Monday, November 30, 2015

November in New Mexico

We have been doing a preschool curriculum here at our house and 
I made these visuals for my letter of the day. 
After making them I thought I'd do a little photo editing. ;) 

This is his "Oh I am SO excited" face!

Baby Marshal rolled himself into the clothes basket.

First Lost Tooth
November 14 Cort came out of the bathroom and told Kent he needed a new tooth. 
Turns out his was gone and he didn't know where it was.

Good thing tooth fairies are understanding!!!

Happy 5th Birthday!
My little boy is not so little anymore.

He turned 5 and had an "Ocean 'dirthday' party!"

The cute girls next door were here...Kendall & Jalana.

So was his church friend Ryker.

MakayLee was here.

Eli was here also.

As was his friend Rose.

And our cute neighbor and friends Abella and Alexa.

We had a great time.
We played Dolphin, Dolphin, Shark (Duck, Duck, Goose)
After we read a book that had the kids guessing which ocean animal it was.
Then it was time for pin the tentacle on the octopus.
Followed up by a seahorse pinata (sadly not pictured)
Finally we opened presents and ate cake and ice cream.
Next time we'll have to remember that one hour to do all this is a little too ambitious. ha ha ha

He looked awesome in this gift from Rose!

Preparing for family pictures in New Mexico.

We weren't even shopping for him, 
but he found the vest and was all over finding an outfit!

Our New Mexico Vacation
Mesa Verde
It's hard to tell, but this sculpture is of an Indian scaling a rock face.
This is at the entrance of Mesa Verde in Colorado.  

This is the beginning of the Indian ruins.

This is the Spruce Tree House behind us.

There were lots of fun sites to see, 
but now I couldn't tell you what site is what. 

It's not free like Grandma's house, 
but they do make the beds all pretty for you!

Aaron, Austin, Cort, Braxton and Hailey 
hanging out in the willows for the family pictures.

Little turkey trying to run away.

Awe that food was good!

We took the opportunity to visit the Albuquerque aquarium.
Luckily this ray is very photogenic.

Cort was excited to see some seahorses.

I really enjoyed the jellyfish.

Marshal just liked it all.

Sea turtles!


(Manta?) Rays

A kid without fear!

Barracuda! Yikes!

Braxton and Cort...

...sailing the stormy seas.

What's an aquarium without a swan outside. lol

As I was saying "Cort, come back" I completely confused this young man...
...whose name just happened to be Cort as well. 
We had to get a picture!

Braxton was excited about the wolf at the entrance of the zoo!

Cutest bear in the zoo!


One of the treats on this trip was being able to go to the zoo 
with my good friend Janice from high school.

It was a blast to meet her husband and sweet kids!




Poison Dart Frogs

Tasmanian Devils

Basilisk lizard

I want to say this was an iguana

This snapping turtle was bizarre. 
I could have sworn it was dead.
Turns out they lay motionless like that.


Bald Eagle

I believe this is a Condor

My cute little birds!

polar bear




Liesel & Jonathan
A Forever Family

My handsome husband

I love it when I get him smiling for the camera!

Yay Liesel and Jonathan!

Smoochie, smoochie!

Hey Look we can do that too!

We are so romantic. ;)

Bandelier National Monument
...beginning with my sons the squirrels.

My handsome crew!

Cort was a champ on the ladder.

Showing us what it was like from inside.

Marshal and I stayed down below away from stairs and ladders.

Tight fit!

My great boys!

Home Sweet Utah!
Vacationing in the New Mexico desert 
sure made me appreciate the beautiful state I live in.
I had to take a few snapshots as we drove home.

Life is Utah is beautiful and definitely elevated.