Monday, December 24, 2012

The Humble Christ Child.

While moping my kitchen floor in preparation for Christmas day a thought came to my mind that brought tears to my eyes and a greater appreciation for why we celebrate this blessed day. Many of you like me are probably getting the last minute things done such as buying those last gifts, making and delivering treats for neighbors, and cleaning the house. The house cleaning is my main goal for today.

How different that first Christmas was from today. My house will most likely end up being "good enough" when the exhaustion sets in tonight, but it will still be mostly clean and it will be safe for my children. Already it is much cleaner than it normally is on any other day. Yet when I think about the first Christmas night I realize that there was no "nesting" done in order to prepare for the birth of the new baby. Can you imagine bringing a baby into the world, wrapping them in a blanket & laying them in hay used by animals? The idea is unheard of and yet every year we celebrate the birth of a baby who came into the world this way.

Joseph and Mary's humility amazes me. Never did they fight for a proper setting for the birth of a king. They humbly took what was offered them and went on with the task of bringing our Savior into this world. I imagine they were gracious and grateful for a place to bring this child into the world not matter how humble the setting.

So as I prepare my home for jolly old Saint Nick I hope that I remember that while I am blessed to live in a clean, heated, beautiful home of modern convenience the most important part of this Christmas season is that our Father in Heaven sent us the gift of his perfect son. His perfection was not in how clean his surrounding were or whether there was a bow on the frankincense and myrrh or not. His perfection came in how he loved so perfectly His brothers and sisters and how perfectly He followed the will of His father. Perhaps that is what we should finish off our year with and how we should start the next year. Maybe that will change the world in all the ways it needs to be changed. Maybe all we need is to love our Father and His son and all His children just as perfectly as we can. Then when we do make mistakes we can repent and try a little harder tomorrow to do our best yet again. Merry Christmas brothers and sisters!!!


Monday, December 17, 2012

Being cared for by the Lord: Modern Day Miracles

This is a hard post for me to write. Maybe I am prideful. Perhaps it could be I don't want to admit my struggles. Either way I feel a need to share how my personal testimony of faith has grown in the past three months. Perhaps the hardest part about writing this is knowing how much to share. I have always lived my life with an open book kind of policy and my husband has not so out of respect for him I have to be cautious.

In Malachi 3:10 it says, "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." There are very few places where the Lord tells us to test him, but this is one of them. My little family has been blessed over the past three months as we have "tested" the Lord by working harder at being more diligent in paying our tithes and offerings.

We, as many others, have struggled in this economy to meet our financial obligations. It is amazing to me that as we have been able to cut some of the debts out and I have been blessed to pick up a job watching kids that we have not seen an increase in our spending money whatsoever. I am baffled that we were able to pay the other bills we were previously paying. Either way we have been greatly blessed to be able to make ends meet as well as we have.

This summer we had a few mistakes that ended up with some excessive overdraft fees at the bank. We worked hard to fix them, but it seemed like no matter how hard we tried we just could not catch up. Just when we'd think clear sailing was around the corner we'd end up with something new that we couldn't figure out how to fit in the budget. The never ending cycle was wearing on our mental health and Kent and I were struggling to be kind to one another. We were both stressed to our limits. Then the first miracle happened.

In September I was stressing about how we were going to get a large bill paid that was coming up in October. I opened up the bill expecting it to show an owing balance and to my surprise it showed a negative in front of the total we owed. Not only did it show a negative it was negative about 2 months worth of payments. I was quite perplexed and then I was worried. What if it says that, but I am misunderstanding what I am reading. I'd better call. So I did and to my delight the woman on the other end said, "yes it is showing that you have a credit of...." She went on to explain that I would not owe a balance until December 1st. I clarified that with her again and was thrilled to finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. I was amazed that my call had not put her on alert. I had figured that someones payment had been credited to my account and they would be quick to search for the error, but she acted as if it was no big deal so I was not going to convince her otherwise.

