If you don't recognize the format of your blog it may be a sign that you haven't taken the time to blog about your life in a VERY very long time. One of these days I will get pictures up of my family & my house, but for now I am just happy to be writing. It is amazing to me how much a person can grow in a matter of about 4 months. I feel like the last 4 months I have been through the refiner's fire & I am fairly certain I am not done. From family drama that could only be solved through time & the gracious atonement of Jesus Christ to moving into a new house & feeling the terrible pangs of loneliness I feel it is my time to learn & grow.
I have learned that sometimes people don't want to solve problems. They just want to ignore them. When it comes to relationship problems of this nature there is only one place to turn & that is to the Lord. It had never occurred to me that some answers have to come from the Lord. He & only he can bridge the gap sometimes & take out wedges. I am thankful to the Lord for helping me to feel that peace when I needed it the most.
I am also thankful to know that when I struggle to stay in control of my mind & my thoughts that if I'll ask my Heavenly Father to guide & direct those thoughts that He will. When life feels lonely & you don't know where to find love & happiness ask Him to show it to you & He will help you to see it. When all you can see is pain & heartache He can show you where to look for kindness & love. Not only that, but He has sent wonderful Prophets & Apostles to give us direction in our day when we may face different challenges that no man has ever faced.
I know that my challenges are not over. There is a long road up ahead, but I know that God loves me & He will not ask me to travel that road alone. I have learned through these challenges to cherish my family. I have grown to love my husband more than I ever have before. I love & enjoy my boys even more than I have before. I know that as I climb this mountain before me that I will reach the top stronger & more importantly even closer to God than I have ever been. I know He loves me. He has placed friends in my path who I need now & I am so thankful that they listened when He asked them to serve Him in my behalf. I know that there are only blessings in store for me & my family. I look forward to discovering those blessings as I grow closer to those who are most important in my journey here on earth. I love the Lord & I am thankful He trusts me with life's lessons. Thank you to all of you who have loved me & helped me along my journey of life. I have been amply blessed. In Jesus name, Amen.