Monday, December 29, 2008

Teaching Children Life Skills

When I go about my mindless tasks the wheels in my head start turning. Thus is the case today. I don't know why for sure, but as these thoughts ran through my mind it occurred to be that I should share these ideas with others. So here you go. I hope you find this beneficial.

I don't recall how the process started but it can to the idea that we all have a child within each of us telling us how to feel about the things we observe in our lives. You know like when we see a group of other adults laughing and think perhaps they are laughing at you. Or like the thoughts that I sometimes have about work schedules. Sometimes I have no hours and my child says, "look they don't like you so they are trying to get rid of you." Interestingly enough the child says the same about when they schedule me many hours. You can't win for loosing. The responsible adult in me reassures that child that no one cares enough to put that much emotion into the scheduling and the child realizes that I am right.

As these thoughts were swirling in my head I realized that one of the most important parts of life is identifying when our child speaks and when we are being rational adults. That part is difficult, but what about when you are the child? When a child comes to you and says, "mom, she/he was being mean to me." What do we do? Do you immediately buy in to that feeling? Do we brush the child's concerns off? Or do we teach our children how to deal with those feelings and how to question those emotions?

Ideally I think we should do the last. In my college courses we were taught to observe children and record the actions of the children without attaching a value to the action. IE: Instead of Johnny was being naughty and hit someone, you would say, Johnny hit a child on the back. It's interesting when we do this exercise how much more reality we see. Would it not be wise then to teach this aspect to our child when they use the phrase, "She was being mean?" Why not ask, "What did thy do?" "Are you sure they were being mean?" "Did you ask them if they were trying to be mean?" "Did you tell them you didn't like that because you thought it was mean?"

As I thought through this process of teaching my children how to process this information in a more empowering way I realized that when the time comes I may forget to use these methods (since Braxton hasn't attained this level of communicating with me). My thought is that perhaps I can share these ideas with my friends and therefore you in turn will remind me when I am at that place. I just think that empowering children with valuable lessons and life skills is SO important in this day and age!

Sunday, December 28, 2008


For those of you who were wondering my Primary Sharing Time was a success. The kids were absolutely engaged when we started because they had noticed the presents on the table as they walked in. We had 11 children in Primary so I had each on open a gift and I opened the last. Which I used my Christus statue in addition to the pictures I handed out to the kids.

As they opened the first gifts and I told them what they represented they were fairly attentive. Once we got into it they were guessing what each item represented and it was a lot of fun to see where they took each idea. They really are thinkers. I hope that as we change to teaching monthly (instead of teaching for the whole month) I will be blessed again to have these kind of ideas come to me. It did take a lot of time and effort on my part, but I do believe that this could be a Sharing time that will stay in the minds of many of the children. I think that is when you truly know you are successful.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Abundantly Blessed!!!

We woke up to this...
Blessed by Grandparents, Cousins, Brothers and Sisters...

Grandma Kunz made the quiet books for the kids last year and added these pages this year.
Snowman making kit

This book is a gift from Kent's sister Darcy. The illustrations were done by Kent's great grandma. They decided to make it into a book and this will be a truly cherished gift!

Blessed by many friends...

Blessed by Santa...

Dad-Blessed by Mom and Braxton I'm sure the temple bag was Kent's favorite gift, but he needed it.

Braxton-Blessed by Mom and Dad
(Made personally for Braxton by mom)Mom-Blessed by Dad and Braxton

Need I say more. We have more than enough this Christmas season!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

In case you didn't hear me...
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We don't hear it or say it often enough!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas From Us!!!

Christmas in the Truck Yard

‘Twas the night before Christmas when all through the yard
The trucks were still purring though the economy was falling hard.
The dump truck was lined behind the back hoe and dozer
We looked and we looked but could not find the loader.

We checked on the driver and there in his bed
The loader was lying beside his sweet head.
The wood trains were loaded in the equipments big cup
It waited for orders to put the toys up.