As December 1st rolled around I was again expecting to get the bill and although we had climbed out of the whole we had got ourselves into I was still not certain how we were going to pay this bill. When the bill arrived I was stunned again. I had expected to see the negative gone and it was, but I had not expected to owe a $0.00 balance. I do not know how it happened; computer error, human error, an unknown donor? I do not know! This is what I do know. It was a miracle from God. God sent us a huge sum of money in a way that made sense to us. God took care of us when we were struggling to care for ourselves.

Again a few weeks ago we were short being able to pay the mortgage on time and I did not want to have to wait until payday and end up with an expensive late fee. We were blessed to find out Cort needs glasses, but we didn't have the money for the glasses as well as the entire sum for the mortgage. Again we were blessed. I had the faith and asked God to help me know how I could pay for the mortgage on time. With 5 separate deposits we were blessed to receive we were able to pay the mortgage on time and even get all the bills paid up to our next pay day. I am so thankful this fall the Lord saw fit to bless my family and to teach me at least 2 very valuable lessons.

#1. When we pay our tithing the Lord really will, "open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." I am amazed at all the little ways the Lord has blessed us as well. People asking if we needed this or that and it being exactly the thing we needed to buy, but weren't finding the money for. He really does take care of those who place their trust in him. Lesson #2. We may think we take care of ourselves and our families, but really it is the Lord who takes care of us when we allow him to. The political catch phrase of the day is, "you didn't build that, the government did." Perhaps there is a half truth in that. We didn't build anything...the Lord did. We only do what the Lord has allowed us to do. We are eternally indebted to him. While we can never truly pay him back I hope that we as a country will at least try. We owe him so much!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

Dear Friends and Family,
The end of 2012 is here and apparently the end of the Mayan calendar also. Of course we are confidently looking forward to 2013 and all the learning and growth it will bring. As I look back on 2012 we truly have been blessed. Just to fill you in here are our top 12 of 2012.

12. “Heart Attack” (FYI not a real one) for Kent &; I love you stickers for Marlies on Valentine's Day

11. 1st Snowman for our front yard here at this house

10. University of Utah gymnastics! We even got to enjoy a long anniversary date for the Pac-12 Championships.

9. Spring, Summer & Fall flowers that made beautiful flower arrangements for us to enjoy!

8. Braxton played T-ball and got to attend a T-ball clinic with the Salt Lake Bees.

7. We got the opportunity to teach Braxton about the Olympics and we all enjoyed watching.

6. Braxton lost his 1st tooth in July!

5. Braxton turned 6 and moved onto the 1st Grade...

...Cort turned 2!

4. Kent planted a garden, Braxton watered it, 
and we all weeded & harvested it.

3. Family Camp outs, Family Reunions, 
weddings, baptisms, 5K with siblings 
and chances to strengthen family relationships!

2. We took a trip to Kanab and
saw the North Rim of the Grand Canyon

1. We finally got another girl in the family...she walks on 4 legs, drinks from a bowl, and barks. Perhaps we should be more specific about what kind of girl we want next time.

All through the month of November we have been counting our blessings. We have truly been blessed to have each and every one of you in our lives! We are grateful for this Christmas season and the opportunity to reflect on our gratitude for the Savior. We hope that your family is well and blessed. Have a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

The Robison Family

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Celebrating a Season of Gratitude

For quite a few years now Thanksgiving has been my favorite holiday. I love taking the time to recognize all that the Lord has blessed me with. When I was growing up Thanksgiving dinner was delayed while we all sat around the table and took turns stating at least one thing we were thankful for. As an adult I haven't always been able to enjoy that tradition. This year I will be able to enjoy that tradition regardless of where the dinner is spent. 

Today I came up with a great way to help my family love the holiday and learn to count their blessings. This evening I took Braxton outside to find some leaves so that we could have some leaf rubbings to give the Thankful sign some more color. The leaf rubbings were even more fun than I remembered. I was surprised that my 6-year-old said he hadn't done a leaf rubbing before. The plan is to have each member of the family write one thing they are thankful for each day throughout the month of November and post it on the door. For a little more fun we may even add pictures of some of our favorite things that we are grateful for. I hope that your family can also find a way to make this a season of gratitude. After all really celebrating Thanksgiving is the best way to prepare for a wonderful Christmas!!!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Perspective from a 6-year-old.

