Marshal was pretty proud and a little sad to be leaving preschool for good. He did Upstart online from home while also attending Columbia for his speech. For an added measure of my sanity he also attended Donna Gregory's preschool which he LOVED! We had that set up in case he didn't qualify for speech but when he did qualify we decided to leave him in both classes.
The Skittles Challenge
I saw online that skittles were not actually flavored but rather they were just colored. We decided to test it out but I'm not sure that we actually came to any conclusions. It was sure fun experimenting.
Father's Day Fun
For Father's Day we helped dad get sheetrock up for their food storage room in the basement. Poor Mom/Grandma tripped and hit her head on the stud. She got quite the bump. 😢 After we finished the sheetrock we went out shooting and I honestly had a hard time believing my kids weren't going to accidentally shoot someone. While we were there I found a book that stated that men should call their wives frequently so they know that they are safe. I had to document it and show it to Kent so he knew I was not crazy all those times I was worried he was dead on the side of the road.
Life in June
Top Left: Kent couldn't find his keys one morning on the way to work. Marshal had taken them out to get something from truck and apparently hadn't put them back. I laughed when I saw that he had come back into the garage and got distracted by his wagon and a loader.
Top Left Middle: Marshal was doing "tricks" on the stairs. It was basically standing on his head using the stairs to support him but it looked like he was actually falling down the stairs.
Top Right Middle & Top Right: Marshal and Cort decided to see if Marshal could fit into a storage bin...and sure enough he could!
Bottom Left: He looked so funny in his fuzzy slippers and armor but as soon as I tried to snap a picture he was trying to take it off. He is very sensitive to thinking that others are laughing at him.
Bottom Left Middle: He has the best ways of phrasing things!
Bottom Right Middle: The caption on the picture says it all!
Bottom Right: Random selfies just for fun.
Bearded Dragon Photos: After Blaze ate her eggs she started going after Cricket's tail. After much deliberation we decided we needed to let her go so I took photos to sell her.
Top Middle: My cute boys hanging on the movie sac together!
Top Right: There is nothing more priceless than coming down for church and finding Kent with my youngest two watching the rain to help calm Cort anxiety. He's had some struggles with strong weather ever since the earthquake happened.
Bottom Right Middle: My neighbor Jessica Bullock sent me this picture of Marshal splashing his bike through the water in the gutter. 💖
Bottom Right: It was mentally hard to get myself in to be tested for the Covid antibodies. I had been sick back in February and thought maybe it was Covid. As much as I wanted to know if it was it was really hard to bring myself to enter a medical facility with all the talk of crazy Covid going on. I was proud I finally did it.
Top Left: I thought I'd be funny and send my mom a birthday message with me literally following Siri's suggestion to wish mom "A Happy Birthday."
Top Left Middle: With riots and protesting for Black Lives Matter going on in downtown Salt Lake things started to get very scary. I was thankful that we didn't live to close to the craziness.
Top Right Middle & Bottom Middle: I got my popeye pancake to puff up really big this time.
Right Side: I saw this completely black bumblebee and thought it was really interesting so I took a picture of it. With a little research we found out too late that it was a carpenter bee
which is actually a big pest.
Left Middle: I was happy to be able to support Nathan Brown for my state representative. While I was sad to see him lose again I really do like his passion for serving the people.
Bottom Left: Burgess Owens surprised me when he took the Republican nomination for the 4th districts congressional seat. When I saw posts like this from a black man I was pretty happy that he won.
Go Burgess!
I've been reading a book called Courage to be You by Gail Miller. I thought this might be a great place to post the quotes I have loved from reading her book this month.
"I think parents, especially mothers, have a hard time finding that point at which they can let children spread their wings. When do we say, "OK, this job is yours now? I've done my part. Now it's all yours"? We always want to be responsible. We always want to take responsibility for our children, for what they do, and either excuse or take the praise. But that's not our job. It's a natural desire, sure, but at some point we must let go and say, "You can do it." -GM
"If Heavenly Father never stops giving council to His children we shouldn't either." -GM
"When children rebel against our advice, as they all will, it might be wise for a loving mother and father to say, "I'm here to raise you, that's my job, and you ought to listen because the time will come when I won't be here. You'll be on your own, and you're going to make big decisions every day. You're learning agency now in my home; one day it will be yours to use fully." In a sense, every parent's goal is to raise great decision makers." -GM
"Without a doubt, no marriage and family can be healthy without a rich understanding of forgiveness. It's the most important habit a family can develop. The entire plan of happiness, the route back to live with our Father in Heaven, is paved with forgiveness. It's the core of Christ's mission. It should be the core of ours, too." -GM