Saturday, June 9, 2018

The Things I Learned at a Pirate's Wedding

Mark Twain once said, "Don't let your schooling interfere with your education.”  The spiritual side of that would be never let your religion get in the way of your spirituality. Today as I watched my cousin get married I was taught through spiritual eyes. This was not your conventional church wedding, but this wedding taught me a valuable lesson. 

Religious people may not appreciate hearing that you are heading out to attend your bartending cousins wedding. It may raise a judgmental eye or two. Telling them she's also a pirate will not redeem you either. Despite the lack of religious merits earned I was taught a deeper meaning of loving and accepting others. 

Never before have I seen a room full of such a diverse collection of people who are genuinely accepted and loved for exactly who they are. Pirate, chief, Scotsman, Mormon, Lesbian, tattoos, purple hair, blue hair...all were loved and welcomed. This eclectic group of people were all there to love and support two amazing people who love and support an entire community of people. 

I'm so grateful for the experience of seeing that deep abiding love for others and meeting such a diverse group of people. I'm thankful for the example of my cousin and her new husband. I hope that as I go through life I can more fully see people as they are and love them for exactly who they are. 

I will work on not letting my religion get in the way of my spirituality. True religion is merely a map to find our spiritual connection to God. That spiritual connection with God is really where we find ultimate joy and learning to love all His children helps us come closer to Him. That is because we all carry within us His spiritual DNA. Thank you dear cousin for your love and acceptance for not only me, but so many of God's beautiful children. I love you! 

Friday, June 1, 2018

May 2018

1st Grade Field Trip to the Zoo
Cort and I had a good time together at his 1st grade field trip to the zoo!

We were surprised to learn that the gorilla eats cardboard boxes.

We laughed at the gecko stuck to the glass in the bottom right picture.

Field Trip to the 
Hill Air Force Museum
It was a little different to go on a field trip where I didn't have to have 
the kids stay right with me. I had fun chasing Braxton, Tyson and Travon around.

Sherrie Holdaway Funeral
We were very sad to lose our sweet Aunt Sherrie. 
She always gave the best and warmest hugs! 
We are so thankful for eternal families!

Night at the Museum
It was fun to see the great artwork that my boys did.
They have some great talent!

Braxton's First Play
The 6th graders did the Shakespeare play The Merry Wives of Windsor & 
we loved watching them perform. I was very proud of Braxton!

Cort Soccer
Cort enjoyed playing soccer again this fall! 
We sure love playing with Coach Tyler Smith!

Memorial Day
I love to visit the graves on Memorial Day and 
remember those loved ones who have passed on.

Kamiry Graduation
Kent and the kids weren't able to make it, but it was 
great to be able to celebrate Kamiry's accomplishment!

End of the Year Awards 
Cort got a Troll Patrol Award and Braxton 
got quite a few awards for his work in 6th grade.

Levi Graduation
We are so proud of Levi and enjoyed being there to support him!

Another fun dinner at Los Hermanos!

Life in May
A typical Marshal mess. Marshal chowing down on cake. All the boys wearing yoda ears. Marshal's poor tractor broke to pieces but thankfully Kent was able to fix it. Marshal took Kent's picture.

I was loving my new haircut so I had to show it off. Cort pegged me with wanting Marshal to listen to me. Cricket sleeping in a funny position. Rebecca Kent came into town for Women's Conference which was a delight and I found this beautiful view while I was at Tami's house. Marshal took my picture. A good reminder about feeling the spirit!

It was so much fun spending the evening with these ladies some I met for the first time!

Crazy Beautiful World
I always love taking pictures of my flowers in the spring! One crazy spring day I looked out my back window and saw this beautiful clear sunny day but at that same exact moment there was this collection of storm clouds looking out my front window!