Tonight Braxton and I read scriptures before he went to bed. It was great to read and help him to understand them. As we discussed the resurrection and what that means I explained how one day Kent and I will die, but because of Christ's resurrection we will live again. Braxton then asked me what day we would die. I told him I didn't know, but I hoped it wouldn't be for a really long time. Earlier in the conversation I drew stick figures on a pedigree chart to visually explain how Jesus Christ is our brother not our Father and he told me that Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father needed beards on their stick figures. After I told him we wouldn't die for a long time he indicated that Kent was not too far away from dying. He went on to share that when he had stuff (hair) under his nose (mustache) and not just his chin (goatie) he would die. So those of you with full beards watch don't have much longer to live! :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

2 Minute Confidence Booster

Ever need a shot of self confidence? Here you go! Hold a confident pose for 2 minutes! Such a great video about how our non verbal communication can change how we view ourselves. Have a look! 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Sanctity of Womanhood

About a month ago I read a Blog post entitled, "The Purpose of Motherhood" and it has been on my mind ever since. Her ideas along with many inspired quotes helped me to realize some of the errors in my ways and have helped me to realize the importance and joy that is found in the work that I do. Being a stay-at-home mother is not always highly valued in this ever changing and "progressive thinking" world.. Thankfully it is still valued within my LDS faith, but sometimes it feels like even then I am alone in that decision to be at home. In fact recently I read a news article entitled, "Mormon Women seeking greater ground to greater equality" which was in stark opposition to the ideas from the Blog Post. The news article got me thinking for a few minutes. I wondered if there was a good reason these women are dissatisfied with the way things are in the church. I questioned if we really are unequal to men? I don't feel the way they do, but should I? Then in response to these questions I heard the talk entitled, "The Vision of Prophets regarding Relief Society: Faith, Family, Relief" by Sister Julie B. Beck from General Conference in April 2012.

Sister Beck says, "it is clear that the purposes of Relief Society are to increase faith and personal righteousness, strengthen families and homes, and seek out and help those in need. Faith, family, and relief these three simple words have come to express the vision of prophets for sisters in the Church."

Elder Boyd K. Packer said, "it is as obligatory upon a woman to draw into her life the virtues that are fostered by the Relief Society as it is an obligation for the men to build into their lives the patterns of character fostered by the priesthood."

The vision of Relief Society is Faith, Family, and Relief. No wonder I have never felt these feelings of inequality. I feel comfortably rooted in my part of my family tree. This is the work my mother did, my grandmother, and her mother before her. I am one link in a chain of a legacy of Women raising families unto God. I too will encourage my children to honor the sanctity of womanhood and respect women as the mothers and future mothers of this world and the next. Being a mother is not a little thing. We create the visions of the world in the minds of our children. If our children grow up believing that the world is cruel and unkind it is most likely because of how we raised them. Likewise if they grow up believing that this world is kind and honest and giving it will also be because us. It is those attitudes towards the world that set up a person to either see the way the world will help them to meet their potential or see how the world is hateful and will beat them down every time they try to get up. For me raising a child who sees the good in the world is the only option.

David O. McKay shared this idea by saying, "Motherhood is the greatest potential influence either for good or ill in human life. The mother's image is the first that stamps itself on the unwritten page of the young child's mind. It is her caress that first awakens a sense of security, her kiss, the realization of affection; her sympathy and tenderness, the first assurance that there is love in the world."

