Thursday, May 24, 2007

What did you do today?

I have heard of stay at home mom's who have husbands come home and ask, "what did you do today?" Well I am lucky enough to have a husband who knows better than to ask this question. For those of you who have husbands who do ask this I have you can either tell them you had a tornado hit or you can tell him you have one or more of these...

Yes, my son at eleven months already has me running in circles at times. It seems these days I need him to take a nap so I can get something done and have it STAY done. Although I have to brag (or maybe complain) a little. Today Braxton was holding on to his high chair and I was sitting on the kitchen floor (putting things away) when Braxton couragously let go of the high chair and took two sturdy steps toward me. I gave him all kinds of praise and then of couse did what all mom's do...I called my mom to let her celebrate too. Kent got home and Braxton did it again, but since his dad was watching he had to make sure and fall to me mostly. Although these days involve a lot of whining and a lot of bumps and bruises Braxton is really getting fun to watch grow up. I look forward to it and dread it all in the same breath.

P.S. I have no idea what he was doing in the middle picture, but I thought it made him look tough!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Do not pump gas on May 15th...

You also may have received an email similar to this one. Well I have come to offer an alternative. It's new, it's innovative, it's CARPOOLING!!! Ok so it's not SO new, but come on. Do you really think that by not buying gas on a particular day that the gas prices are really going to drop 30 cents? So that leads me to my second solution. Stay home. Ok so those who need to work can't comply with this, but how many families have two incomes and don't REALLY need it. I know that there are those families who do need two incomes, but there are also those who could live off less and frankly don't. Imagine how much less gas we would consume if one parent didn't work and only drove when it was necessary. Yes we have the convenience of cars, but we have been blessed with legs to walk (most of us). The other day my mom took a 45 min walk to go visiting teaching. Do I do that? Well no, but I should, and so should you. Let me be honest. This is really a plug for the need for stay-at-home moms. I miss those days when I was growing up and my mom had all these friends who were at home like herself. I want my friends to be at home so we can play together. It's starting to feel like summer and I want to get outside and do things with other women. So here is my call to all the women... I am at home so come and play.