Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lucky to Have You

It's 6:30 am on a Wednesday and I was awakened a half an hour ago by a very stupid dream. I'll spare you the details because it was a dream that wouldn't happen in a million years, but rest assured it was DUMB! It's the kind of dream that makes you think about the person you married. Who is he? Does he really love me? Do I love him? Thankfully I can answer those questions in a very positive manner. He is a wonderful man who lives a good life and yes he really does love me and I really do love him. I would support him in anything he choose in life.

Yesterday I was blessed with an experience that reminded me of who I am and how much I love children. The little boy just a year and a few months older than Braxton came up to see if Braxton could play. I told him he could and within a few minutes I had five girls 8-years-old and younger in my house as well as Braxton and his friend. One of the girls asked me about my piano and I asked her if she would like to play it. I ended up with all five girls playing the piano and it reminded me how much I enjoy working with kids.
The girls would ask me to play a song as they found it in the Children's Songbook and at one point the girl in the red looked up at my wedding pictures and asked me if it was me. I said that it was and we discussed a few things about it and then she looked up at it again and said to me, "Your husband is really lucky to have you." I thought about it a lot yesterday and even allowed it for a moment to become a negative thought by allowing myself to think that Kent doesn't realize how lucky he is. I quickly turned it around and realized that I don't realize how lucky I AM to have him.

I am lucky. I am lucky to have a wonderful husband who loves me and loves to take care of me. I am lucky to have a husband who works hard everyday so that I can be at home raising my son and knowing that someone who loves him is caring for him. I am lucky to know that when work is done that more often than not my husband wants to be home with Braxton and I even if being at home means he is watching TV. I am blessed to have a wonderful father helping me raise my son. Kent is a wonderful man and I need to realize more how lucky I am to have found such a great man to add to my life. I appreciate all that he does for me. I truly am lucky!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Extraordinary Friendships!

The last little bit we have been busy with good friends. The first of the month started off with dinner at the BYU cafeteria with some friends who are hall advisers down there. Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures, but Braxton still had a great time running around with their girls. Thanks for playing with us Dave, Kiersten, Avery, and Emma!

Following that Kent and I hosted a "How to Host a Murder Party." It was a lot of fun to dress up and serve them, but I agree with one of our friends that next time Kent and I need to actually be able to play the game. It was just that we had already played this game twice and since we knew the end result we figured it wouldn't be too fair. The premise of the game is that you have to figure out who killed "Rock N' Roley" from the class of 1954. The setting is the high school reunion. If anyone wants to do this let me know and I will be happy to let you borrow the game.

The cast:

Braxton and Bailey just chillin'!

Justin had to wear Kacey's wig.
Justin and Melanie
AKA Joseph "Joe" K. Awledge and Priscilla "Pris" E. Teene

Tevya and Jill
AKA Delbert "Del" Toydes and Penelope "Penny" Lofer

Kacey, Bailey, and Jill
AKA Richard "Rick" C. Alcitrent and Dierdre "Dee" C. Deucer mini D

Mike and Virginia
AKA Calvin "Cal" Q. Layder and Evelyn "E.C." C. Leigh

Kent, Marlies and Braxton
AKA owners of Maltie's Falcon Malt Shop and Cafe

The little ones
I think we all had a great time! I look forward to doing one again with some of the others couples who weren't involved in this round. It was a lot of fun to take the night to become someone else!

The other event that I have pictures from is our trip to the zoo on Friday. We were invited to go with Corby and Jen and their kids. It was only Braxton and I, but we had a good time. The weather was perfect. It was cool and overcast, but not cold. To start things off we took a ride on the zoo train.
Braxton loved seeing all the animals, but he was so cute watching the elephants.

I was able to get him to sit on the bronze tiger. The elephant exhibit has an elephant that he still refuses to get near! I have no idea who the kid next to him is. lol

Braxton was sitting in the gorilla's lap and it was the cutest picture, but one second before I snapped it he decided he'd had enough and I never got that picture back. Bummer!