"As mothers, we have more influence among the children in our own homes than we can have among anyone else." -Rachel Keppner (Blogger)

Susan W. Tanner said it well when she said, "Homemaking skills are becoming a lost art. I worry about this. When we lose the homemakers in a society, we create an emotional homelessness much like street homelessness, with similar problems of despair, drugs, immorality, and lack of self-worth. In a publication called The Family of America, Bryce Christensen writes that the number of homeless people on the street 'does not begin to reveal the scope of homelessness in America. For since when did the word home signify merely physical shelter, or homelessness merely the lack of such shelter?...Home [signifies] not only shelter, but also emotional commitment, security, and belonging. Home has connoted not just a necessary roof and warm radiator, but a place sanctified by the abiding ties of wedlock, parenthood, and family obligation; a place demanding sacrifice and devotion, but promising loving care and warm acceptance."

"Said Thomas Wolfe: 'There is no spectacle on earth more appealing that that of a beautiful women in the act of cooking dinner for someone she loves.' Or, to which I might add, cuddling a baby, or leading a child in prayer, or counseling a strong young son or daughter, or comforting a tired companion." -Gordon B. Hinkley

No one anywhere needs us more than our children and husbands do! -Rachel Keppner

Elder James E Faust reminded women, "Do not be deceived in your quest to find happiness and an identity of your own. Entreating voices may tell you that what you have seen your mothers and grandmothers do is old-fashioned, unchallenging, boring, and drudgery. It may have been old-fashioned and perhaps routine; at times it was drudgery. But your mothers and grandmothers have sung a song that expressed the highest love and the noblest of womanly feelings. They have been our nurturers and our teachers. They have sanctified the work, transforming drudgery into the noblest enterprises."

Elder Faust also said, "Homemaking is whatever you make of it. Every day brings satisfaction along with
some work which may be frustrating, routine, and unchallenging. But it is the same in the law office, the dispensary, the laboratory, or the store. There is, however, no more important job than homemaking. As C.S. Lewis said, "A housewife's the one for which all others exist."

To read all of these wonderful quotes may inspire us in the moment which we read them, but as any mother knows there will come times when these ideas will be questioned in our minds. Our children will test us and 
make us questions if we are indeed doing the most good in the world or if we are trying to move a sinking 
ship. Thankfully the words Gordon B. Hinckley's father told him can help as we are overwhelmed and struggling at these times. He wrote in a letter to President Hinckley, "Forget yourself and go to work." As Rachel stated in her Blog "One of the best cures I have found in my own life is to pull myself up and do some  routine, menial work. The idea of drudgery is the intimidating thing! But when we get up and go to work to help someone else, we come away revitalized, renewed--even full of purpose and energy."

She also cautioned the manner in which we use this answer saying, "it's also all in the attitude. The Savior never indulged in feelings of martyrdom, and neither should we! When we begrudgingly do housework, we are not serving our family. We are serving our own selfish needs to justify our anger and get everyone to feel sorry for us. But it does not work to make us feel better, nor for our family to appreciate us! Out efforts should be selfLESS, not selfish in nature. We only turn the cure to our unhappiness to poison when we work with an embittered heart."

Rachel also suggested, "if the idea of cleaning or working on housework makes you want to crumble up into a ball, and it's just something you can't make yourself do in that moment, then gather up your little ones into your lap and read them a small book. Or call a friend, a sister, or an aunt or your mother. Work on a project that you've been procrastinating. Go on a date with your husband. Most of all, PRAY for help, strength and renewal to do the ONE THING that the Lord would have you do in that moment of despair. Just DON'T give up!"

As I have kept these ideas in my mind the last few weeks I have realized that far too often I have not realized my place as the wife and mother in this family. I have often served with grumbling and disdain for my husband and children. I have wondered if, after years of those kind of feelings, that is why some couples divorce. It definitely cannot be good on a relationship for one spouse to resent another. That leads to the mistreatment of children and devaluing and mistreatment of ones spouse as well as ones self. When I think about the importance of serving to make my house a home I do find more joy in my service and I see things in a very different light. I see a hard working husband who comes home at the end of what is sometimes a very long day and I do want to lighten his load. I see the mistakes my children make as opportunities for learning instead of reasons to scold them and make them feel bad for adding to my load. I find I desire to make my home the happiest place on earth...even happier than Disneyland. 

