Sunday, July 1, 2018

June 2018

Last Day of School
The start of summer always feels good! It was a little bittersweet this year knowing that Cort's teacher Miss Gurney would be leaving to teach at a new school next year and this was Braxton's last day of elementary school. Mr. Bryant doesn't seem too sad about summer break either. Braxton and Tyson were a little sad that Travon would be going to another middle school, but 
I don't think that will keep them from maintaining friendly ties!

A Pirates Wedding

I was able to go to Mobile, Alabama for my cousin Amelia's wedding. It was such a privilege to be there and see her in her realm. Mobile was a charming city and it was fun to see how 
Tim and Amelia tied their personalities into the wedding. Including the role 
Amelia takes of being one of Mobiles favorite pirates. 
You can read more about my wedding experience here.

Everyone had a blast watching Tim and Amelia in the spotlight.

One of my favorite parts was when Uncle Ken got up and spoke about how he knows his daughter as Amelia and everyone thought it was so crazy to call her by her name Amelia. We all laughed that those in the family know her more by Amelia, but he Mobile friends just call her Tyger.  

Girl's Camp
Theme: It's a Jungle Out There
Ready to head off to girl's camp.

We started off camp with some silly minute to win in games. They were fun!

Girl's Camp always has to have a skit night!

The girl's really played up their skits using the props.

Even the priesthood men came up with a skit!

The girls were amazing at using flint and steel to start their fires!

Braxton's 12th Birthday
Braxton enjoyed having friends over for his birthday party. 
We let him be in charge and we had snacks and played games in the backyard.

Fish Lake
Kent, Cort and Marshal enjoyed some fishing at Fish Lake while Braxton and 
I stayed home and went up on Friday to spend some mother son time for his birthday.

Life in June
I took Marshal and Cort to the West Jordan Library and they enjoyed all of the displays for Owl Camp which is a Harry Potter themed summer camp. Cort also got a paw patrol award! Way to go! You can never get enough Marshal least that's how Marshal seems to feel.

My kids were happy to see me back from Alabama at the end of church. I also had to show off my new Auburn shirt. In the middle of girl's camp Kent and I jetted down to Manti for Shantel's wedding. I had to share this post about things to do while on earth because it shows the gospel simplified. Sometimes I get overwhelmed and something like this so simply stated helps me to relax.

We went and saw Incredibles 2 and the boys wanted to take pictures with the cut outs. Someone thought the bearded dragon should get credit for my vote. Cort rocked the 70's look! Marshal was so excited to pack for grandma and grandpa's house that he brought his whole dresser contents down stairs in one arm load.

West Jordan paved our roads and we got to watch although I really don't think they cared for the audience. Marshal loved every minute of filling his sandbox with water. He is one busy kid!