With a nice little quarantine encouraged we decided to spend some time doing projects.
Kent put new gravel down on the north side of the house and replaced our old wooden fence with
a gate he was able to get from work. Our neighbors Jason and Callie Whitney were working on a garden box themselves and Marshal decided he needed to work on his own project with Jason's big drill. He made a Thor sized hammer. It was a little troublesome a few weeks later when I saw him trying to slide pieces of wood from his playhouse to Jen's backyard and he told me that she needed a hammer too. This kid certainly keeps me running!
One of Adrianne Jones friends offered to take a few photos of families on their porch for a screaming deal. Our porch isn't so pretty so we decided to take our portraits in front of our fence. I like how they turned out. It was nice to have happy pictures to remember this time by!
Mother's Day
For Mother's Day I got lots of flowers! Kent let me pick out a bunch of flowers to plant and bought me two bouquets from him and the boys. Marshal loaded up his dump truck with some of the flowers from Scott's snowball bush!
Thank You Front Line Workers!
We were lucky enough to watch this beautiful flag be unfurled over the Intermountain Medical Center. It was a very cool experience to be there and see!
Special Birthday's
Jonathan decided to surprise Liesel and bring her to Utah to celebrate her 30th birthday.
Unfortunately he dropped the ball and told her his secret.
Either way we were really excited to celebrate Liesel's 30th & spend time with them!
Memorial Day
We saw some beautiful skies while we went to visit Grandma & Grandpa Kunz' graves for Memorial Day. I couldn't help but take a photo of it. We also discovered that Kent's former co-workers daughter is buried close to my grandparents. I also had to snap a photo of this cool headstone that was designed like a genealogy chart.
End of School
Homeschool was hard but we all made it through it. I had to keep counting down in my mind. We enjoyed the quick parade the teachers and staff of Terra Linda put on for the students.
I love how much better my room is with the walls painted, the closet doors pained as well as the bedroom doors. I really like our new fan as well. We replaced the blinds, plugs, and baseboards. It just feels nice to have our room updated. Eventually we will put new carpet in but for now it is my new favorite room. I'm also amazed at how close the mixed paint is to the color in the front room considering it looks so different in our bedroom.
Marshal does say the funniest things!
Top Left: I love that he has "feet on."
Top Left Middle: If he's not using a wagon to put groceries away he's using a dump truck.
Top Right Middle: I couldn't figure out why he was asking if it was 100 now until I saw the time. ha ha Top Right: Before Marshal went to bed he asked if I would change the batteries on his tractor. I told him yes and woke up to him taking care of it himself.
Middle Right: Dangerous things never seem to scare this kid. He must have many guardian angels!
Bottom Left: I had to laugh when I saw Kent using Marshal's dump truck for the tops of his radishes.
Bottom Left Middle: When the governor put everyone on lockdown we decided we needed to try and keep our family safe and at home. After the mandatory two weeks Marshal deided he had enough. He snuck over to Greyson's house to play and since I was busy with a project I missed Shaylee's text asking if I was ok with it. He thought he was going a good job is sneaking behind the governors back. lol Bottom Right Middle: Marshal was freaking out about the possibilities of spiders that might be in our house...I asked him this and got this reply.
Bottom Right: The kids always get a bath on Sunday morning so it was funny to hear Marshal say that Sunday morning was his trucks bath day.
Top Left: I found Marshal's bullet stash. 😂
Top Left Middle & Top Right Middle: Marshal had hauled coolers, the wagon, and his construction trucks to Scott's house while he collected ants to "sell" to people.
Top Right: Marshal and mom taking a selfie.
Left Middle: There's nothing like kid logic which Kent's tells me was inspired by the movie Lilo and Stitch.
Bottom Left: We were able to watch a Fly Over from Hill Air Force Base. This is one of the few perks of Covid. Sometimes we get cool experiences right here at home.
Bottom Middle: Cort was helping unload groceries and asked me to snap a pic.
Bottom Right: Marshal thought Sunday morning was just the right time to play in the dirt. It reminded Kent of the song If the Good Die Young by Tracy Lawrence.
Top Left: Kent was making me crazy so I decided that the best way to deal was to eat ice cream on my waffles for breakfast...probably not the best way but it's what I choose. lol
Hair Pics: I curled my hair for home centered church and had to document it. I've also noticed that this "pandemic" has given me a whole lot more gray hairs! Yikes!
Top Left: We found a yellow cake mix that expired in 2016.
I guess yellow cake isn't a favorite at our house.
Top Left Middle: For Young Women's we painted rocks together via zoom. It was nice to use some creativity. Sure wish we could have painted these together.
Top Right Middle: We discovered that our Bearded Dragon Blaze is a female when Cort got to watch her lay a bunch of eggs. We were a surprised when she ate them all the next day.
Top Right: When the weather started getting hot we tried to get the swamp cooler running and found out that it needed a $600 part. We decided that than investing in the swamp cooler year after year as we had we would finally invest in central air. I was really surprised when it looked like the fan had fallen off. We seemed to have trouble with it running until I was told that running it at 67 degrees was way too cold. OOPS! Guess I might have overworked the poor thing.
Right Middle: My two painted rocks together.
Bottom Left & Bottom Left Middle: This was posted on social media and Kent asked me to try it out. The weeds to the right were the result. It turns out Vinegar, Salt and dish soap works for killing weeds.
Bottom Right Middle: Kent was able to help Ashley and Ozzie out with some concrete in the back yard by lining up his concrete guys to pour for them. Bottom Right: While out for a walk in the neighborhood I found this business card. I couldn't believe it when I realized it came from our very own Bart Davis from our Midvale ward.
What a Beautiful World!
“Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm,
“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”
– Maya Angelou
“There's a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they're absolutely free. Don't miss so many of them.”
“When the sun has set, no candle can replace it.”
“To say goodbye, is to die a little.
To say good morning, is a hope for a new sunshine in a cloudy winter.”
To say good morning, is a hope for a new sunshine in a cloudy winter.”
“A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds, and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs; an optimist doesn’t see the clouds at all, he’s walking on them.”
– Leonard Louis Levinson