When women understand the beauty of the work we are called to do we realize that this work does not make us any less than a man. I recognize that not always is a woman blessed to be able to do this work at home. Sometimes her particular situation calls for her to bring an income into her home. In such a case women should be seen as equals and paid in wages equal to the male counterparts. However, when I read about women who feel there is not an equality within the LDS church I have to say I don't agree. Women have such a great influence in the world. How lucky men are to have their own unique calling withing the Priesthood to help them feel the importance of that same service we render. In reality when we understand the differences between men and women we realize they are truly equal partners in God's plan. 

As it says in 1 Corinthians 11:11-12 "Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord. Far as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God."

"Motherhood is not what was left over after our Father blessed his sons with priesthood ordination. It was the most ennobling endowment he could give his daughters, a sacred trust that gave women an unparalleled role in helping his children keep their second estate. As President J. Reuben Clark Jr. declared, motherhood is 'as divinely called, as eternally important in its place as the Priesthood itself.'" -Sheri L. Dew

Friday, August 24, 2012

What does your Animal Name mean?

Profile #2 is a Lion                                                                               Profile #3 is an Owl
 This means you are:                                                                              This means you are:

Spoken/Visual                                                                                     Written

Blunt                                                                                                   Aloof

Impatient                                                                                             Skeptical

Interrupts frequently                                                                             Listens critically

Likes/Dislikes:                                                                                      Likes/Dislikes:

*Likes conclusions first                                                                         *Likes documentation

*Dislikes introductions                                                                          *Dislikes exaggerated claims
     and background

*Likes content which is                                                                         *Likes an intelligent audience
     complete but concise

ASSERTIVE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------RECEPTIVE

Profile #1 is a Chimp                                                                             Profile #4 is a Koala
 This means you are:                                                                               This means you are:

Visual/Spoken                                                                                       Dialogue

Dramatic                                                                                               Informal

Curious                                                                                                 Agreeable

Easily Distracted                                                                                    Patient

Likes/Dislikes:                                                                                       Likes/Dislikes:       

*Likes to contribute ideas                                                                      *Likes Discussions

*Dislikes detail                                                                                      *Dislikes high pressure

*Likes to be entertained                                                                         *Likes to hear options


Strengths:                                                               Positive Words
*entertainer                                                                                            Idea-Oriented
*positive                                                                                                Creative
*optimistic                                                                                             Enthusiastic
*takes a social lead                                                                                Personable
*never at a loss for words                                                                      Expressive
(always has something to say)                                                                 Stimulating

Strengths:                                                               Positive Words
*troubleshooter                                                                                     Goal-oriented
*initiator                                                                                                Disciplined
*idea generator                                                                                     Organized
*change agent                                                                                        Efficient
*not intimidated by conflict                                                                     Intense
(can look forward to it)                                                                          Pragmatic      

Strengths:                                                               Positive Words
*accurrate                                                                                             Task-oriented
*logical and sequential                                                                            Precise
*follows rules/standards                                                                         Thorough
*makes decision based on facts                                                              Inquisitive
*diplomatic                                                                                            Persistent
Strengths:                                                               Positive Words
*organized                                                                                             People-oriented
*disciplined                                                                                            Loyal
*team person                                                                                         Team Player
*courteous                                                                                             Accepting
*warm and friendly                                                                                Cooperative
*systematic                                                                                            Friendly

After you read though your profiles let me know if you were surprised how well it described you or if you feel that it didn't subscribe you. When I first heard I was a Koala I didn't think so because the talk I heard before taking the test made me think I was a chimp, but after finding out I was a Koala and reading what the profile was it was like meeting myself all over again. It was also fun to get together with all my other Koala buddies and realize how truly alike we were! It was fun! Also interesting to know is after we took the test they broke us up into groups according to our personality and had us build something with some building toys. The chimps had a great time and whatever they didn't use was all over the place and they couldn't find their container. The lions had a difficult time getting their toy built because everyone wanted to be in charge and had a better way to do it. The owls had their toy built and all the left over pieces organized according to shape and color. The koalas were finished first because they were all so agreeable with one another.

