Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Merry Christmas 2013 from the Robison's!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from the Robison Family!
The year 2013 has given our family a wonderfully amazing ride. This year our family has been blessed to enjoy Kent's Grandpa Robison’s 90th birthday celebration, a wonderful visit from our close friends the Kent's, a family reunion at Fish Lake, the Kunz family annual camp out, the opportunity to tour temple square with Kent's brother Gordon & his family & we were grateful to be able to attend Kent's Grandma Robison funeral this fall. In March Kent & I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary in Las Vegas, NV. We loved taking in the sights together!

As usual Kent is working hard taking good care of our family. This year Kent left his second job with Summit Ice after it changed ownership. Kent loved working with Summit, but couldn’t stay as the saw the new company not taking good care of their customers. He misses the relationships he built there, but we have been blessed with plenty of work at Midgley (construction) to cover any financial losses we could have experienced.  He’s been blessed with wonderful work relationships. This year he also took on the calling of Ward Mission Leader. It has been fun to watch him fulfill this calling with great capability.

I have had an amazing year. This year I have rededicated myself to my Discovery Toys business and it has brought so much joy and growth into my life. In July I jetted off to country music's birthplace, Nashville, Tennessee! The annual convention was held at the Opryland hotel & it was quite a treat to check out the other side of the country. I was blessed this fall watching my hard work pay off as I had many parties and two of my biggest parties to date. I feel so blessed by the many relationships I have gained through my business& can’t help but thank everyone for their love and support! We have been blessed with so many uplifting friendships in our lives! 
This June Braxton turned 7. I keep wondering where the time has gone. This summer we went fishing a few times and Braxton has proved to be a good little fisherman. This fall as Braxton became a 2nd grader he tried his hand (or should I say foot) at soccer & really enjoyed it. This year he earned two improvement awards in his schoolwork. He earned one award last year in 1st grade and one award in 2nd grade. We are very proud of his hard work! He is such a big help and a blessing to our family!

Cort started speech therapy in April & we have been so thrilled with how well he has done. There's nothing better than watching your kids grow up & learn how to communicate! In November Cort turned into a 3-yr-old & boy is he good at it. Cort also started preschool last month & now receives his speech services there. He has loved every minute of preschool & riding the bus.

As I reflect on the year 2013 I truly feel blessed! We have had many opportunities to spend time with friends & family. I have seen The Lord change us through our goals & help us to grow. Thank you for being wonderful blessings in our lives! We have truly been blessed by your love & friendship! 

Merry Christmas & may The Lord bless you in 2014!!!!

The Robison Family

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Santa at 3 is scary, but Santa at 7 is AWESOME!

The Santa Process...
Mom: Want to go sit on Santa's lap?
Him: NO, NO, NO!!!!!!!!!
Mom: Ok I won't make you. Can I just sit you on the stage and take a picture?
Apparently NOT!
Dad says "Come on let's go kid!" and stands in line prepping him the entire way...
 Ummm Dad he's right there looking at me!
Dad: NO! Don't you cry. You are just fine.
Young Woman: Here's some candy don't cry.

Dad: See there's mom you're ok
Santa: Hi Mom!
Him: *sniffle*sniffle*
7-year-old: So Santa, Can you bring me a Lego Chima Craggers Command Ship?
Mom to 7-year-old after: What did Santa say?
Him: Oh, uh I don't know.
All I can say is that some traditions are actually quite funny when you think about all the hassle we go through! Merry Christmas Santa! Thanks for letting all three of my boys sit on your lap!