Dirty Dirty, Wash Wash!!!
So I was just thinking about my Uncle Ronald's infamous saying, "Dirty dirty, wash wash,"
as I looked at the picture of Braxton in the dirt. Uncle Ronald had an accident when he was
younger and so his speech was impaired. So this was his way of telling you your vehicle was dirty you'd better hope to it and get it clean. As I ponder my life these days sometimes I feel as though that is the title of the stay at home mother's guide to life. Who knows maybe I should write a book with that title. If someone else publishes the book first I am totally sueing! ha ha ha. You know the scriptures say that cleanliness is next to Godliness. If that is the case Uncle Ronald is definately in heaven... and I have a lot of work to do to stay out of hell. BUT... I have made headway. This weekend Kent and I REALLY cleaned the bathroom. We got all the hard water buildup off of the walls in the shower and it almost sparkles. Our bathroom is now like that plug-in commercial where the kids hang out in the bathroom just to enjoy the fragrance. I want to bathe in there just to enjoy the beauty of the bath. Too bad there is still more work to be done so I don't have the time to do it. I know I should stop and smell the roses, but my rose bush died this winter.