Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Song of the Righteous

In Doctrine and Covenants 25:12 It says, "For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." At the beginning and end of many of our meetings and sometimes even in the middle we sing hymns. Often times we sing the words and think little of how those words connect and what their message truly is. Lately I have been blessed to hear the hymns with spiritual ears. There are almost too many hymns to even begin naming all the songs that have brought peace unto my soul. Therefore, I will focus my remarks on the two hymns I heard today that touched me.

We always seem to focus a little bit more on those songs that are centered around Christ, but today I heard one of those songs as if for the first time. "The Lord is My Shepherd' is a classic hymn. Today I listened to the words of the third verse very intently. "In the midst of affliction my table is spread. With blessings unmeasured my cup runneth o'er. With perfume and oil thou annointest my head. Oh, what shall I ask of thy providence more? Oh, what shall I ask of thy providence more?"

Even when the Lord is challenging us we must look around and see that, "our table is spread," and what shall I ask that the Lord has not already provided. These ideas remind me of when I read in Nephi last year. One thing that seemed to be so poignant was how he was always praising God even when life was difficult.

Even when he "did travel and wade through much affliction in the wilderness; and our women did bear children in the wilderness" he still said, "And
so great were the blessings of the Lord upon us, that while we did live upon raw meat in the wilderness, our women did give plenty of suck for their children, and were strong, yea, even like unto the men; and they began to bear their journeyings without murmurings. And thus we see that the commandments of God must be fulfilled. And if it so be that the children of men keep the commandments of God he doth nourish them, and strengthen them, and provide means whereby they can accomplish the thing which he has commanded them; wherefore, he did provide means for us while we did sojourn in the wilderness."

Even when trials do come upon us we must look for the ways the Lord is blessing us and commit to keep the commandments of God. It is imperative we praise God for that which he does for us moment to moment. It was such a beautiful reminder today that my table is spread. I know that the Lord is blessing me. These are financially difficult times for many including Kent and I, but I know that the Lord loves us and there is nothing more I can ask of him for my table truly is spread.

The closing song is one I always love to sing. It was quite appropriate for today as the bishop of our ward and his wife are moving to
Texas and this is their final week here. We sang "God Be with You Till We Meet Again." I choked back tears and I attempted to sing this song. The whole song has an amazing message, but I will just leave you with a few lines from this beautiful hymn. "God be with you till we meet again; When his perils thick confound you, Put his arms unfailing round you. God be with you till we meet again... Till we meet at Jesus feet...Keep love's banner floating o'er you; Smite deaths threat'ning wave before you. God be with you till we meet again."

Monday, May 25, 2009

Speaking in Church

Kent and I were asked to speak in church and I felt like we both did really well. I just wanted to share my talk with you. If Kent had actually written out his talk I would share it with you too, but he doesn't do it that way. Enjoy and feel free to leave comments.

I did omit some of the first of the talk which was just personal introduction that I didn't feel needed to be on here. I've tried to put it together to make sense without those parts. I appologize if I have missed anything.


There are a few things I grew to love in my life as a young person. I loved children and the idea of becoming a mother. I loved going to Grandma’s and picking many of her beautiful flowers to make floral arrangements. I learned to love and appreciate good music, and finally I absolutely learned to love the gospel of Jesus Christ and learned to recognize the blessings that come from keeping his commandments. I did not love anything athletic or sports related. In fact when we had to play baseball in PE I was often yelled at because I would get bored in the outfield and sit down to pick grass and play with it. I was so fearful of physical activity that one year I faked a headache in order to get my mom to let me stay home from school on a day we were to run the mile. I was not athletic and I was definitely not a runner.


I tell you these things about me because it illustrates a point that I have learned in the last year. We are all capable of ANYTHING! There is nothing and no one that can stop us from having what we want except ourselves and our lack of believing in ourselves. I did not believe I was athletic or capable of doing physically challenging things, but if I let go of that idea I can accomplish amazing things. One of the things I have accomplished is I have learned to run. I do not believe I have the body type of a runner, but I know that even that cannot stop me if I want something bad enough. This brings me to the more important subject of my talk which is entitled, “enduring the race to gain Eternal Life.”


In our lives we are all running a race. The finish line is eternal life or living with God. We have to know that we can make it to the end of this race, but only if we will commit to keep running in it. We have to choose to follow God and keep Him as our finish line goal. The most important part of getting to this finish line is determining that we want to make it to that finish line and no cost is too high to reach that goal.


Elder Marvin J. Ashton gave a talk entitled, “If Thou Endure It Well” found in the November ensign in 1984. I would like to share his words, “The Apostle Paul likened life to a great race when he declared: “Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run that ye may obtain.” (1 Cor. 9:24.)