The child was dreaming of trucks galore
Hoping Santa would bring trucks with trailers and more
The puppies and Bob (the builder) were put in there place
We were making more room to put more toys in this space.

The “boys” were in bed and mom was getting quite tired
Putting Christmas together she had almost expired.
This year she had done it yet again without fail
But perhaps doing it all kept her from sending out mail. This poem could go one quite a while we know
I was thinking, however, it should come with the snow
With that in mind we will end this poetic delight.
Saying Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

All has been well with us this year. To be brief I will give you the year’s updates…

Kent -Became Young Men’s President in May.
-Still working in construction with the same company but upgraded to fuel truck driver and maintenance man. Ask him about his big truck.
-Has been blessed to see my face almost every morning for five years in March. Lucky Duck!!!

Marlies -Graduated from Activities Director at church to second counselor in Primary
-Continues to work a few nights a week at Eddie Bauer and enjoys working there when it is NOT the holidays.
-Is glad she has been married to Kent 5 years so she could discover how much better he could get…and looks forward to an even better Kent in 5 more years.
-Has been working on losing weigh since April and has lost 25 lbs with out the help of a personal trainer or a gym membership!

Braxton -Is the inspiration for the truck yard letter since we live in a life filled with trucks.
-Is the best 2-year-old counter I know. 2,3,5,6 GO!
-Enjoys helping mom with the tree watering, dishes, and letting us know if we do any of those things the wrong way.
-Loves; playing with anything on wheels, his stuffed puppies, horses

We all hope the holidays find your families well and grateful! We are thankful for all we have and appreciate this time to celebrate Christ’s birth!
Kent, Marlies, and Braxton

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Parable of the Farmer

Once upon a time there was a farmer who was very wise and had a beautiful farm in a valley far away from the city. He and his wife lived there with all their children and they were very happy. The farmer wanted nothing more than for his children to grow up, find a spouse to marry, and come back to the valley to gain their inheritance, a part of this beautiful valley. He was also a wise farmer though and knew that he could not force this life upon his children so he allowed them to choose.

As each child left to pursue education and life experiences outside the valley the farmer gave them the conditions upon which he would allow them to come back and gain their land. He told them they would need to find a spouse who could support them in the many labors that would need to be done. This kind of lifestyle would take two. He also told them that he expected them to help others along their way. There would be much work that the Farmer would need done and therefore all would have to contribute who lived there. The farmer knew the blessings of giving to others and being grateful. Therefore, each child would have to share what they grew in their section of the land with all their brothers and sisters. All his children would need to check in with him daily to find out where their help was needed to make the entire farmland run properly.

Weekly the family members would get together to discuss the matters of the farm and what all needed to be done in each section of land. These meetings were usually enjoyable but at times would cause hurt and frustration when someone became selfish and unyielding to the families overall needs. Mostly the families lived in peace and love and found true enjoyment living in this valley. Each child in their time would go out into the world and come back with a mate and take on their portion of the farm. As the family and the farm grew many realized how well fed and happy they were. It was quite a blessing having family close by and hard work to keep them busy.

When the last son heard the rules as he went out to explore the world he thought to himself 'why would I want to take part in such a simple boring life when there is so much more for me in the city?' He discussed his thoughts with his father and his father told him he would respect his wishes but miss him greatly since the demands of the farm life would not allow him to come see his son.

The son went out into the world and found it to be cruel, unhappy and many times left him feeling lonely and hungry. Many times he thought to find a wife and go back home to the farm where he knew of such wonderful and simple happiness. Whenever he would discuss his ideas with his friends they would laugh and tell him he was far smarter than to live the life of a farmer. "Farming is hard work and no real respect. Why would you want to live such an unimportant and simple life?" His friends told him many things to convince him to stay and he did. They even told him of how his father couldn't love him when he would never visit or bring food to him and so the son began to be angry with the father and the distance grew even more.