At least he would go on the elephant slide.

Thanks for inviting us Jen and Corby. It was a good day to spend at the zoo!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Serving the Local Stars.

Last night I had a customer come in who looked a little bit like this guy with a few whiskers and a less styled hairdo. I went back and forth wondering if it was him and then thinking no it's just some guy who looks like him...A LOT. The wife and I gave opinions on a couple of pair of sunglasses one of which he purchased along with two shirts. When purchase time came I asked for ID as I always do and sure enough it was the one and only....
Craig Bolerjack. Not everyone will be impressed by this, but if you are a sports fan or have lived in Utah (about 15 or so years ago) and watched KSL news then you know this is the sportscaster from back then. He was a very nice guy and seemed to be quite down to earth. There's not much else to say, but I know that my family will be fairly impressed so I had to at least share with them.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Country Folk and the City Folk

The other night Kent and I went for a drive on the way home from his brother Spencer's house. As we drove through the mountain region at dusk Kent was able to see many deer. Of course he would stop and look to see if any had antlers. One group of deer happened to be on the sidewalk right next to a group of homes. Kent enjoyed watching these deer for a moment and then started up the road. As he was staring to pull away he saw three people walking up the sidewalk. In all his deer excitement Kent shouted out the window to these walkers that there we "three head" just ahead of them on the sidewalk. As we took off down the road I saw one of them look back as if wondering where this crazy man came from.

I looked at Kent and laughed as I told him how crazy these city people must think he was. I imagined them thinking of three heads lying on the sidewalk and finding great concern with how twisted this sick man must be. It took me back to a day when Kent and I were first married and had quite a huge argument. The argument that would only exist between a country guy and a city girl (I may be down to earth, but I cannot truly be considered a country girl even if that life could suit me).

Kent and I were out helping his friend herd cattle. I was quite excited to assist in being a cowgirl. At some point Kent asked me to drive the truck and trailer down the dirt road to the oil road. Now I had laughed at him multiple times because of the funny words he used for things only because I thought it was so cute. Apparently Kent had not appreciated that because when I asked him what the oiled road was he got very irritated thinking that I was making fun of him for the way he spoke. In the end I finally was able to help him understand that I TRULY did not know what the oiled road was. I thought it might be a paved road as in asphalt, but I didn't know for sure.

I laugh when I think about the differences between these two very different groups of people. The country folk and the city folk think as differently as any two groups can think. It only takes time with my in-laws to know just how different the two groups are. Don't get me wrong. I love that everyone of Kent's family asks me how in the world we can live up here every time one of them ventures up to visit. I've also been told we live in the heart of the city (as if to say that we are located in the center of all the crime). While I may be surrounded by dangerous criminals I still can't believe that I am any less safe than they are being surrounded by all kinds of dangerous animals...and sometimes just as dangerous people.

I think back to the days when I used to visit my small town cousins and poked fun at them for knowing every person in town, or calling the Creek a Crick. Then I recall the laughter as they would poke the same fun at us. Back in the "city" we would pull up at the light and my one cousin would say of the car next to us, "Don't look at them or they're gonna shoot you." The best comment to sum it all up was when my cousin said to me, "When I drive down the road the only thing I'd better stop for is a horse."

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Finding My Testimony

Today I had the opportunity to speak with a friend who is seeking to gain a testimony of the church. As I thought about that desire I thought it could be helpful for me to share how I gained my own testimony. I realized that it is something that could help more than this one friend, so I am sharing this testimony with all who read this. I have received many enlightenment's from God, but I believe a testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is based on three components. A knowledge that the Book of Mormon is an inspired book of God written by ancient prophets here on the American continent. A knowledge that Joseph Smith was a true prophet who restored the Lord's true church here upon the earth. Finally, the knowledge that we have a true and living prophet who reveals God's will to those upon the earth.