They did the same kind of exercise with another toy and put each personality profile in each group and all the groups finished about the same time because the groups were more equally dispersed. I thought it was interesting how much more balanced the groups were with all the personalities. Helped me to realize how important we all are in this world and how much more we can accomplish when we all work together for the same outcome.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Personality Styles (Animal Names)

Just learned about a personality test at my Discovery Toys meeting that I find interesting. I attribute it to Team Leader Pat Nelson. Thought it would be fun to share it with you. Be sure to go with your first answer as it is usually the most honest answer.
Here's the test...

Circle the number for each category that best describes the person. Example:
The answer would be                        IF:
          1                        Challenges what others say most of the time.
          2                        Challenges what others say somewhat more than accepting what they say.
          3                        Accepts what others say somewhat more than challenging what they say.
          4                        Accepts what others say most of the time.


Challenges what others say                       1  2  3  4            Accepts what others say
Communication is to the point                   1  2  3  4            Communication is indirect
Speech is quick and demanding                1  2  3  4            Speech is slow and thoughtful
Active, fast-paced, and impatient              1  2  3  4            Calm, Slow-paced, and patient
Bold, decisive, willing to take risks            1  2  3  4            Hesitant, studied, avoids risk taking
Leans forward and faces you                    1  2  3  4            Leans back and faces away from you
Raises voice for emphasis                         1  2  3  4            Speaks softly
Competitive and confronting                     1  2  3  4            Cooperative and receptive

            Total of circled numbers            __+__+__+__ = ______ Assertive Score (Range 8 to 32)


Outgoing and approachable                      1  2  3  4       Guarded and distant
Emphasis on opinions and concepts          1  2  3  4       Emphasis on facts and details
Random and unstructured conversation     1  2  3  4       Focused and Organized Conversation
Decisions based on intuition                      1  2  3  4       Decisions based on logic
Much body and hand movement               1  2  3  4       Little body and hand movement
Appears open and casual                          1  2  3  4       Appears controlled and businesslike
Animated facial expressions                       1  2  3  4       Unresponsive facial expressions
Warm and friendly                                    1  2  3  4        Cool and formal

            Total of circled numbers              __+__+__+__= ____ Responsive Score

                                                  Locate the person's Position on this array
                                               Lions                              32                                     Owls
         Assertive Score     8--------------14--------------20--------------26--------------32
                                        Chimps                                   8                                   Koalas
                                                                           Responsive Score

Locate your Assertive Score on the horizontal line then locate your Responsive score on the vertical line.
Your two dots connected will make a new dot inside one of the quadrants and you will then have your interpersonal animal style name. Write down your animal as a comment and when enough of us have taken the test I will tell you about what each personality style means. So far Kent, Cheryl, Devin and I have taken this test.

I am a Koala
Kent is a Lion
Cheryl and Devin are Chimps

I'm looking forward to hearing what each of you are. Thanks for taking the test!!!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Small Miracles

When a flying insect comes into your home they often long for the rays of the sun. You will find them sitting in the window as if trying to get back to the outside. If that insect will but shift their focus to a doorway instead they would find unlimited freedom and the outside world they desire. We too are like that insect in so many ways. 

I feel like lately I have been banging my head on a window trying to figure out how to make it to the outside world. Last week my Father in Heaven answered my prayers in the miraculous ways he has before. It seems like many times we wish He would just break the window but instead he showed me where the door was. It is such a simple answer that far too often we don't see it as a miracle, but to me it was as much a miracle as changing water into wine. 