One day when he was particularly hungry and lonely he decided to go back. He stormed into his father's home with all his anger and accused his family of turning their backs on him. They reminded him that he had chosen to leave and stay away when they could have used his help. After many words he became more angry. His father tried to calm him and asked him one more time to return and take his land, but the son refused and left again to the city.

I may continue this story idea one day, but for now it is sufficient to prove my point. A few weeks back I was talking to a couple of co-workers about their feelings on why they chose to stop attending the LDS church. The discussion was very interesting and I have been compelled by one woman's reasons since. Her comment was, "I don't think you have to go to church to be a good person or even a particular faith, and I know a lot of people of many faiths and of no faith that are good genuine people." How could I argue? Growing up in Oregon I had friends who were Methodist, Mennonite, Lutheran, Calvinist, Born Again Christian, Baptist and more. They all had good strong values and some had even stronger values and devotions to God than perhaps I did. The more I thought about what I could have told her (had the feeling been right to share my feelings) the more this story came to my mind.

Just as the farmer set conditions upon his children to come back so has our Heavenly Father. He knows what has to be done to take care of his children and he knows we need to work together to make those things happen. That is why he established his church here on the earth. That is why he has organized it in a way that no matter where you are you can be taken care of if you want to seek that help out. I don't go to church to become a good person. I was raised a good person and I believe I came to this earth with those desires. I go to church so I can bless the lives of those around me and so I can find out where my talents are needed. I go to church to feel of His spirit. Just as the Farmer's family had to gather to find out what needed to be done so do we as members of God's family. Where are we going to go to find out that information if not at church? Who are we helping if we are sitting at home watching football all Sunday long? Whose lives are we blessing because we have been blessed?

Although I don't know that she will ever read this (and I do respect her a great deal) I want to say that going to church doesn't make you a good person but it does help you to remember how to become a better person. Just as the wise Farmer offered the land to his children so does our Father offer us gifts of wealth and happiness, but he will allow us to chose to accept those gifts or leave them. He will not chase us down and force us into a way of life that we do not chose, but oh how He wants to give it to us. He is our Father and He loves us, but within that love he gives us the right and the power to chose to follow Him or not. It is up to us to decide whether or not we want to live with Him. He is always willing to take us in and He has provided the way. I pray that my path will always allow me to take others with me as we work on making it back home to our inheritance and our Father in heaven.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Marlies' Movie Review of Four Christmases

Ya'll didn't know I was a movie critic did you (or southern apparently either)? Last night Kent and I went to see the movie Four Christmases which I was very excited to see. I thought I would leave a movie review for those of you thinking of watching it. Here goes...

The synopsis from is "When a couple tries to fly away from their family for Christmas, as they do every year, their fun turns around when all flights have been canceled. Now they have to go to four houses to celebrate Christmas while going through memories they don't want to go into and surprises they can't handle while they have to use a safe word to get out of situations."

There were quite a few times I laughed out loud hard during this movie. It was definitely a comic relief. The overall theme was pretty funny. From one extreme to another and then even another. I would love to share the most funny parts, but then I would ruin the movie. As far as the anticipated laughter I expected I was not disappointed in the least.

There were two things that did leave me disappointed. One of course was the overabundance of sexual innuendos (seems Hollywood can't ever leave them out). While some of it was comical most of it seemed just absolutely unnecessary. The other part was the "Nativity Scene" that was definitely blasphemous. While I can laugh at aspects of religion I don't know that this was an appropriate way to make light of this scene. Although I did laugh at the reality of the way some churches choose to "worship" these days. In some ways it was very true to life.

