Saturday, November 30, 2019

Hilarious Times in November 2019

Temple to Temple:
Boy Scouts 20 Mile Hike
The Scouts hiked from the Draper temple to the Oquirrh temple. 

Cort's 9th Birthday
Cort had a fun time with his friends coming to his Pokémon birthday party.

Lots of fun stuff from his friends!

Life in November
Top Left: Marshal said, "I haven't had that kind of pie" as he opened his mouth hoping for a bite! 
Top Middle Left: Marshal told me "These are just fancy songs." 
Top Middle Right: After finding a piece of broken glass at the bottom of the dishwasher Marshal said "I have great eyes to see" 
Top Right: Marshal told us to "Call me apple. Because the Apple doesn't go far." 
Bottom left: Marshal told me he "needed to drink his generator to get some energy!" 
Bottom Middle Left: He said "Mom, the moon is getting it's jammas on and the sun is getting dressed!" 
Bottom Middle Right: Kent had been teasing Cort about hunting animals and eating them. At one point Marshal got excited over the idea and Kent told him they could shoot birds and eat them for dinner. The next morning Marshal told us "Mom, we didn't have a bird for dinner yesterday." Kent and I laughed. 
Bottom Right: Talking with Kent about the football scores from the previous night I asked Kent if Utah State won to which Marshal stated "Yeah, they won. Utah in the United States."  

Top Left: Kent and I were headed out for a double date with the Blackburns. He said that I wasn't dressed nice enough so I had to send a photo to Rebekah and ask her if I was under dressed. lol 
Top Middle Left: I was cooking in the kitchen in Grandma Holdaway's apron so I took a photo and I liked it. 
Top Middle Right: Braxton was trying on hats while shopping at Kohl's.
Top Right: This giant sloth at Kohl's was about $400. While it was a fairly cute stuffed animal I did not think it was THAT cute! 
Bottom Left: Cort used his birthday money to buy a sand art kit. It was fun. 
Bottom Middle Left: Marshal didn't want me to take a picture of him eating ice cream.
Bottom Middle Right: Braxton didn't have any problem with me taking his picture while eating ice cream.
Bottom Right: I was texting with Rebekah asking about how her date night had gone while my date was fast asleep. He was out to the world! lol I had taken his remote and it still looked like he was holding it. 

Top Left: Mashal loves to work out on the treadmill that we got from the Jones family.
Top Middle Left: Marshal enjoying a Thanksgiving feast with his Columbia class. 
Top Middle Right: Marshal helped his dog fold his arms for prayers.
Top Right: Marshal working on something at school.
Middle Right: Marshal picked Nachos and salsa all by himself for lunch and nearly made it by himself as well.
Bottom Left: Marshal is a good helper who loves shoveling snow. 
Bottom Middle Left: Marshal all decorated at this Thanksgiving feast at school.
Bottom Middle Right: This kid cracks me up. He rolled his bike right from the garage through the family room to the back yard because he wanted to ride his bike on the dirt/grass. 
Bottom Right: I found him asleep on the floor in the corner. I guess he wanted to be with his stuffed animals.

We played the game Would You Rather and I lost. Everyone picked A and I picked B.

Top Left and Snowman pic: We got some snow for Thanksgiving. 
Top Middle: Our Thankful turkey this year. Top Right: Erik and Cheryl had four basketball tickets up at the U so we invited Makinzee and Mike Loveridge to go with us. It was fun! Bottom Left: We finally updated our lights on the house and it is so much nicer! Bottom Middle: The boys enjoying pizza night. Bottom Right: Marshal was making me crazy with his birthday talk so I made a multi-month paperchain in order to keep his birthday talk in check. lol 

The decade before and after was either a wrongly marked year on the photo or a huge difference in the matter of a year. 

I finally finished my Mrs. Claus. It has been fun being creative with her even is she did have to go through a few changes.

I had a family member who was really going through a hard time. I didn't know how to help them so I prayed that the Lord would send ministering angels to help. I also prayed that I might remember that prayer so I would know if my prayers were answered. That night they came home doing much better than when I had seen them last. That night I had indeed forgotten about my prayer for minister angels until two friends posted about their own ministering angels. I was immediately reminded of my prayer from earlier that day and the spirit testified that my prayers had been heard. 

I started to walk outside to get Marshal when I discovered that a bird was trapped in my open screen door. I decided to use the garage door instead.

Beautiful November