Wednesday morning I had prayed for my Father in Heaven to help me feel love for my husband and to remember why I married him. As I drove to the splash pad to spend time with my friends I saw a guy riding a motorcycle. Upon seeing him my first thought was wow that guy looks tough (not tough like a biker, more strong like a hard worker). Just as soon as that thought had finished a new thought jumped in my mind. "Man Kent would look so good a bike...I love my husband. He is so handsome and strong." How easy would it have been for me to continue thinking about the bike rider or the other cars or some other focal point yet my mind was turned to the wonderful man I had married. As I continued down the road the radio songs seemed to remind me of how I love my husband as well. For me it was a small miracle. I shared this with my friend at the splash pad and she shared with me some of the information she had read about the needs of men and woman and how they are different. She helped me to see so other doors that could help me be a better wife and ask for the things I need from my husband. 

That night I had some other information brought to light by my Father in Heaven. Information that helped me to understand some of the struggles I have gone through in another family relationship. It empowered me and I felt like my soul had become amazingly light. I shared this information with my husband and thought this would be one of those moments we would connect in a way I felt I need to connect with him, but it wasn't. My husband was very tired and could not keep his eyes opened. I sent him to bed and felt discouraged, unloved, and unimportant. It was hard. 

The next day felt even harder because I was carrying that pain from the day before. I knew there were things that needed to get done, but again I found myself pounding my head against a window wondering how to make it outside. I couldn't figure it out. As I was heading home from the grocery store I my Father in Heaven again show me where the door was. It as a text from a dear sister-in-law who had finally read a discouraged email I had written to her a few weeks earlier and she was responding just at the time I needed it. 

Her text read, "Hey...u knock it off. You have work to do! We all need you, especially that beautiful family of yours and don't you doubt it for one second. You are an amazing strong righteous woman and that means plain and simple Satan wants YOU! Never forget that. I think that's just as important to remember as the knowledge that God LOVES us, Satan wants us to fail as much as God wants us to succeed and so he will NEVER stop messing with us, especially those that are trying! Don't let him trick you, he's so smart. He knows U don't have the typical weaknesses so he is trying to use YOU against YOU...its called self doubt. I love you and I'm reminding you right now of how wonderful you are how needed you are how much we rely on your sweet spirit in our family. I know I couldn't have made it without you and your wisdom many times. I'm so lucky to have you for a SISTER:) Love Love Love U."

After reading that text I was in tears. My heart shifted from being hurt and upset about things again to me realizing I needed to turn to my husband with my hurt and my problems and let him know my pain so he could help me to heal it. He has been helping me through this and I appreciate his love and his help as well as his humility and his kindness. I am so thankful that my Father in Heaven was willing to send me the small miracles that I needed. I pray that he will continue to do so and I pray even more that I will always be willing to see when I am blessed with those miracles. It's amazing what a small change in perspective can do to change a life. It's true that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass! Alma 37:6-7

Saturday, August 4, 2012


I'm always told to write down the funny things Braxton says because I will forget. Here are some of the fun Facebook posts that I have about Braxton in the past year. Enjoy!

Braxton saw an add in a magazine for cosmetic surgery. It had the before and after pics of a breast augmentation. He said to me, "mom, I can see that these got bigger." I thought Oh dear here we go. He then told me that they needed to cover them! Oh thank goodness that was the thought my son had! August 4, 2012

Watching Water Polo during the London Olympics one of the swimmers got out of the water and Braxton said to me, "Mom, I saw the flag of liberty guy and his shorts were off and I saw his underwear ha ha ha." July 29, 2012

Braxton got his first loose tooth tonight. He was really sad about it. He was asking Kent and I to fix it for him through sobbing and tears. hopefully it comes out soon and we can send it off to the tooth fairy. July 16, 2012

I have friends who have told me they don't like musicals because it's not realistic for people to break out into song. Those people have NOT lived with my 5-year-old. He breaks out into song regularly! March 10, 2012

My nephew is so cute, he just called me and said he made cherries in school and thought of me. Totally made my day!!! :) - Posted by Liesel Kunz on October 24, 2011

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Seeing Christ even in times of Darkness

A great way to help our kids see the good in the world even among tragedy.