Overall I would give this film a B letter grade. It was fun and entertaining and kept me laughing. It was also odd to see Tim McGraw about 30 lbs heavier. It took me a while to realize it was him (if I hadn't remembered I had hear he gained weight to be in the movie I wouldn't have realized it was him). I think I may have to see this movie again, but it is one that I can wait until it comes out of video to see again.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Primary Sharing Time Lesson Idea

I sat down just now with the intention to come up with some ideas to do the 12 days of Christmas to someone. As I was putting ideas down the thought came into my mind to do something else for this family and use these ideas for my primary lesson the end of this month. I thought for those of you who may not know what to do this was an interesting idea. The idea isn't fully developed but I know that many of you could use this now and not so much once I do get it developed. Here you go...

I was thinking of wrapping 12 gifts and having the children open them.

Gift #1. Hand sanitizer (pass it around and have each child take a pump and cleanse their hands) This represents when Christ cleansed the lepers as well as the gift of baptism he
has given us.

Gift #2. Bread (maybe like a quarter slice for each child pre-cut) This bread symbolizes two things the Savior is the bread of life and it also symbolizes the manna dropped from heaven for the Israelites.

Gift #3. Candy Canes (a small one for each child) These represent the shepherd's staff telling us that the angel's first visited the poor when Christ was born. Christ will take care of all of us.

Gift #4. Flashlight (One to show the children) Christ is the light of the world and he will show the way when it gets dark

Gift #5. Meat (a little portion of lunch meat on a toothpick for each child) When Nephi broke his bow and couldn't get meat the Lord provided a way for them

Gift #6. Water Bottles (small one for each child or one bottle and a cup for each child) Christ is the living water scripture

Gift #7. Blanket (Once for each group to place over their legs for a moment) Representing the comforter the Holy Ghost in our lives.

Gift #8. Scripture's (Hold up one set) Representing the word of God

Gift #9. Fruit (one piece for each child) Representing the fruit of the tree of life in Lehi's Vision or in other words Eternal Life

Gift #10. Tree (not sure how to do this one, leaf, flower, wooden something?) Representing the tree of life from the vision or the Love of God

Gift #11. Lifesaver's (one lifesaver for each child) Representing a wedding ring to symbolize the temple and the one eternal round

Gift #12. Picture of Christ (one for each child) Representing nothing but Christ himself to help us live each day like He did

After opening all the "Gift's from Christ" ask the Children after all that Christ has done for you what can we do for Him?

Like I said this is a rough draft form without the scripture helps and all. I'm sure you all have such great imaginations and can come up with the rest. You can also use this to do the 12 days of Christmas for someone, but I felt prompted to use it elsewhere.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are...!

I have to laugh a little. I have my blog posted on facebook and I sent out an email to many of my friends, but in four days I have had 91 hits on my blog. Of those 91 hits I have a total of 7 comments. Of those 7 comments 6 of them are from people who usually comment on my blog and 2 of them are from Becca. So, all you peeping blog readers come out, come out wherever you are!

I am calling you out. I love to read your comments. I like to know what your thoughts are. At the very least I like to know you are reading. I have enabled my blog for you to comment without logging in. You can leave an anonymous comment and write your name at the bottom if you want. There are some of you who have told me via facebook or email that you read my blog and I want to thank you for your comments. I also want to thank all 6 of you who did comment. It really helps me to know that I am touching someone. For the rest of you...I will be looking forward to your comments. If you want to make it a personal comment for only me to read let me know and I will not publish your comment, but please do take a moment to say hello! Thank you for taking the time to make me a part of your day. I've got another blog idea in mind so stay tuned!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Temple Marriage is not Necessarily Celestial Marriage

There's nothing in the world like a new vehicle. You bring it home and treat it like it was gold. Why not? It cost a lot to buy it. You wash it once a week at least. You make sure and change the oil every 3000 miles. You want to scream at anyone who gets within 10 feet of it because they may accidentally scratch it, and there is absolutely no eating in there. As time goes on the weekly washes turn to monthly. The oil changes stretch to 4500 miles. You start to ease up on people and the eating rule goes out the window. Amazingly we can't figure out why the value of a vehicle depreciates.

