1. My relationship with my Heavenly Father
2. My Savior Jesus Christ who atoned for all my sins & transgressions who has endured all my challenges & struggles so he can know how to help me.
3. My loving husband who works so hard for our family.
4. Kent's employment that has been secure for so many years now.
5. Braxton and his sweet & willing spirit whose desire is to listen & obey.
6. Cort and his little cheeky smile that almost keeps him out of trouble.
7. The parents who raised me well & did their best despite their shortcomings & imperfections.
8. My brother Brian & my ability to understand that even though he may pretend to be hardened & calloused he really cares about his family & wants so much for us to succeed.
9. My sister Cheryl who is willing to listen to me anytime I need a big sister or a best friend to talk to.
10. My brother Erik who always makes me feel like I it was great to have me for a big sister.
11. My brother Devin who teaches me so much about how to see the best inside of others.
12. My sister Liesel who is always happy & overly willing to help me out whenever I need her.
13. My dad who taught me to love the great outdoors.
14. My mom who taught me how to clean well.
15. My brother-in-law Erik, & my sister-in-laws Shanalea & Mariel.
16. My home that I have waited at least 8 years to own.
17. The heater that was recently purchased for my home.
18. The healthy food on my table every day.
19. My knowledge of the benefits of exercise even when I don't utilize that knowledge.
20. The relationships I have with every one of Kent's family members.
21. The gospel of Jesus Christ that has been restored to the earth & my knowledge of it.
22. The scriptures that have been saved for our time.
23. Personal prayer & revelation.
24. My hair.
25. My positive self-image especially regarding my body most of the time.
26. Each & every one of my friends
27. Beautiful flowers
28. The beauty of the earth after a fresh snow fall
29. A warm coat to keep me warm in the cold of winter.
30. My clothes
31. Shoes to keeps my feet warm in the winter & cool in the summer.
32. My neighbors & the opportunity I have to get to know them.
33. My ward family & their warmth & acceptance.
34. Having a yard even when I am the only one mowing it.
35. A car to get me where I need to go.
36. My Discovery Toys business that offers me the opportunity to help my family out financially & still have a flexible schedule that allows me to stay home with my boys.
37. The furniture I have.
38. A computer that allows me to stay connected to the world outside.
39. The nice dishes I have for eating Thanksgiving Dinner yesterday.
40. My education
41. My sons education
42. The many tools within my home that I use everyday.
43. The Holy Ghost the leads & guides me through all of the challenging decisions I have to make.
44. A piano in my home & my ability to make music with it.
45. A television that I have to provide entertainment when I want it.
46. The many options I have to choose different stores to shop in.
47. Musical hymns especially the ones that remind us to count our many blessing.
48. Airplanes that allow us to see people far away more often.
49. Beautiful animals that dot the earth & teach us so much.
50. The freedom I have because I live in the United States of America!