*As far as kindred souls go my first college friend was about as opposite from me as they come. She came from a high school school where she was popular. I came from a school where mostly my friends knew my name. She came from a home where her father had multiple businesses and bought a car and a tanning bed on a whim. My home was smaller and when I wanted my parents to buy something I was asked if it was a "want" or a "need." It wasn't until the end of our first year of school when my roommate Laura became a very good friend. We even became close enough to share a room the next fall. Because of our differences Laura was able to teach me so much. I think the most valuable thing she taught me was to be upfront and honest when you have a problem with someone. I was in the habit of "venting" to others rather than taking my problems to the source and one day Laura got after me for it. It's still something I have to work on, but I am leaps and bounds better than I was. Laura also taught me hard work and a good time. She knew when it was alright to have a fun and when it was time to buckle down and study. There's so much I could say about Laura, but overall I want to say thank you for changing my life when you could have easily come and gone.
*Another roommate who lived with Laura and I was Heather. Heather and I were both studying early childhood education and were able to take a class together. She and I were two peas in a pod. The thing that impressed me most about Heather was her love for others. She worked at the school for the blind and that intimidated me. I remember her coming home with pictures of students one day and me thinking those kids looked really weird. Of course Heather just saw these beautiful children's souls and she loved them. She also has a laugh that makes you want to giggle. It's just the happiest most inviting laugh and you have to join in. It was fun last summer to see Heather and see that she is just as adorable with her cute little children. Another great thing about Heather was that even when she and her husband Rich met and started dating she still saved time to be with her roommates too. There were some great times with the roommates too. I still have a hilarious lip sync on video tape that I treasure. Heather is a burst of sunshine and for that I love her so much.
*I can't mention Rich and not think about the guys of apt.55. Nate, Chad, Dale, Jeremy and Ben lived there. Rich, his brother Reed, and Tyson were always there (from apt.53) as well. We had such a good time with these guys. It wasn't until I saw on apartment 53's calendar that it said Marlies' bad days and it was accurate (apparently I had a few hormone adjustments during that time in life) that I realized just how well they knew me. These guys were great. Nate was the biggest teddy bear that ever there was. He was a man of large stature. He was in good shape, big, and just about the nicest guy you know. Chad has a laugh and a way of talking that is so unique. I could talk to anyone who knew him and say things in the way Chad would and we'd laugh just thinking about how great Chad was. Dale was everyone's best friend. He was the one you would always turn to for advice because he was so good at listening and offering his opinion. Jeremy was the group's quiet flirt. He was the one who I would always be joking with and teasing. He was always willing to help out a friend in need. Ben was our little 19-year-old who seemed to feel like less of a man, but he was a great man. He was a very sincere and genuine person. Rich was a delight to the group as well. Which obviously Heather figured out since she married him. He too was always very pleasant to be around. He was one who would always take interest in talking to people and seeing how they were doing. He was also one you could call on if you were ever in need. Reed and I had the best time together. He was like the biggest little brother you ever had, but in the most fun way possible. He would come up with the funniest things. Like when Laura and I asked him to a dance at the exact same time and he said he'd answer us by wearing a certain color sweatshirt for each girl. The designated time was at 6:00 am and he ran through the parking lot wearing both sweatshirts. He always made us laugh! Finally in this group of men was Tyson. Tyson fit right in with the group. Tyson worked with me at the gas station and even dressed up when we worked Halloween night together. This group of guys was the best ever!
*I really can't visit my college years without giving some credit to a man who changed the way I thought and loved. Bryce J Whitesides and I met at the end of my freshman year. Bryce and I only dated the last month of school and kept up a long distance relationship for a month until we spent three weeks together prior to him going on a mission. After that it was two years of letters and cassette tapes only. From Bryce I learned a few things. I learned that I was truly lovable which also meant I learned myself how to love deeply. I learned to trust the Lord even more as I studied the scriptures and prayed in fervent prayer on his behalf. I am thankful for his influence in my life. I couldn't be who I am without what he added to my life.
*Jessica was one of my roommates and also the caretaker of her parents house which we lived in while they were in Israel. She was actually my older sisters best friend from high school. At first I was a little worried that I would always feel like Cheryl's little sister to her, but she made me feel at ease right away. Jessica is one of those women who makes you want to be better. She just lives life at a high standard and that makes you want to live at that same standard. She was always a good example spiritually. She was also a good student and a very responsible person (although I do know that she wasn't always that way). She was someone I could talk to and never feel judged or stupid. She just made you feel good and I am still thankful to be in contact with her even if it is sparse sometimes. At least it's good to know that I can always get an update on her through Cheryl.
*Valerie was another roommate that year although only for a few months. She was such a delightful roommate. In this home I was the young one, but I didn't feel it until I wanted to keep Valerie up until 2:00 am talking and she was dead tired. Valerie was one person I loved for her infectious laugh and her quick wit and sarcasm. She was always making up great stories that I knew were just stories, but our guests seemed to miss the sarcasm she would lay on thick. She was just such a delight to be around and she always kept you thinking. She definitely was missed when her stay with us was so short lived, but I have always kept tabs on her because I can't stand the thought of having her slip out of my life. I love ya Val!
*My last apartment before I was married gave me two wonderful roommates. The first roommate I also worked with at Sinclair. Nicole and I had a good time together. She is also the person who introduced me to my husband, Kent. There were so many good times with Nicole and Jessica P. and I chasing after boys. She was always the one with enough guts to speak up if there was a guy someone liked. Nicole is someone I can say is always at her best and fashionable when you see her. While on the other hand she is one who is not afraid to get dirty if she needs to. The funny part is she was the only one with a boyfriend who still had all the boys interested in her. She is a very classy, smart, and beautiful woman who I am so proud to know and have indirect relations to. Thanks for all you've done for me!
*My final roommate gave me quite the first impression. Sara is one friend who you quickly see takes her friends from all walks of life. She doesn't judge anyone and loves her friends as though they were family. When I first met Sara I thought she was a little bizarre, but quickly fell in love with her zest for life and country music. She loves boating, camping, country dancing, attending concerts and taking road trips to do so, couch sledding, four-wheeling, horseback riding and anything else that says living. She is one of those friends that sticks with you through it all. When you go to an event with her you realize that she doesn't have any shortage of friends. Even so you never feel like you are just a number. She loves all her friends and whenever you meet another one of her friends you feel like you already know them because of how much you have heard about them. I'm pretty sure there is no one else like Sara in the world, but if there were I'm sure that she'd be a friend of Sara's too. Thanks so much for being my friend Sara. You have enriched my life.