I think far too often marriage relationships are like that new car. You bring that spouse home and you experience "the newlywed" phase of life. This is where you do all the things you think you are suppose to do as a married person. You say sorry quickly. You make sure to go out and have fun together. You still may open the door for her and you still want to cook for him. I know every couples relationship is a little different, but all married couples go through that wonderful stage of life. After a few years the newness wears off. You stop being concerned about the other person and start worrying that marriage is not as easy as you had expected and you think that this is not what you signed up for. You have kids, school, and other interests that distance you and that distance begins to grow if you neglect the maintenance of that marriage. When these things happen the value of that marriage depreciates.

This post has been on my mind for a couple of weeks now. In a confused and angry moment a friend of mine questioned how important temple marriage was. The comment made was "I know so many people who are married in the temple and are in unhappy marriages. So what does it matter if I don't get married in the temple if I marry a person I love?" The anger of the moment made it hard to answer that question, but ever since I have thought about it and discussed it with my friend.

During the most recent conference in the talk by Russell M. Nelson he said, "I also assert the virtue of a temple marriage. It is the highest and most enduring type of marriage that our Creator can offer to His children." (Russell M. Nelson, “Celestial Marriage,” Liahona, Nov 2008, 92–95) Elder Dallin H. Oaks said, "A good marriage does not require a perfect man or a perfect woman. It only requires a man and a woman committed to strive together toward perfection." (Dallin H. Oaks, “Divorce,” Ensign, May 2007, 70–73)

Just about a year ago I fell prey to the temptation of selfishness that tries to destroy marriages. While it was just a little struggle I became so angry with Kent and his "lack of being the husband I thought he should be." In the last year I have grown so much in my love for Kent as I strive to let go of those expectations. I have learned so much about the importance of finding happiness within myself and not placing that expectation upon Kent to "make" me happy.

Elder Nelson says, "That proclamation on the family helps us realize that celestial marriage brings greater possibilities for happiness than does any other relationship." However, while that relationship does bring the greatest happiness it doesn't come freely and it isn't a crutch for us to use to blame our spouse for our own unhappiness. The family proclamation also reminds us that “husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other.” (Liahona, Oct. 2004, 49; Ensign, Nov. 1995, 102.) In my mind that means that if I am busy seeing what Kent is not doing for me then I am probably not looking to see what I CAN be doing for him. I am still allowed to ask him for the things I need, but I should be patient and understand that he too is learning how to be his best as my husband.

I appreciated this quote by Elder Nelson also, "Meanwhile, mortal misunderstandings can make mischief in a marriage. In fact, each marriage starts with two built-in handicaps. It involves two imperfect people. Happiness can come to them only through their earnest effort. Just as harmony comes from an orchestra only when its members make a concerted effort, so harmony in marriage also requires a concerted effort. That effort will succeed if each partner will minimize personal demands and maximize actions of loving selflessness...Harmony in marriage comes only when one esteems the welfare of his or her spouse among the highest of priorities. When that really happens, a celestial marriage becomes a reality, bringing great joy in this life and in the life to come."

The point is we may have that temple marriage, but it's what we do after that day that makes it a celestial marriage. Yes, many of us were married in the temple and all of us struggle in our marriages at times. But we are only unhappy if we chose to be. I say that in respect as I do know that many marriages are difficult and some are even physically, emotionally, and mentally unhealthy. These are not the marriages I am speaking of. It is those of us who have wonderful marriages that are depreciating in value because we are not caring for them properly. I pray that we will all take the time to evaluate our part in our marriages. Let's ask ourselves if we are doing all we can to give ourselves completely to our spouses and love them eternally. Then let's ask if we are too busy placing expectations on them to see what it is we truly have. We were all singles once and worked so hard to find and make this person ours. Are we working just as hard to keep them as our own? If not then we need to ask ourselves who we are allowing to guide our marriage...Satan or Christ?

