Thursday, June 20, 2013

My Road to Team Leader...the 1st leg.

You may have noticed a drop in posts this year. It's not because I have decided to stop writing. It's because I been busy investing in me. I am amazed at how much I have managed to learn in the course of 6 months. In January my good friend Dawn called me up and said she was going to start listening to the Discovery Toys calls that were supposed to help us promote to team leader and she wanted me to do it with her. I was willing to start working on my business again, but I wasn't sure that I was ready for that, but I decided to try it out anyway. What a great commitment I made. Since doing those calls I have learned and grown so much in SO many ways.

Those leadership calls helped me decide to honestly work my business each and every day. Guess what happens when you start to work your business each and every day. You start to take yourself seriously!!! What happens when you start to take yourself seriously? Others start to take you seriously! More importantly God starts to take you seriously. When God starts to take you seriously the pathway opens up even wider!

Through out the months of February and March I was in the leadership program which was giving me a weekly conference call with a weekly challenge that helped me to focus on different parts of my business. There were point values attached to all aspects of the business and when you did different things you received points for your work. My points were not too high at first because I was struggling to get parties to book and hold. That was ok though because I was still working diligently on my business. By the end of the 8 week program I was starting to see results, but felt that the time it took to be on the calls and track the points it was more than I could handle at the time so I did not continue on with the new call group.

In addition to my small strides in January I found a new recruit via my Facebook page.. I hadn't had one for a long time so I was thrilled that Meredith actually found me! Not only that, but she accomplished success start. It was amazing the energy she was bringing to my business. Even though I was not getting a lot of parties I had recruited and she was asking about all kinds of boutiques and getting me out there as well! I was definitely being blessed for my efforts.

In life I have learned that anything worth having has got to be worked for. That is what I am seeing with this business as well. I have started to work to push the ball and get it rolling and as I got momentum the momentum was beginning to grow. I believe it was the first of April I had a man named Timothy follow up with me from a door contact I had made back in the summer of 2012. We talked about his financial program and briefly talked about my Discovery Toys. At the end of his presentation he decided to take a chance on me and loan me a CD of his called Magnetic Influence by Dani Johnson, a successful life coach. I have a friend on Facebook who talks all the time about Dani so I was excited to start listening. I have learned so much about sales and interacting with people and all kinds of useful knowledge. It's been great!

Then in May my up-line Leslie had given me the opportunity to do an event which was a non-sales event. I was just supposed to set up and give away a free gift and could not sell. Leslie's vision was to go and recruit like crazy and book parties. I LOVED so much about this event. Without the ability to focus on sales I was able to collect 60+ leads from this event and I met a new friend Jennifer and Heidi. Heidi is a body language coach and she was the next key to my success.

Heidi followed up with me the next week and we got together and she shared some things with me that I had never thought of. First when I got my leads from a party or show and I was about to call on them she taught me to pray to my Father and ask for his help in achieving my goals. Then before I called on them I was also to take a powerful business pose for 2 minutes. Do you know that when she asked me what a powerful business woman would look like I was lost. I could not even think of how that looked. That is how clueless I was about body language.

She also taught me about the negative voices in our head. She spoke about the positive voices that are trying to speak to us, but we don't hear them because we are so accustomed to hearing the negative voices and listening to them. As she spoke of those voices I realized she was right. We have so many ancestors who are personally invested in our success why wouldn't they be surrounding us telling us how to succeed and yet those spirits who followed Satan will shout at us and as long as we keep listening to them that will be all we will ever hear. I was amazed at how easy it was to get those negative voices to go away with proper body language and prayer.

What have I been doing for the past 6 months you ask? Well a mountain of personal growth I say. I have learned how to work hard, pray constantly for the Lord's help in ALL I do, and then listen to those voices that will lead you to success. Then when it comes to connecting with people I have learned that it is not about me. If I am looking for ways to help others that success will come. I have to care more about others and less about me and what I want. This month I have had 5 parties booked and a list of possible recruits. Not all of them held and I don't have a recruit yet, but I am working on learning how to do my business better and I have faith that as I learn and grow the Lord will be there to guide and direct me every step of the way. Of that I have NO doubt!