle to push off of some sand. Top Right: Marshal truly enjoyed playing in the mud! Bottom Left: Aaron had some sad battle wounds. Bottom Left Middle: Marshal enjoying playing on the rocks. Bottom Right Middle: Marshal and his "mud mustache." Bottom Right: Braxton and Cort piling moss onto a kayak.

Aaron paddling his kayak and going no where.

Such a beautiful day I had to capture it!

Back to School
Braxton and Cort started school at the end of August. 
Marshal will start school next week in the beginning of September. 
Braxton is starting 9th grade and Cort is starting 4th.

Soccer Season Starts

We were so happy to have the soccer season start after missing out on soccer last spring!

Life in August

Top Left: Braxton had guitar lessons and Marshal had a couple more days before kindergarten started so we decided to get a treat to pass the time. Top Middle: I caught Braxton making a face at the movie he was watching. Top Right: Marshal likes to tell us about the old days. lol Bottom Left: I caught Marshal reading to himself. Bottom Left Middle: Cort had a couple of stubborn teeth that didn't want to come out so we took him to the dentist and had him pull them. Bottom Right Middle: The wardrobe suffers when church is at home. Bottom Right:Marshal got a stuffed white tail deer from the gift shop at Bear World.

Top Left: We had to show off our awesome blackberry picking when we got home from our vacation. Top Left Middle: I curled my hair so I had to take a selfie...Top Right Middle: but I got caught by Kent...Top Right: So I had to take another one that was better than the first two. Bottom Left: For Virtual girl's camp we did face masks. Bottom Left Middle: On a walk down Bingham Creek Trail a bee decided to sting me for no reason. I was surprised how much more it hurt than a wasp sting. It also hurt longer as well. Bottom Right Middle: Showing off my first tie dye shirt that I made at girl's camp. Bottom Right:We also made pizzas for girl's camp. We were happy virtual girl's camp turned out as well as it did. 

California has a lot of wildfires which have created a lot of smoke in our valley. 
It was fascinating and eery to see how orange/red the sun was.
The two top left pictures are the sunrise and the rest are the sunset.

We had a nice downpour that left some fun puddles for the kids to play in so we took advantage of it!

The kids playing in the street while the moms look on.

Top Left: I heard tapping outside and found Marshal outside with the hammer and some rebar. I just can't keep up with this kid. Top Middle: While on a walk on Bingham Creek Trail Marshal pointed out this nice firewood pile and told me we needed one too. lol Top Right: While on a date Kent & I saw evening stars by the moon (I believe) that turned out to be Jupiter and Saturn. Bottom Left: I liked this meme. It is important to teach boys respect. Bottom Left Middle: I saw this mask and thought of Braxton. He has no idea what a day without singing would be like. Bottom Right Middle: One of the frustrations about Covid is the dressing rooms that have been closed for months. Bottom Right: I drank from Marshal's straw so he had to wipe off my germs. Good thing Kent doesn't have any germs though. lol

Beautiful World

The boys started back to soccer and we are so grateful!

"When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator." -Mahatma Gandhi

"The moon was so beautiful that the ocean held up a mirror." -Unknown

"Tell me the story about how the sun loved the moon so much. He died every night to let her breath" -Unknown

"God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars."

-Martin Luther

Finally Made it to Yellowstone in August 2020

We felt so blessed to be able to get away during all the craziness of Covid-19. Kent had been suggesting we go to Yellowstone for years and having never been there I wasn't too worried about going. Now I can't wait to go back! I fell in love with Yellowstone and Eastern Idaho. I will forever be grateful that the Jones family decided to invite us to join them in St. Anthony!
What a great trip!

We enjoyed seeing the many geysers in Yellowstone

Old Faithful
As usual Cort found a friend while we were waiting for Old Faithful to erupt. The boys also enjoyed watching a little bird hanging out by the platform.

We loved seeing these beautiful waterfalls and even found a funny looking bug.
Cort needed a drink. lol


We enjoyed seeing the buffalo... 
...especially since we weren't even sure we would see any.

We couldn't believe how close we were able to get...
...maybe we should have kept a little more space though.

When the cars stopped in the road we didn't expect that it would be 
because a buffalo was walking down the road.

The scenery was amazing!

We had another buffalo waltzing down the road close enough we could have touched it.

This buffalo came up and across the road while I filmed out the sun roof.
I was doing ok until I realize I was wearing a red shirt and I swear it looked at me. lol

Hot Springs
The hot springs were stinky but very interesting and cool looking.

The scenery truly was amazing. One of my favorite parts 
was as we drove into the park the signs said "New Trees 1980" and 'New Trees 1985."
I told Kent that makes us "new trees too."
The petrified tree was pretty cool too.

We had cool fog on the way into the park and a beautiful sunset on the way out.

Eastern Idaho & Ice Caves

I enjoyed watching these Sandhill Cranes in the field.

We enjoyed seeing another bat this summer and rescued a baby bird. 
I had to take a picture of the birds on the wire that looked like they were in mid air.

Other than Braxton hitting his head on a rock we enjoyed 
the ice caves and playing at the sand bar.

Marshal was nervous to jump out at the end of the waterslide.

The toys at the house were awesome. 
We also enjoyed going shooting!

Sand Dunes

The Sand Dunes were not only beautiful but they were also fun!

Making videos of jumping in the sand was a highlight of the sand dunes.

A favorite video was watching Brigham jump over his entire family.

My boys got in on the jumping action also.

Bear World

We had such a blast at Bear World. We enjoyed watching so many animals, the petting zoo, and riding the rides.

The bears were so fun!

The Jones girls especially had so much fun feeding the deer.
What was really fun was watching the deer wait for Martie to pick leaves to feed it.

We loved watching these bear cubs play fight!

We found some fun shirts and signs in the gift shop.