My friend posted this on Facebook the other day and it touched me deeply as I thought of the tragic events that happened in Aurora, Colorado on Friday. Ever since I heard about it I had gone back and forth about whether or not to let Braxton know about it. 

Until seeing this I had felt like I needed to keep him in his peaceful sheltered bubble, but after reading this I realized that he is growing up in a scary world and by not educating him about what is going on around him I am missing the opportunity to prepare him fully to live in this world. So I pulled up a video and we talked. 

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

After watching the video and hearing the governor speak of the medical community I had a profound and even spiritual experience. I shared with Braxton that there were many doctors and nurses who were in bed asleep resting for the next day who received calls asking them to come back to work and assist those who were wounded. There were police officers who responded quickly to the calls about the shooter. There was an entire community of policemen, firemen, medical staff, dispatchers, etc. who sprung into action to stop more chaos from happening and to help those in need to heal from the terror that had been caused by a man who is (for lack of a better word) deeply troubled. 

Even in a terrible tragedy there was beauty and goodness and hope and light brought into this troubled world. It was such an important lesson not only for Braxton, but also myself. It's human nature to focus on the bad and allow it to cloud our vision, but when we seek after anything "virtuous, lovely, of good report or praiseworthy" we discover the tender mercies of the Lord. It is true that all things point to God. 

There is a scripture in Moses 1:39 that says, "For behold, this is my work and my glory - to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." I believe that through this difficult time there will be many who will look to God for comfort. I believe that through this tragedy God will collect many of his children and help them to find the truth just as he has done with calamities before. I want to be clear. I do not believe that God in ANY way caused this young man to commit this horrific crime, but I do know that God has a goal to bring His children home and He will use this incient to do that. I am so thankful for a God who loves us enough to allow us to have struggles that will help us grow closer to Him. 

At times such as this I am SO very thankful for the scriptures. I have heard it said that the man who committed this act should have been shot and killed in that very moment when the police arrived. Perhaps I would have felt the same way with out the influence of the scriptures. In Mosiah 28:1-4 it says,
 "1 Now it came to pass that after the sons of Mosiah had done all these things, they took a small number with them and returned to their father, the king, and desired of him that he would grant unto them that they might, with these whom they had selected, go up to the land of Nephi that they might preach the things which they had heard, and that they might impart the word of God to their brethren, the Lamanites -
2 That perhaps they might bring them to the knowledge of the Lord their God, and convince them of the iniquity of their fathers; and that perhaps they might cure them of their hatred towards the Nephites, that they might also be brought to rejoice in the Lord their God, that they might become friendly to one another, and that there should be no more contentions in all the land which the Lord their God had given them. 
3 Now they were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not bear that any human soul should perish; yea, even the very thoughts that any soul should endure endless torment did cause them to quake and tremble. 
4 And thus did the Spirit of the Lord work upon them, for they were the very vilest of sinners. And the Lord saw fit in his infinite mercy to spare them; nevertheless they suffered much anguish of soul because of their iniquities, suffering much and fearing that they should be cast off forever. "

After hearing this young man should have died this scripture came into my mind. Yes, this man did do a horrific crime. He will absolutely have to pay for his crimes against humanity. Although, after reading these scriptures I pray for the Lord to help this young man's soul. If we truly believe in Christ and His atonement then we will believe that this man can repent of his sins and I pray for that. For that reason alone I believe it was better that he was not killed. Perhaps God spared this young mans life for a purpose that we, His children, can not comprehend. 

I pray for the families who have been affected by this crime to have peace brought to their hearts and minds. I pray that God will be with them and help them through this trial now and even in the years to come. I pray that the lessons I have learned about looking for the good even in these tragedies will stick with me through out my life. It is my desire to pass these ideas along to my children so that as they grow up and deal with an ever changing world that they will have the skills to overcome the challenges that will be theirs in the years to come. 

I testify that God does know us and He is aware of our nation as we struggle. He is also aware of us individually. I know that if we are going to heal from this tragedy it will only be through His atonement. I am thankful for this knowledge and share these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.