And before the words of Paul fell upon the ears of his listeners, the counsel of the Preacher, the son of David, cautioned: “The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.” (See Eccl. 9:11; Matt. 10:22; Mark 13:13.)

What does it take to endure in the race for eternal life, to become a champion?

To become a winner in the race for eternal life requires effort—constant work, striving, and enduring well with God’s help. But the key is that we must take it just one step at a time.

The ingredient that is essential in learning to endure is consistent effort. In our race for eternal life, pain and obstacles will confront all of us. We may experience heartaches, sorrow, death, sins, weakness, disasters, physical illness, pain, mental anguish, unjust criticism, loneliness, or rejection. How we handle these challenges determines whether they become stumbling stones or building blocks. To the valiant these challenges make progress and development possible.


To run this race our bodies need just enough fuel and rest. Physically we need to give our bodies’ proper care. We need plenty of water and the right amount of good foods.

Tobacco, alcohol, unhealthy foods, and too much or too little food can damage our physical bodies, but they also damage our spiritual bodies. These things take our focus away from God. They make it nearly impossible for us to feel how much God loves us.

Just as our physical bodies need fuel our spiritual bodies need fuel also. That fuel comes as we “feast upon the words of Christ.” The first weekend in April we were all given the opportunity to have a wonderful spiritual feast. Our leaders give us opportunities to gain spiritual growth but they cannot force us to partake of these blessings. If we are to make it to the end of this race we need to take EVERY opportunity possibly to be spiritually nourished. That includes but is not limited to, scripture study, seminary, firesides, ward/stake/general conferences, ward activities and any other spiritual opportunities to feel the spirit of meeting with the saints.


Our physical bodies need rest to function and so do our spiritual bodies. The race of life is grueling. It is very difficult for us to keep going and feel bombarded by the world without spiritual rest. Our spiritual rest comes as we attend church meetings, keep the Sabbath day holy, attend the temple, and pray to our Heavenly Father. We are not asked to do these things to add another burden to the demands on our time but rather to unload our burdens and rest from our labor for a time in order to rebuild our energies.


Another part of training for a race is that of strength training. It is vitally important that you build your muscles so they can be strong and carry you further. When you train for this spiritual race you have to strength train. Spiritual strength training comes when we listen to the promptings of the spirit. The more we listen to the promptings of the spirit the stronger we will be spiritually.


This fall the women had an opportunity to attend a Relief Society social. The topic was centered on listening to the promptings of the spirit. One of the comments made by a sister has been profound to me. She said that when the spirit directs us it is usually connected to an action. As I have focused on that aspect over the last six months or so I have felt an increase in spirit. I have tried to follow every action I have been impressed to do. Some of those actions have included saying hard things to friends as I lovingly reminded them to come unto Christ. At times those actions have resulted in bringing others peace. Some have not so easily accepted this offer and are still experiencing sorrow because of it. Other promptings have included making dinner or something for someone or alerting someone’s visiting teacher of a need they have. Whatever the action has been it has blessed my life abundantly.

As we follow these promptings to action we are building spiritual muscle and strengthening ourselves so, “that when the devil shall send for his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo…”Helaman 5:12


A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to spend some time with my family in Albuquerque, NM. I asked my family if anyone wanted to go for a run with me. My younger brother and sister agreed to go. As we started out my younger brother took off ahead of us without much effort. For those of you who don’t know my brother Erik, he is 6’9” and plays basketball for Southern Virginia University. If someone were to judge my pace by his I would easily come up short, “literally”. On the other hand my younger sister was struggling to keep up with me because she hasn’t conditioned herself to run. We cannot judge the pace at which others are running the race. For me a 9-10 minute mile is quite fast. For my younger brother it’s barely a jog. That same pace for my sister right now is nearly impossible. We must be careful that we don’t judge others by the pace we have set for ourselves.


Just three weeks ago I ran my first official 5K race in the race for the cure. A 5K is a 3.2 mile race. It was one of the most spiritually charged things I have done. At the start of the race we all lined up. As I looked around there were people lined up across the entire 5-6 lane road for many blocks. In the race of life we all start this race at different times and run different paces throughout. It doesn’t matter when we finish just that we do finish.


As I started my race I was running with some friends from Kent’s work. Two of them were running just ahead of me and I did my best to keep up with them for a while. When I realized that I wouldn’t be able to keep up that pace I backed off and ran at my own pace. In life we start out following other runners. We learn how to push ourselves and we learn to keep pace, but at some point in life we do have to learn to set our own pace. We have to learn to run for our own reasons and not just because someone is running.