Please feel free to share the ways that you maintain you own marriage.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Gratitude and Blessings in November

Sun 30 *I am thankful that I was able to stay home from church and take it easy. I am also thankful so many thoughtful people came and brought me chicken noodle soup.
Sat 29 *I am thankful for Cookie Cutters where Braxton finally left a haircut with a smile. I am also thankful I didn't have to work a 5 hour shift as I was blowing my nose over and over again. I am thankful to have found more great gifts for people!
Fri 28 *I am thankful I was able to get in a good workout do to good prioritizing. I am also thankful for weight loss over Thanksgiving. I am also thankful to be able to come home an hour early from work when I was feeling lousy with a cold.
Thur 27 *I am thankful for a good safe drive down south and home. I am also thankful to have been surrounded by family. I am thankful for a great dinner. I am thankful for fun cousins and uncles who made the day fun for Braxton and the kids. I am thankful for a good day overall.
Wed 26 *I am thankful for the idea to do an obstacle course type of exercise. I am also thankful to have the in-laws Christmas presents ready to go tomorrow.
Tue 25 *I am thankful I was able to get the materials to get Kent's dads present done. It looks so good.
Mon 24 *I am thankful Kent's mom's present came in the mail today. I am thankful I was able to get out and walk to Walmart. In addition I am very grateful Kent and I were able to do a movie night at home and feel close and connected.
Sun 23 *I am thankful that I was able to listen to the spirit twice today when my neighbor needed me. I am thankful I was able to see my small son demonstrate empathy during the movie Lilo and Stitch tonight.
Sat 22 *I am thankful I was able to go out and do a seven mile run/walk today. I am also thankful for a low key day. It was nice.
Fri 21 *I am thankful that I have my son and not someone else's I know all children go to the homes they are supposed to. My son is perfect for me. I am also thankful my neighbor Melissa and I decided to eat in tonight because if we hadn't we could have been caught in horrible traffic or worse caught up in the accidents. Besides that the dinner we made was wonderful!!!
Thur 20 *I am thankful for my house being cleaned. I am also thankful Kent worked out a plan for me to get to work on time when he couldn't be home in time for me to go.
Wed 19 *I am thankful for many things today. I am thankful I was able to visit with a neighbor and her daughters today so Braxton had some friends to play with. I am thankful for a 5 mile run. I am thankful for fun at the park with Braxton and Kent. I am thankful for the Lord's protection and Kent's quick response that avoided a near miss accident when a car swerved out from behind a stopped bus. I am also thankful I was able to play a game with Kent tonight. It was a great day!
Tue 18 *I am thankful I was able to attend my friends storyboard party tonight. It was nice to get out of the house and let Braxton play with someone his age.
Mon 17 *I am thankful to have kept a gratitude journal so I could look back through the year and see some of the highlights I had forgotten. I am also thankful for family night.
Sun 16 *I am thankful for a good Sunday with a spirit filled sacrament meeting. I am also thankful to see so many inactive families at church today.
Sat 15 *I am thankful to have been able to see Kent's brother Gordon and his family today. We really enjoyed spending time with them as they were up for a high school football game.
Fri 14 *I am thankful to attend the temple today. I am also thankful I was able to attend Carrie's ladies night in. It was a much needed break!
Thur 13 *I am thankful to have a project to try and get finished before Thanksgiving. I can't wait for Christmas when I have such fun gift ideas!
Wed 12 *I am thankful I was able to make bread today even if I didn't add enough flour and it didn't turn out well.
Tue 11 *I am thankful for the men and women who have served so I can have the blessings of liberty. I am also thankful for a really intense night of The Biggest Loser and seeing Brady go. (do all of my gratitudes have to be deeply profound?)
Mon 10 *I am thankful to be getting excited about giving Christmas gifts. It's so much more fun when you don't wait until the last minute. I am also thankful for a fun day and family night playing hide and seek with Braxton. I am thankful I was able to get a workout in when I didn't feel like doing it.
Sun 9 *I am thankful for an early bedtime for a tired and ornery boy.
Sat 8 *I am thankful to have enjoyed a difficult workout from the library.
Fri 7 *I am thankful for new workout equipment. I am also thankful Kent was able to sell Shorty to such a nice lady.
Thur 6 *I am thankful I was able to get in a 5 mile walk today.
Wed 5 *I am thankful for the snow that made me feel like having a much needed relaxed day of down time.
Tue 4 *I am thankful for my right to vote and make my voice heard. I am also thankful to hear that many Californians and Arizonians support marriage being between a man and a woman.
Mon 3 *I am thankful I was able take Braxton down to see the animals at the farm today. It was a lot of fun to go with friends and get out of the house.
Sun 2 *I am thankful for the wonderful gifts of the spirit to touch my life and guide and direct me.
Sat 1 *I am thankful for a full day spent with family. There was a great spirit at Kade's blessing and it is always nice to see family. It was also nice to spend the afternoon serving a sister in the ward. I am thankful to have finished up my applesauce canning with the help of Kent.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fun, Enjoyment, Life!

