Monday, January 2, 2017

Merry Christmas 2016

Christmas is a magical 
and wonderful time of year!

Live Nativity
Our family enjoyed visiting the live nativity 
with the Kunz family!

Choir Concert
Braxton has participated in choir every year since first grade. 
We enjoyed having both sets of grandparents join us.

Kent had the opportunity for a guys night with our friend Kevin Starr.

Ho Ho Ho!
Merry Christmas!
Cort was thrilled to give Santa his long list, but Marshal was not so sure!

Christmas Pictures
I made my family stay in church clothes long enough to take these pictures. 
I think it might have nearly killed them.

My Cousin Amelia asked me to send videos of the kids opening up their presents so I did!
Christmas Morning

I even got a fun surprise!

I was really happy that I was able to get so many fun shots of the kids sledding!
Watch out!

Even Marshal had a ball!

KC Decker Wedding
Every now and then a payday comes along. Kent spent many years with a group of boys. First as a primary teacher, then as a scout master, and finally as a young men's president. Seeing the man KC Decker has become is not only a payday for Kent, but for me as well. I know that the Lord has directed many steps in this young mans life, but I am thankful He allowed us to walk so many steps along side the young men Kent has worked with!

Four Wheel Sledding 
at Grandma & Grandpa Robison's house.
We had a good time sledding with Gordon and his kids!

After 5 years we finally started the process of painting our house...
...maybe in five more years we will be all done! 

Clark Planetarium
We were lucky enough to get some tickets to the Clark Planetarium 
from Aunt Darcy and Uncle Kevin.
We decided to bring some friends and we had a blast!

New Year's Eve
We had fun playing games with the Starr family on New Year's Eve...
...Everything went fairly smooth until about 11:00 when the tired set in.
Good thing we have New Year's Day to recover with naps!

Family History
I came across this picture of my great grandmother (top) and 
I was amazed at how much my grandma, her daughter, (bottom) looked like her!

Life in December
For Christmas Kent and I got new bed sheets and pillowcases and comforter and the works! Cort lost another tooth and drew an awesome gazelle (his artistic talent truly amazes me). We drove past a beautifully lit tree at the mortuary. Dyke and Julie gave us a new computer desk which we love. Finally Marshal just couldn't keep from checking out the tree!

I found a fun setting on my phone and took a few selfies & one of Marshal with his ball. Kyli caught her Uncle Kent in a pic that I love. Marshal needed an entire stuffed zoo to go to sleep. Cort turned into a weird shiny alien and I caught a beautiful sunset. It has been a busy, but wonderful month!