The first strong testament I received was that of the Book of Mormon. When I was probably about 14 years old I was told that I could receive a knowledge of the Book of Mormon's truth if I would ask God if it were true. I realized that I had to gain my own knowledge of this truth myself because at some point if a friend told me that I only believed what I believed because of my parents I wouldn't know what to say to them. I knelt down one night with faith that God would give me an answer. I asked Him if the Book of Mormon was of Him and almost before I could get the question out I felt an overwhelming warmth and peace that I had always known this book was true. Tears of gratitude ran down my face as I realized that the Lord would answer my prayers.

In that same night I asked God if Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God and interestingly enough I didn't really receive an answer. In fact I still can't say that I have received a huge manifestation from the spirit, but I also don't feel I need a huge one. I have had many quite moments when I have thought about the Prophet Joseph Smith and it makes no sense at all to me that if the Book of Mormon is true that Joseph Smith would have gone through and done all he did if not for the fact that he was a true prophet of God. I just know that he is a prophet of God because of the fruits of his labor. In addition to that I have felt the quite reassurance of the spirit every time I proclaim Joseph Smith to be a prophet of God.

Finally I have been lucky to gain a testimony of two of God's prophets in these latter-days. April conference of the year 1995 was the year that President Gordon B. Hinckley became the prophet. I was 15 at this time and I was seeking also to know if he was a prophet of God. I had prayed to know, but I hadn't been answered right away. When they announced him as the prophet and asked the members of the church to raise their hand to sustain him I stood in my parents home and raised my hand. After that the choir sang, "We thank thee O God for a prophet," and when the camera showed him again on the TV that similar warm and peaceful feeling swept over my body. In that moment I knew that God was answering my question of whether or not he was a prophet. I knew His answer was yes.

Similarly when President Thomas S. Monson became the President of the church a year ago I had another conviction that the Lord had called him to be His next prophet. I stood and raised my hand to sustain Him a prophet of God and I did it through faith that the right man had been chosen. As I stood there with my arm raised those same feelings of peace can over me and I again was blessed to know the Lord's will concerning his church.

My testimony was not received through any grand sign or revelations, just quite manifestations of peace from the spirit. It is simple and yet incredibly profound for me in my life. You can take all that I have from me, but I will never deny that Jesus is the Christ and this is his church. The people are imperfect and there will always be mistakes made by man within this church. God is perfect. He knows all and understands all and I know that if I ask of Him and have faith in the things that he has asked me to do He will bring me home to live with Him one day. I am so thankful that twice a year I can sit at the foot of the prophets and for two days feel a tiny portion of the joy and peace that living with God must bring. I love my Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ. That love is the greatest blessing I have in my life.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

More Braxton's

So just when I thought we were caught up my son comes up with new funny things. Lately Braxton and I have played this game where we find owies and kiss them better. He'll find his owies and I will kiss them and he will want to kiss my owies better too. Sunday I came home from work and Kent and I were in my room talking while Braxton played by us. Kent gave me a kiss on the lips and immediately Braxton looked at me and asked, "Mommy, owie?" He too gave me a "kiss all better." After I finished laughing I had to fill Kent in on what had just happened and then we had another good laugh all together.

Tuesday Braxton was in a pull-up and that was all because I had just changed him. I walked outside to throw his dirty pull-up away and closed the door behind me to keep him from getting cold. When I turned around to walk back into the house he had locked the door. I kept telling him through the window to open the door and he tried, but just couldn't seem to get the concept of unlocking both locks at the same time. He's done this before, but it's always been when my neighbor is home and has a key to my place. This time I was forced to walk down to the managers apt. in my pajamas and stocking feet to get her key. I was so embarrassed. Braxton was so happy to see me when I did come back with the key. He obviously didn't know how much I wanted to kill him. Chalk it all up to lessons learned. An almost three year old has no qualms about locking you out!

Finally Kent told me tonight that Braxton wanted him to go for a ride with him. Not just any ride. Braxton wanted Kent to ride his little horse on wheels while Braxton rode his bike. Kent told me Braxton led him into his room turned him around and tried to sit Kent on the horse as if to say come on dad let's go for a ride together. What a funny kid!