Overall thinking about all these blessing and also all the smaller blessings that I write down daily I know that I have been blessed with a life of fun and enjoyment. I have been amply blessed beyond what I can even believe. It has been nice to see all my blessings written down. I think my biggest blessing this year is know exactly what my blessings are. I pray that I may always have a grateful heart because it makes me more joyful, more loving, more giving, happier, and more aware of my ability to help others. I am thankful for this life I have been blessed with. The Lord does love me and it is evident in all the things he has blessed me with.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Christmas Spirit

Last year I experienced the hardest Christmas in my life so far. This year I have every intention to make things different. That is why I am going to start 24 days of Christmas gifts. I have done the 12 days of Christmas and really enjoyed that but often that costs money. This year I am going to do a gift everyday of December up until Christmas. I REALLY hope this helps me get the real spirit of Christmas. I have faith that it will.
SO here's what I am going to do. I am going to find one way everyday to give something of myself that I wouldn't normally give at Christmas. These ideas include volunteer to watch someone's children while they go Christmas shopping, making something (bread, cookies, dinner, etc.) and taking it to someone, getting out of the house and visiting others, any kind acts that the Lord is willing to put into my head as I pray everyday to do an act of kindness that is meaningful to someone. I hope that this will make my Holidays more merry and bright this year. I will try and keep you updated as to how it goes although I won't promise daily updates. Please accept the challenge to do this yourselves and let's see how much Christmas cheer we can spread this year! If you do please let me know how it impacts your life! Here's wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

Have a Seat.

Kent and I have been blessed with many things in our marriage. One thing in particular I feel we have been blessed with is furniture. Now it may not be the most beautiful, but we have spent very little money having to furnish our apartment. When I met Kent he had accumulated many couches, the desk our computer is sitting on, a bed, an entertainment center, end tables, a dryer and a washer. He had also bought a TV and DVD/VCR combo. After we were married we were blessed with even more. Money was contributed to a store in his hometown that was only short about $100 of the cost of a new mattress and box springs as well as frames. We were able to buy a nice table from our friends for $20. Kent's parents bought Braxton's crib. My sister gave us the bed frame Braxton sleeps on. I was able to buy me a piano the Christmas before Braxton was born that I would not be able to afford now. That doesn't account for each piece of furniture in our home, but we really have been blessed overwhelmingly with so much in order to furnish our home. I am very grateful for that!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Drive Baby Drive

