Wednesday, November 24, 2010

He's here!!!

This Sunday November 21st, 2010 Cort Richard Robison came into the world at 6:51 PM. He weighed 7 lbs 14 oz and was 19 inches long. Braxton was thrilled to have a brand new brother. In fact he was so thrilled that he had to come see him that night at 11:00 PM. Kent and I are thrilled to have him here and to be working on working him into our life. So far he has been a very good baby.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Our First Helicopter Ride

On October 16th Kent, Braxton, and I had our first helicopter ride.
Whirlybird Helicopter School was having an open house and giving rides.
I had really hoped that this would get Kent excited and eager to go back to school, but the guys running the open house made it seem like no big deal which didn't really add to Kent or my excitment about this school. I consider it a loss on their part. They really could have tried a little harder to gain a student, but they didn't. It was fun, however, to watch Braxton soak in the experience. Here are just a couple of the pictures...
Braxton is so excited to being riding in the helicopter!

I really think Kent looks good in this head gear. He should wear it often...

I could get used to this.
After the helicopter ride we stopped off at the Hill Air Force Base Museum. Braxton seemed to enjoy it.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Ready or Not...

There's no feeling in the world like wondering, 'is this it?' 'are we having this baby tonight?' That is what happened to me last Saturday night. Kent had worked all day that day and I had taken on the task of selling toys at a boutique. We took Braxton to Cheryl's house the night before to have a cousins sleep over and to be watched at their house for the day. Kent and I returned home about the same time Saturday evening and went down to pick up Braxton. As a thank you to everyone we bought pizza for dinner. Before returned home that evening we stopped off at the Buckner's house to play games for a bit with them as well as the Keele's. We had a blast and I laughed a few belly laughs so hard that they hurt. It was so much fun!

Upon returning home that night around 10:30 pm I discovered some excess fluid that made me start to believe that maybe my water had broken. As I sat questioning if it had or not I wrestled with the question of what to do next? I wasn't having any contractions that I knew of, but if my water truly had broken I knew I couldn't stay home forever waiting for them to start. I called the midwife and she advised me to try and get the labor started and stay at home as long as possible since I was wanting to have a natural birth.

That night I was forced into quickly getting ready for a baby to come. I spent the next hour or so packing a bag for myself while trying to see if I could induce labor naturally. Kent and I went to bed waiting to see what would happen. Neither of us slept well. When I woke up the next morning I had a feeling that it wasn't going to happen, but knew I needed to get checked just in case. Kent and I took Braxton over to the bishops so he could go to church with them and we headed to the hospital.

Lucky for me and my disaster of a mess apartment my water had not broken and I was send home. As much as I hate that I will be paying for unnecessary time in the hospital I have to say that it was probably a bit of a blessing. This last week I have been much more in touch with getting things ready for this baby and setting aside my Discovery Toys business. I am now really looking forward to having some time to sit and enjoy my family and get acquainted with my new son. These days I am thinking that I will either go into labor before this Saturday when I have my last party scheduled or else I will finish all my parties and have to wait to be induced on the 22nd. Either way what a wild ride waiting to find out when this baby will decide to come. Wish me luck that I won't get the chance to do another natural delivery while experiencing Pitocin induced contractions.