During my race there were times that I felt like I was struggling because so many people were beginning to pass me. At first it was discouraging to me but then I realized that I was actually doing much better than I thought, and it was ok if others were able to progress faster than I was. At one point I realized that I was keeping pace with a slender woman in a blue jacket. I decided to watch her and keep up with her pace. She had no idea that she was inspiring me to keep on moving at that pace, but she was. At one point I gained strength and I was able to pass her up. In the gospel sometimes we are the ones who lead and set the pace for others. Other times we have to follow and keep pace with others.


One thing that really hit me in this race was the inspiration that comes from cheerleaders. At many points along the road there were groups set up to cheer us along. I didn’t know any of them, but as I came to them I felt the energy they were radiating and I drew from it. It gave me that boost of energy just when I needed it. We have so many people cheering for us. Some we don’t know and some we do. I know that there are many who have finished the race and are cheering us on every step of the way.


Near the end of the race I thought I knew where we were going to be running, but I was wrong. As I got to what I thought was the end I was a little discouraged to see that I had more left to run. When I do my everyday runs I have it mapped out as to where my mile markers are and I know what my times should be. Brothers and sisters we must set goals and track them so we know if we are making the progress we need to be. When we can see how far we have come and we can see where we are going it makes our run that much smoother. It was very discouraging to not know where I was or how much longer I had to run.


At that time when I was becoming discouraged I saw Brother__________ from the stake who was working the route. Seeing him gave me more strength to keep going than I would have imagined. When he yelled at me to hurry up it gave me the strength to push myself even more. It’s those good friends and family that we have to rely on when we feel that we just can’t go any more. They are there to support us and keep us going when the race becomes too hard. There will be those times that we think ‘Father I can’t run anymore. I thought I was almost done.’ It is those times we have to use our resources and rely heavily on the Lord to help us through.


Finally I was nearing the end of the race and I looked for Kent’s face to cheer me on. There were many people there waiting for their friends and family to finish. I was a little sad to get to the finish line and not recognize any faces. I had passed Kent along the route and we hadn’t seen each other. While I did find him later I had really hoped that he would see me cross the finish line. As I was running I thought about this and realized that when we cross that finish line at the end of this life we will know those who come to greet us. We will be so joyful knowing we have made it and they will be proud to welcome us. In the end we will be able to say, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” 2 Tim. 4:7


I promise that the finish line at the end of this race, the race to eternal life, a life with God is worth all we must do to make it there. It will be much more fulfilling than any pastime or temptation Satan has to offer. I promise that as we are obedient to the Lord’s commandments and we follow our leaders that we will finish this race and that the reward will be sweeter than anything this life has to offer. I so promise and leave this witness with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Race for the Cure

Last year I wanted to do the race for the cure and I didn't because we went to Logan. Well a Logan trip fell again on this weekend and I decided that I wanted to run the Race for the Cure anyway. I absolutely loved running in a race. There were so many things I learned from running that apply to life and the gospel. It was a lot of fun to run with Kent's co-workers who were there. It made me realize that I need to start setting up groups to run these races with me. I can now see why so many of my friends and family are looking to have my run with them. It is so much more fun to do these things as a group.

Official Race Completion Time 29:09:53

One thing that was really interesting about this race was that I felt like I was running so slow because so many people were running past me, but when I finished the race my time (which may be off since I am not 100% sure where the starting line and finish line were) a new personal record. Which I thought was a considerably better personal record for me, but it is only 1/10th of a second better than my last or something like that. Either way I feel I did well and for that I am so proud. Unfortunately there were SO many people that Kent didn't get any true action shots, but enjoy some pictures of the event courtesy of Kent anyway.

Tonya, Misty, Myself, and Randy in the back. Kent works with Randy and Tonya and it was a lot of fun to run with them. Misty is Randy's wife.

P.S. Wearing a jacket that is two sizes too big does nothing for me, but sometimes you wear what you have got.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Just Pictures

Braxton is starting to understand how to categorize.
Here are the semi trucks......Here are the trailers.
He loves to put on the headphones and play the piano. His Easter candy from Grandma R.

This glass is Kent's. The other day Braxton took it off the counter and insisted on using it.
This is the view out my window on Easter Sunday. It seems to be the most fitting sight for Easter morn!
This was the sight out the other window. What a beautiful day!
Braxton got a Lightening McQueen car for Easter.
Some books, and candy, and a couple of stuffed animals.
Searching for eggs.

Braxton and mom after church Easter Sunday.
What a cute couple!
Me showing off my new shirt that I love!
The other day we went for a run and it put Braxton to sleep.
It's been years since he fell asleep on a walk!
Kent was moving hay and Braxton wanted to help.

He was even trying to do it himself.

