Cort and Marshal
Cort was able to play on the same team as he played on last year.
We really love his coach and enjoy the league that he plays with.
Cort really enjoyed playing goalie and did pretty well.
This was Marshal's first year playing a sport and while it was hard for him
to be comfortable at first he really loved it by the end.
Fall Leaves
We took our trip up to see the leaves this year and were met by a day of snow.
It was beautiful to see the fall colors against the white snow.
New Mexico Trip
Liesel and Jonathan blessed their sweet daughter Rachel and
we were thrilled to head down to be there for the blessing and to meet Rachel.
She is such a sweet little girl! We love her!
On our way down we stopped off at the Four Corners Monument
since we had never been there before.
Saturday morning we went to Old Town Albuquerque and we were met
by fun decorations for Dia De Los Muertos or Day of the Dead.
It was fun to enjoy the traditions others have with Halloween.
Marshal was excited to find a street that reminded him of the movie Coco!
We found a few other fun places to take pictures in Old Town as well.
Liesel and Jonathan took us to this quirky little place called Tinkertown Museum.
It was a lot of miniature towns and places this man built. It was oddly fascinating.
I also really liked a lot of the collected saying they had.
I liked this saying as well.
We took the kids up to the Sandia Mountains. It was very cold, but the kids
had a fun time jumping off the rocks and playing in the snow.
One our way to and from New Mexico we saw the most beautiful trees and skies.
It felt good to enjoy the beauties of the earth.
Our Beautiful Fall World
My mums were beautiful this fall.
I don't think I realized just how beautiful the sky is this time of year!
Over and over I found times that I couldn't help but snap a picture of the beauty.
Marshal Selfies
Sometimes you come back to your phone to find that your son
has had a photo session. He cracks me up.
Happy Halloween
For Halloween Braxton was a wolf again, Cort was a dementor from Harry Potter and Marshal dressed up as Marshal from Paw Patrol.
Life in October
We had a great time picking apples from Aunt Cheryl's tree
and making them into applesauce. We also enjoyed Braxton's first
middle school choir concert. It was a benefit concert for ALS
and they sang all Beatles songs and entitled it BeatALS.
It was a lot of fun!
Marshal had a lot of fun with friends at preschool and other times this month.
I was able to help Ken Ivory get up signs for his state legislature campaign.
The kids built a fort with the wood left over from the new fence.
Marshal found a heart shaped rock like Tia used to look for with her kids.
It felt like a reminder that my friend and God both love me.