This year I have decided to cut down on having so many goals and focus on just a few. They are as follows...
-Drink 4 "water bottles" of water a day. (Sometimes this mean a 32 oz water bottle and sometimes it means a 24 oz)
-Exercise 208 hours this year. That breaks down to 3 days a week the first half and 5 days the second half.
-Lose 40 lbs so that my weight will be 135 lbs. by December 31st.
-Read 4 books this year.
-Read the Scriptures 30 days in a row eight times this year.
-Read the Book of Mormon two times this year.
-Use coupons at least twice a month while shopping.
-Practice the piano for 30 minutes three times a week
-Attend the temple 6 times this year.
-Run a 10K by 10/31/11
-Find 3 3-mile hikes and hike them.
-I am also focusing on having better dental hygiene