Kent's new horse that he's training.
Kent roles his belts up and places them in his hat at night and I found this sight in Braxton's room. Like father, like son.
On of my true loves!
I was watching August Rush the other day and while the actor was performing a song on stage it inspired Braxton to play the piano.
See the intensity!
I took out the cookies for lunch and Braxton helped himself.
He lined them up all ready to get in his belly.
Thanks for stoppin' by!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Gratitude and Blessings in April

Thur 30 *I am thankful I was able to go down and help Cheryl get ready for her baby blessing on Sunday. I am also thankful I was able to make it home in time to get ready for work. I am very thankful for an excellent workout on the stairs today! My legs hurt! lol
Wed 29 *I am thankful I was able to enjoy watching Twilight with Kent tonight. I am thankful to know that even an evening in can be wonderful if I take the time to do something enjoyable with Kent!
Tue 28 *I am thankful Kent asked Braxton and I to join him at the horses with the young men from church. It was so nice to be reminded that he loves us and wants to spend time with us. It was also nice to see him with the horses doing something that he absolutely loves!
Mon 27 *I am thankful Kent was able to help comfort me when I was so concerned about the financial aspects of our life. I am also thankful that he shared how impressed he was by my desire to pay tithing.
Sun 26 *I am thankful for the opportunity to share my testimony in a leadership meeting this morning with the stake president. I am also thankful for a wonderful spirit that came from ward conference.
Sat 25 *I am thankful for a fun night watching the movie Bolt with my family and our friends. I love family time.
Fri 24 *I am thankful my friend invited Braxton and I for a fun day at the zoo before it became cold and overcast.
Thur 23 *I am thankful I was able to attend the temple with many of our ward members in order to prepare for ward conference. I am also thankful I was able to get Braxton in to see the Dr. so we can move on and test hearing and more than likely get him involved in some speach therapy. I'm thankful my friend Tia is back in Utah and invited me to hang out at the mall today.
Wed 22 *I am thankful I was able to get the house clean so I could get ready for my friends baby shower here.
Tue 21 *I am thankful for the beautiful sunshine and warm weather.
Mon 20 *I am thankful for a nice evening at the park with my friends Jill, Kacey, and their daughter Bailey as well as Kent and Braxton. It's such a blessing to have good friends! I am also thankful for the invite from our other friends to go to Red Mango.
Sun 19 *I am thankful I was able to talk with my friend and feel reconnected after having a bit of a struggle in our friendship!
Sat 18 *I am thankful for a fun evening with some friends as we hosted a how to host a murder dinner party.
Fri 17 *I am thankful I have been able to get some of tomorrow's dinner prepared previous to my busy day tomorrow.
Thur 16 *I am thankful that Kent and I are able to care for our families basic needs and a few other luxuries with our combined incomes.
Wed 15 *I am thankful Kent and I are done with taxes and we were able to go spend the evening shopping for our how to host a murder party on Saturday.
Tue 14 *I am thankful that I thought to spend time supporting Kent by going to his scout Court of Honor. It makes me happy when Braxton and I can support Kent in his calling.
Mon 13 *I am thankful for a $30 gift certificate from Eddie Bauer. It's so nice to buy clothes when I don't have to spend a dime on them.
Sun 12 *I am thankful for my Savior Jesus Christ and ever single moment that he suffered on my behalf. It's something I cannot even comprehend, but I am grateful none-the-less.
Sat 11 *I am thankful for Easter candy that came from the "Easter bunny" at Eddie Bauer. It was so nice to share a little Easter egg hunt with my son.
Fri 10 *I am thankful for a good run today. I am also thankful to see that I am setting a good example for my son as he wanted run run today too.
Thur 9 *I am thankful for a nice evening just sitting watching TV with my husband. I am also thankful I was able to go spend time with my good friend Tia at the air museum.
Wed 8 *I am thankful for all of the good choices I have made that have brought blessings to my life.
Tue 7 *I am thankful to have my taxes finished finally!
Mon 6 *I am thankful for the sunshine, playing with kids outside, enjoying a walk with Kent, and watching "Madagascar 2" with the neighbors.
Sun 5 *I am so very thankful for a wonderful conclusion to this conference weekend and the beautiful sunshine.
Sat 4 *I am thankful Kent and Braxton let me watch conference today. I am also thankful for a fun potluck with our friends and hanging out with the ladies during priesthood conference.
Fri 3 *I am thankful that I was able to get out of the house and deliver some invites for our potluck.
Thur 2 *I am thankful my good friend Tia called me and came down to spend time with me today.
Wed 1 *I am thankful for groceries in my house and veggies cut up and ready to serve. I am also thankful for the multitude of blessings in my life.