Monday, June 23, 2008

Two Years and Many Wheels...

Two years ago I triumphed over child birth by naturally (as naturally as you can with an IV of pitocin in my hand) bringing a little boy into the world. I recall laying on the bed with my new son on my skin crying and I told him how sorry I was that he had to come into this cold world (it was also a very cold room to me then). Two years later I am SO glad that he came to this world, cold, hot, or otherwise. We had a great little birthday party yesterday and he loved his new toys. He got a fire truck, a truck and trailer, as well as two puzzles from Grandma and Grandpa Kunz (thanks guys), and a beach ball from his cousins.

Today he had his 24 month check up and it was great. His weight is 26 lbs. 8 oz. that puts him above the 25th percentile (almost 30th). That is up from about the 12th percentile at his 18 month check up! His height is 35" which puts him closer to the 75th percentile. He's always been between the 50th and the 75th but now he's closer to the 75th. I am so impressed with how well his is growing!
(Kent says he gets his style from my side of the family. How rude!)

As to his loves right now he loves anything with wheels. Hence the title of this post. He especially loves trucks that have trailers to go with them. If it has a trailer it is his favorite! He also LOVES his daddy! Kent went to scout camp for a couple of days last week and the whole time he was gone all I heard about was his daddy. Even today at the doctor he cried for his dad when he didn't like something that was happening. There is a lot more that I could say about this little love in my life, but I think I'll let some pictures do the rest of the talking.

I had to throw this picture of slipin' slide fun with his cousins from the other day

When I get the rest of the birthday pictures from Cheryl I will post those too.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dreams to remind me

This morning I awoke to a dream that brought sweet memories. I dreamed I was at my grandma's house and I happened to meet a girl walking through the back yard to the bus stop. As I saw her she asked me if Sister Holdaway was my grandma. As she said that I wanted to start crying. I thought of how very proud I was to be able to say yes I was related to this woman. The conversation went on as well as the dream, but it was that sweet moment that I wanted to share.

Those who know me well should know that one of the the sweetest people in my life has been my grandmother. She means the world to me. I can't think of a cousin who feels any differently. Grandma had a way of making each and every one of us feel like her special boy or girl. She was such a delight to be around. Weather she was making cookies, helping Grandpa in the garden, fishing, or doing her favorite past time of sewing she was always fun to be around. I'm sure there were times when she had to get after us, but I seem to have forgotten every one. In fact I recall one year at Easter breaking a pheasant egg she had found and getting yelled at by Aunt Jo, but never was I made to feel bad by Grandma.

I recall much of my time growing up that I would look to her as my role model. I always wanted to be like her. I wish today that she were still here for me to see how to model myself. Grandma passed away 13 years ago when I was just 15-years-old. Unfortunately that leaves my little sister in the dark on her own personal relationship with Grandma. She was only five when Grandma died and we had moved away from Grandma when she was three. She hears how we all love her, but she's had to find other pseudo grandma's. It makes me sad when I think of it. I just wanted to write these things down because I feel that in order for my posterity to really know me they have to know how much my grandma meant to me. If I end up even half the woman she is I will still be a great woman. She really was a gem to have in any life!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Time for a New Post

Like it says time for a new post and I don't have much to write about. I guess you can just enjoy these pictures and I'll give you a bit of a recap on them...

What good are Spaghettios if you can't wear them? huh?
Braxton just climbed up on his daddy's shoulders.
My cute boys!
So we went to the Bee's (baseball) game with ward members and my attempts to get a picture of Braxton on the train we wasted!
He smiled about two seconds after the picture.
Apparently this is what happens when you take pictures with the sun behind the subject.
My friend suggested turning on the flash and it fixed the problem. hmmm
Braxton has discovered the process of getting food. He seems to instinctively know it has to be shipped somehow...
See mom, my train transports!

So does my tractor...
...take a closer look.Cute boy!
He loves to make this scrunched up face with me at the table. I love eating with him. It is such a fun bonding time. He's so cute when he copies me and giggles about it.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Gratitude for Me and My Heritage

As I sat in Sacrament meeting today I was reminded of the topic of families and the things that they add to our lives. As I sat there I realized how grateful I am for my in-laws. I feel accepted by them and have accepted them for who they are. I truly feel a part of that family. In addition I had thoughts about my own family and where I came from. I realize that my family and Kent's family are very different, but that they both have so much good to add to my life and that of my family's lives.

I recalled my life of spirituality and realized that I am internally and spiritually driven because of the examples that have been set before me. When my mom's family got together for Christmas parties we would often if not always have some kind of nativity scene or reading of the story from the bible. I recall when both my grandma and my grandpa died that each time we had a sort of a testimony meeting. There was always fun and games, but I always knew that there was love of family and of God in each of them. Including those who were not and are still not active in the gospel of Jesus Christ. I think that spirit I felt was exemplified by the sound of our family choir. I may always long for those days of sitting around the living room or even a campfire and listening to my family sing. My grandma and grandpa and aunts and uncles had the most beautiful voices. The harmonizing was exquisite and enriched the melody I sang in those days. My favorite song growing up was Families Can Be Together Forever because I loved being with my family and I wanted to be with them always. It was with them that I learned my love of music and the spirit it brings in our lives. One tradition that I will never allow myself to abandon would be to spend Christmas Eve carolling to those who may be lonely. It was my grandmother who started this tradition and I have grown to love her for taking such a special night to teach her family how to serve others.

When we spent time with my dad's family while growing up I struggled to appreciate them as I didn't have many cousins I was close to. As an adult I have grown to love them more than I can say. More than once or even twice I have been blessed to hear them bear their testimonies of the gospel while we have congregated as a family. I have heard faith promoting stories and have been uplifted and taught while in their presence. Kent sometimes has difficulty sitting and talking with them for all the hours they can sit and just talk but I love listening to them. I feel like I learn so much from their stories and experiences that they are willing to share. This is also one of the places I learned to laugh. When you get the Kunz' together you'd better be ready for the decibels to rise. I think it would be absolutely impossible for them to get together and have no talking or laughing. Another thing I have learned from them is the importance of brother and sister relatinships. My grandparents passed on more than 12 years ago and yet my dad's siblings do everything possible to try and remain close to each other. They can spend hours when they get together and no one wants to leave. There is a real sense of closeness and love between them and it isn't just getting along for their parents sake. That about them really inspires me.

I truly have been blessed to be the person I am. I have had the greatest of experiences and I have been blessed to be born into the family and families I have. I have a great heritage to pass on and I pray that my children will be able to see how blessed they are on both sides to be a part of the families that they belong to. I am thankful for my families as well as the gospel that helps me to focus on the eternal nature of families. Again I truly have been blessed and for that I am ever so grateful!