Sunday, January 29, 2012

Filling Our Own Lamps

In the parable of the 10 virgins it is easy to wonder why the 5 wise virgins did not share their oil with the ten foolish virgins. I mean if I had plenty and my neighbor was in need would I selfishly with hold something that could help out my neighbor? Of course not, but that is not what the parable of the 10 virgins is about. Many of us know that, but I have often contemplated different ways to explain that concept. Here is what I came up with this week.

I try and get in exercise 4-6 times a week. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. In addition to exercise I have discovered how important proper eating habit are to having a healthy body. You can exercise all you want, but if you continue to eat a diet in high fat, high sugars and other unhealthy food your exercise will only ever maintain your current weight. It will never allow you to lose weight. I have tried to share these habits with others. Some are embraced and others are not. The other day as I was working out I realized that this is the perfect analogy to the ten virgins. 

I would love to help every overweight American lose weight. In fact if I could eat enough fruit and veggies for them I would, but I can't. If I could save a loved one's life by exercising for them I would, but it's not possible. Every day I try to fill my body with the right foods, get in my exercise and take good care of my body, but unfortunately I can only take these actions for myself.

It is the same spiritually. Our spirits only maintain spiritual health through the proper amount of prayer, scriptures study, service, church attendance, etc. Sometimes I think there are those who believe they CAN attend enough church for everyone else, but again they can not. Each and every soul is personally responsible for their own physical, spiritual, and mental conditioning. No one else can "fill your oil" so to speak. So when you speak of these 10 virgins I hope you will remember that we are all personally responsible for our own own oil in our own lamps and as long as we fill that oil daily we will be ready when the bridegroom commeth. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Help Wanted: American President...apply within

Could you imagine if applying for every job were as excruciating as the process of "hiring" an American President? We are so quick to believe all the mud slinging and any negative perspective anyone is willing to give about someone else. If we all had to go through a similar experience wouldn't we be more apt to question the nay sayer's in this presidential campaign? Imagine it. You are at your job interview with all the other applicants sitting in front of your potential boss. You & your opponents have lists of...well everyone's life choices, so to speak and you all now have free rein to call out anyone in the room. Comments like, "I don't know if someone who cheated on their 10th grade math test should be in charge of the accounting in this firm" or "Should you really be a grade school teacher? Right here is says that you yelled at your own kid when he had an accident. How do we know you wouldn't do that to a student who makes a mistake?" would be part of the process (on the other hand maybe it would be a great process to use to pick your families physicians or other services). You'd have to be a pretty tough character to even land a job. Don't get me wrong here. I do think that the position of President of the United States needs to be a difficult process. If we just let anyone in we'd be under attack by every nation that hates us because they'd view us as an easy target. It is an important process to our countries success. I'm just glad that I'm not running for president this year. I'm actually glad that I will NEVER be running for president. I don't have too many skeletons in my closet (that I am aware of), but I am sure that I'd find out about them the minute I even consider running. I'll stick to being a mom, president and CEO of my personal domain. That job is big enough for me! Plus Kent is the only one who can fire me and he can't afford my replacement. I'll take that kind of job security.

Braxton's Little Funny Moment

Conversation between Braxton and I while I work out with The Biggest Loser Boot Camp Video:
Braxton: Come on Mom get up and pick up your weights.
Me (taking a momentary breather): Just a minute Braxton I'm tired.
Braxton: Oh! (momentary pause for thought) The Biggest Loser guys don't get tired.
Me: Thanks Braxton.
Braxton: You're welcome mom.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Joy in our Posterity

Sunday morning usually finds me in church, but today Cort woke up with a cough and Kent and I felt it was best to keep him home. Still that usually lands Kent at home & me at church, but something in me felt like I needed to be home. So far I feel it was the right decision. I turned on the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and in conjunction with Martin Luther King Jr. Day the broadcast had some great southern gospel music. I couldn't help myself but to get up and sing and dance with Cort. His little laugh and his delight at the interaction was the most beautiful music to my soul. I don't think we take the opportunities for those moments often least I know I don't. Maybe I needed to stay home today so I could remember that even church can be wrong if you aren't taking that time for your family. Don't get me wrong. I love church and think it is a very important part of a souls spiritual development, but no amount of sacrament meetings, relief society meetings, or even temple attending will strengthen your bond with your child like living, loving and laughing with them. It's those moments that shape children into confident and secure adults who will make a healthy America. Maybe what I am saying is never let your testimony get in the way of true religion. Yes God wants us to take time to worship Him and serve him, but he does not want us to do it at the expense of taking care of the children He has blessed us with. When you take time to be with you children in an atmosphere of love you really can have "joy in your posterity."

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Today I was slowed down a little by well who knows what. I had achy bones & muscles, chills & my bowels weren't doing so well so to speak. At first it was a little frustrating, but in the end I am really glad to be sick. I know, 'what are you talking about?' Hear me out. Usually when I am sick I would lay on the couch and watch TV, but I parked myself on the couch in the front room and I did not want to move. So instead of TV I got to spend the whole afternoon with my boys. I wish I would do this more often. I read books with Braxton, sang songs to Cort that made him laugh, and I took the time to mark Braxton's new calendar with all the important dates.

At one point Braxton was giving me a good hug & telling me how much he loves me. I told him how happy that made me because when he was a little bit older than Cort he liked his daddy SO much that he didn't seem to like me too much. His response to that make me laugh just a little. He told me, "When I was in your belly then I came out and I wasn't nice. Then my dad gave me a blessing and I was nice. When Cort was a baby and came out he wasn't nice and then dad gave him a blessing and he was nice again." What a sweet little boy!

At another point I was telling him about veterans day and that his grandpa (my dad) is a veteran and what that means. I then told him that after his grandpa lived in Turkey that he came back home and went to college and met his grandma and thought she was so pretty he wanted to marry her, but she wasn't sure so he went on a mission and then when he came home they got married. Braxton then told me that when he gets big like his dad he'll go on a mission, and then he and Baylee can get married in the temple like me and his dad. I have to admit that I love being a mom to a 5-year-old. I have very few complaints and the complaints I do have are very minimal.

Cort on the other is a really good thing that kid is so stinking cute. He truly climbs on everything! The kid is determined to be on top of everything and don't bother with trying to keep something he wants away from him. If he wants it he is determined to get it. I sure do love that kid though. He is such a happy little boy. He LOVES people! It is so much fun to watch him grow and learn.