Kent and I have rarely been without a vehicle and I think that is a blessing all in itself. I have had the opportunity to help those who have been without one and it usually brings quite a bit of frustration. I am thankful for both of our vehicles. I am thankful that my little car has lasted so long without a lot of repairs needed. I am also thankful that we have my car paid off. It is so great to have a car without a car payment. In these times it is also a blessing to have a vehicle that is so fuel efficient. I am also thankful Kent has a truck that he really enjoys. We have been blessed to find a truck that is able to pull all the things Kent has had to pull. I also find it to be a blessing when we have been able to help so many people pick things up because they wouldn't fit in a car. We have been blessed.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Other Skills

With all the blessings I have spoken of this month one group that is rarely thought of but always appreciated are my skills. I have been blessed with multiple skills that are more than handy and most of which are accredited to my mother. These are also skills from work, school, friends and life. Rather than go on and on about each I think I will just list these ones.

Cleaning (even deep cleaning)
Mothering (my child and others)
Computer Work
Canning Foods

I'm sure there are quite a few more skills but since I am not applying for a job those will do for now. I am thankful for all my skills listed and unlisted.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Teach a Man How to Fish...

Give a man a fish and he'll eat for the day. Teach a man to fish and he'll eat for life. I think we all know this old proverb, but how many of us can "fish"? I feel that I have been blessed with wonderful tools in my life. This year I have been able to buy and can some fruit and get some food storage built up. I am so thankful for this skill in my life. I can't even begin to explain what it has meant to me do be able to put in the work and build up that storage. I appreciate what others do for me but I appreciate even more all the things that I can do for myself!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Day in the Life of a Two-year-old

Sunday was a very interesting day that I shows some of Braxton's quirky personality. I'd like to share it with you. The day started off usual with getting ready for church and getting there. We finished up primary sharing time and nursery music time and Braxton needed to be changed. It was a little bit of a blow out so I went home to get him some new clean pants. When I came back and changed him he was so mad at me. Braxton knows which clothes are his church clothes and he will not wear any others. He was mad about the wrong pants all through sacrament meeting.

During sacrament meeting we had an intermediate hymn and when the song finished I thought I would look and see what the closing song was. As I was looking Braxton took the hymn book from me and put it away as if to say, "Mom, singing time is over now." Funny thing with that, a few weeks ago we were sitting in church and the speakers finished early. Everyone was expecting to sing the closing song and end but the bishop got up. I guess Braxton knows what comes next because he started singing with his hymnbook on his lap while the bishop said a few words. How could we stop him. He knew it was time for the song.

After church it was nap time. Braxton had been in there a while and since Kent had left to home teach the house was quiet. Suddenly I heard Braxton shout "NO, puppy, no!" I started to laugh. I laughed even harder when I heard him crying his overly 'fake' cry. Then it moved on to the sound of a matchbox car driving up and down the door. As you can see our nap time is VERY restful for him.

One work of progress we have going on these days is toilet training and Braxton is doing very well. I have been starting to let him take care of going on his own thinking that maybe I am keeping him from going when I am in there. Apparently having me gone is a bigger distraction because there is soap to play with in the tub, there is toilet paper to flush, and on Sunday there were swirly's to be had. Yes, I walked into the bathroom and Braxton had dipped his little head in the toilet. So potty time will no longer be alone time.

Finally dinner was a little slow going on Sunday and my smart little boy noticed that. He got the chair, slid it over to the counter and started getting out graham cracker after graham cracker to his hearts delight. He is becoming quite self sufficient. This morning he got out the leftover french toast in the fridge and started eating it. When he saw that I hadn't eaten yet he brought me the other ziploc bag of french toast. Should I be proud of Braxton or ashamed of me that my son is getting me breakfast. Anyway I just wanted to share those stories because my baby is really growing up these days. Here's some pictures to enjoy.

Braxton likes to take his toys with us when we go out walking...

This day he felt the need to take all of his toys...
he didn't take in account that there was no room for himself!

I don't take too many pictures of my biggest kid.

The other day I pointed out this police car across the street to Braxton...

A few minutes later I saw him driving this car in the window sill. What great object association!