Gratitude and Blessings in March

Tue 31 *I am thankful I was able to get back into my house after my son locked me out. I am also thankful that I was able to attend the YW's camp fundraiser and have a very enjoyable time.
Mon 30 *I am thankful I was able to get in a good workout and enjoy a nice evening with my family.
Sun 29 *I am thankful we had a good time with our game night friends. I am so thankful to have so many friends to choose from.
Sat 28 *I am thankful I was able to help Kent with the food drive. I am thankful for a fun evening with Kent and my friends Taylor and Carrie.
Fri 27 *I am thankful for a fantastic run today. It feels so good to beat my old times over and over again.
Thur 26 *I am thankful for a clean house, a good kid, and a wonderful husband!
Wed 25 *I am thankful I was able to get in a GREAT workout today. I am also thankful Kent took me to the temple tonight and we were able to get a babysitter.
Tue 24 *I am thankful for some nice conversations with friends today. I am also thankful for a good evening at relief society remembering my ability to share the gospel.
Mon 23 *I am thankful for a fun FHE with our new neighbors. I am also thankful for my power to help and encourage the lives of those around me.
Sun 22 *I am thankful for a nice anniversary with my husband. I am thankful for a spiritually uplifting day at my friend Val's homecoming and then the Draper temple dedication.
Sat 21 *I am thankful for a wonderful day shopping and at temple square with my family. I am also thankful I was able to enjoy a night out to dinner with my husband to celebrate 6 years together.
Fri 20 *I am thankful I was able to run two miles without stopping today.
Thur 19 *I am thankful for my great friendship with my friend and neighbor Melissa.
Wed 18 *I am thankful for the opportunity to help watch my friends child today. I am also thankful for the opportunity to help with meals for friends on Monday and Tuesday.
Tue 17 *I am thankful for a good walk with my mom and tasty food in my fridge and cupboards!
Mon 16 *I am thankful for my functioning appliances. I am also thankful for Kent and Braxton and they joy they bring to my life.
Sun 15 *I am thankful Kent and I went over and got to know our new neighbors. It was so fun to talk with them and have a couple of good laughs! I am also thankful for inspired lessons that came when Kent and I needed to hear them. I am thankful Kent asked if I wanted to go on a walk on Jordan Parkway.
Sat 14 *I am thankful I was able to get up and get in a workout first thing in the morning.
Fri 13 *I am thankful I have clean floors under all my appliances...the oven, the fridge, the washer and the dryer are all clean underneath right now. I am so thankful for an ambitious day!
Thur 12 *I am thankful that I was able to get in a workout and eat well. I am also thankful I was able to enjoy some time with Braxton today.
Wed 11 *I am thankful for more knowledge of how to be more mentally healthy!
Tue 10 *I am thankful for my ability to keep up on my exercise and my chores. I am thankful for my good friend Melissa!
Mon 9 *I am thankful for small moments of play and joy with my son and my husband!
Sun 8 *I am thankful no one was hurt when a woman tried to use the truck as her bumper pad. I am also thankful for a truck that took a beating and still came out on top...literally!
Sat 7 *I am thankful we were able to work around the scouting activity for our primary activity. I am also very thankful we were able to have my mom babysit while we enjoyed a wonderful funny date night at the comedy club watching my friend Dave perform.
Fri 6 *I am thankful for a nice play day and a good night at work.
Thur 5 *I am thankful my friend Melissa's shower turned out so well and I was able to contribute a gift card to the group gift.
Wed 4 *I am thankful Braxton seems to be feeling better today.
Tue 3 *I am thankful to be a woman with desires to help create joy and love in the lives of others.
Mon 2 *I am thankful for a good day filled with love and joy and a happy spirit!
Sun 1 *I am thankful for the opportunity to attend an excellent fireside put on by a Magician. I am also thankful for a nice day with my parents and Liesel.